Comments on: The Fat Trap Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving Sat, 25 Aug 2012 23:18:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: betsyjbell Sat, 25 Aug 2012 23:18:27 +0000 In reply to Vikash.

What courage you show and your husband is a prince. I don’t know the product you mention, but Shaklee’s Jt. Health Complex works like a dream. Check the products at Thanks for your post. I know people will appreciate reading. Betsy

By: Vikash Sat, 25 Aug 2012 21:38:22 +0000 In reply to monica devine.

Stand with your legs hip distance apart. Hold a towel in both hands in front of you and lift arms oveherad, keeping your shoulders in their sockets. Reach your body over to the right side, feeling a release from your left hip to your ribs. You’ve gone too far if your left foot lifts off the floor. Repeat, reaching to the left side. From a seated position contract your abs and lift your legs to a balanced position with your hands on the floor behind you, pointing forward. Lift your head, extending your spine, and stretch your legs straight away from you, engaging the abs. The body should resemble a V-shape. Inhale, point your toes and circle the legs toward the left ten times. Repeat in the opposite direction. Lower the legs several inches and circle ten more times on each side. Lower legs to 6 inches above the floor and repeat ten times on each side again. If this is too intense, keep knees bent and legs at least one foot from the ground. Lie flat on your back with your head and your shoulders lifted off the floor, hands behind your head, and knees into your chest. Extend your left leg so it’s at a 45-degree angle from the floor, then pull your abs in as you twist your upper body to the right so that your left elbow reaches toward your right knee and your right elbow is extended straight out from your ear. Hold for two counts, then switch sides. Do this four times, then repeat four more times holding for just one count and end with four more times at an even faster speed. [Note: Your butt, hips and back should be pressed against the floor the whole time.] Lie on your left side, resting your head in your left hand and steadying yourself with your right hand planted firmly on the floor in front of your chest. [Note: Keep your chest broad and open; do not curl down toward the floor.] Breathe in and engage your abs, raising both legs twelve inches off the floor as you exhale. Hold for a count of four, then lower them to just above the floor. Inhale and raise again on the exhale. Do this a total of eight times and repeat on the right side.

By: betsyjbell Sat, 25 Aug 2012 15:48:47 +0000 In reply to monica devine.

Great, Monica, Happy travels. I used to juice when my first husband was sick with cancer. It really works wonders for some people. Take a look at the Shaklee protein powder. It is really high quality, no GMO, water washed soy, never heated over 70 degrees, comes without any carbs or in great flavors. I haven’t compared the price to the health food store market. May you arrive perfectly flexible and ready to go. Chile is on my bucket list. Betsy

By: Realene Sat, 25 Aug 2012 15:37:03 +0000 I’ve actually had this for 8 mthons but I got diagnosed last week. I have to do excercises to strengthenmy knees ( I have the syndrome in both knees), I have to ice both knees for 20 mins after soccer practice, and I wear patella straps. You can find them at drug stores and trust me, they make a huge difference!:)

By: monica devine Sat, 14 Jan 2012 07:03:45 +0000 Betsy,
I sure enjoy reading about your exercises used to maintain a pain-free flight. We are traveling in Nov. to Chile, an 18-hr. flight and I’m already thinking about how I’m going to handle it. First Class would be one wonderful way! The best thing I did for myself this year was to buy a VitaMix; I am juicing fruits and greens and find a good shake with added flax meal and protein powder is all I need until dinner time; I’ve been using a salad plate instead of a dinner plate at meals to cut down on calories I simply don’t require anymore. Thanks for your stellar advice on staying in the stream of well-being. Much appreciated.
