Stop that cold from coming

What do you do to avoid catching that cold that is going around? Over the Counter remedies? Homeopathics? Antihistamines? How are these remedies working for you? You’ve just got to stop that cold from coming or you will miss working/skiing/visiting your friends/seeing your family. Help! I recently drove over to Mazama in the Methow valley …

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What is memory?

Just what is Memory anyway?   We use the word “memory” without understanding what it is. Our memory is a complex system that can dictate our day-to-day behavior. Memory can be defined in several ways, including: the process by which the brain stores and remembers information. remembered from the past. the remembering of a deceased …

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Healthier bones

Gentle Reader, Do you ever have the experience of anticipating a really big event that is going to make demands on your body?  You become more aware of the little aches and pains, the warning signals that all is not well?  Maybe bone health has gotten worse. You worry about an escalation of the little …

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arthritic hands

Gentle Reader, Several friends have complained about arthritis in the hands.  There are some things you can do to reduce the pain, increase mobility and slow the process down. Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that is caused by breakdown of cartilage, with eventual loss of the cartilage of the joints. Cartilage is a protein substance that serves …

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Arthritis or Tendonitis?

Gentle Reader, Tendonitis or arthritis?  Which is it?  My oldest daughter (52) was feeling sprightly one morning in Ecstatic Dance and accepted an invitation to do a cartwheel and round off.  Why not?  She is fit, exercises daily and used to do them easily when she was a gymnast back in high school.  So off …

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How to develop Immune system function

             Prepare Now for Cold and Flu Season  How to Develop and Maintain a Healthy Immune System Function NutriFeron – One of the most powerful formulas ever developed for strengthening the immune system. Its unique, synergistic blend of plant extracts including pumpkin seeds, plantago seeds, safflower flowers and Japanese honeysuckle flower …

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Vitamin C Sustained Release

This is the time of the year, our bodies experience stress due to the change of seasons. So to keep us at the top of our game we are focusing on Vita C. It is also called ascorbic acid, which is the form of vitamin C found in most foods. It is a water-soluble vitamin …

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Where’s the Nyquil?

Gentle Readers,  From the couch, handkerchiefs everywhere, head propped up I write to tell you the story of a person who used to get every cold bug that came along.  In the old days, I grabbed the Coricidin and then the Nyquil P.M. and then went whimpering to my doctor.  He gladly swabbed my throat …

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But I have to have an operation!

Gentle Reader, I was talking with a guy last night who had to have an operation for his hip.  The osteoarthritis had become so advanced into the hip joint that various movements were impeded.  A long time supplement user, he fortified himself with various supplements in order to tolerate the operation well and heal quickly. …

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