Comments on: What can help the pain after an accident? Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving Tue, 12 Feb 2013 05:56:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: betsyjbell Tue, 12 Feb 2013 05:56:28 +0000 In reply to Gaga.

This is an interesting therapy that I have not heard of. I can’t find any independent review of the technology after doing an extensive search. I’ve been known to jump on new deals for pain. I remember getting a set of the Nekan (spelling) magnets and applying them to various parts of my body including inserts for my shoes and a huge queen sized bed matress. Did it help? I’m not sure. I thought so at the time but eventually sent the matress to my sister-in-law in Denver who no longer uses it and the other magnets are in a drawer somewhere. It was all expensive. I lean towards supplements, diet and a few routine exercises, stretches, walking, yoga. I almost bought one of those jiggle machines at the state fair but the $1500 price tag put me off. I now read in the Johns Hopkins White Paper on Back Pain and Osteoporosis that it specifically recommended to avoid getting on one of those machines. Thanks to Gaga of South Therapy machine. One something new is suggested, I’d due a thorough search for as much third party information as I can find. Good health to one and all. Keep the suggestions coming. Betsy

By: Gaga Sun, 10 Feb 2013 21:11:52 +0000 The technology in the Infratronic 9 has been shown in controlled studies to help reduce inflammation, speed the natural healing processes of the body, relieve nerve impingement, enhance local circulation, improve sleep, and provide energy boosts.
Unlike ultrasound technology which can cause deep tissue burns in users, the low frequency sound waves of the Ifratronic 9 avoid this problem and pose no risk of deep tissue burning and, better yet, no need for an attendant to monitor the device in use. This device is also more effective than TENS therapy – which can cause desensitization of pain receptors. The purpose of the Infratronic 9 isn’t to numb the pain, but to heal the pain by stimulating the cells around the injured or hurting area.
