sleep aids Archives - GrandmaBetsyBell Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving Thu, 14 Oct 2021 23:52:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 More energy by day; better sleep by night Thu, 14 Oct 2021 23:52:05 +0000 From the heart…… Recently I stopped by the drinks section of my favorite healthy grocery store, Puget Consumer Coop in West Seattle. I rarely buy any flavored drink preferring filtered water. I seldom leave home without a full water bottle in my purse. But that day, I was dragging and wanted a quick boost. Whatever …

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From the heart……

Recently I stopped by the drinks section of my favorite healthy grocery store, Puget Consumer Coop in West Seattle. I rarely buy any flavored drink preferring filtered water. I seldom leave home without a full water bottle in my purse. But that day, I was dragging and wanted a quick boost. Whatever it was that I bought and drank down on my long walk, it wired me with fantastic energy for the rest of the day and into the night. A bit too much.

There are two problems here:

1. Too much water is being pumped from the Earth and sent around the world with just a little added something-or-other. This is environmentally unsound. Flavor your local tap water yourself. Cut down on plastic bottles. Cut down on shipping which clogs the highways and adds C02 to the atmosphere.

2. What’s in all those drinks? Are they healthy? Artificial? If we need an energy boost—and apparently we do—are we doing damage to ourselves by drinking these concoctions?

Just as I was pondering these problems, Shaklee introduced a new powder, in serving-sized packets designed to make your filtered tap water into an energy drink. Read on to get the full story on this drink.

You and I have to do all we can to reduce the mining of water and the shipping of things we could make at home. Little shifts in our habits like making our own energy drink could help reverse global devastation. Every little act makes a difference, especially if we tell other people about it. Change the neighborhood, one household at a time.

Sustained Energy Boost you can mix at home.
Grapefruit or raspberry.

Sustained Energy Boost is an on-the-go stick pack available in two fruity flavors, Raspberry and Pink Grapefruit. It delivers a boost of energy powered by 100 mg caffeine from extracts of green coffee beans and green tea, plus chardonnay grape seed extract to promote healthy circulation, which helps deliver caffeine to the body and brain.

Why does it contain chardonnay seed extract?
Rich in polyphenols, chardonnay grape seed extract has been shown in a pilot study to rapidly enhance circulation within 1 hour. Healthy circulation is critical for the distribution of nutrients to the body and brain. Sustained Energy Boost contains chardonnay grape seed extract to promote healthy circulation to help deliver caffeine to the body and brain.
When is the best time to drink it?
Anytime you need a pick me up.
What’s the best way to drink it?
Mix 1 stick with 8–10 oz. of water or your favorite drink. Take a sip and get going!

MN $19.95 for 14 sticks. You will save so much money making your energy drink at home! Order some today.

More from the heart.

I’ve been having trouble sleeping through the night for years. Is it one of the conditions of growing old? Friends have talked to me about not sleeping well. Even with 3 tablets of Gentle Sleep Complex every night. Our body repairs as we sleep. We need a full night’s restful sleep, preferably uninterrupted. This seems to be a problem across the generations. So much stress in a chaotic world. Just as I was considering going to the health food store to see what might be available, Shaklee announced a new sleep aide. Read on for the details.

A restful night’s sleep is a precious thing. It can be yours.

Dream Serene ingredients

Melatonin, a hormone produced in the body that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Melatonin has been clinically proven to help you fall asleep faster.
Valerian, a plant that reduces the time necessary to fall asleep and improves sleep quality in individuals with sleep problems.
Lemon Balm extract is used in teas and traditional medicine to relieve headaches and treat sleeplessness. It is clinically shown to affect sleep and mood.
The synergistic blend of valerian & lemon balm promotes more restful sleep.
L-theanine, an amino acid found in tea leaves that helps alleviate stress.

Understanding How Sleep Affects Your Heart

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that one-third of adults get less than the minimum recommendation of 7 hours of sleep each night, adding to their risk for heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. What does that mean for you?

Count your hours. Lack of sleep can disrupt your hormones and cause calcium buildup and other changes in your arteries. On the other hand, excessive sleep of more than 9 hours is associated with higher health risks too. Most adults need to aim for 7 to 8 hours nightly.

Watch your blood pressure. Your heart slows down, and your blood pressure drops while you sleep. This nocturnal dipping gives your body a chance to heal from daily stress. Without this time off, you’re more vulnerable to hypertension and other issues.

Manage diabetes. Elevated blood sugar can harm your blood vessels. Sleep helps to stabilize blood glucose, lowering your risk for prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes.

Lose weight. Do you crave fattening foods after a restless night? Studies show that lack of sleep may throw your hunger hormones out of balance, and make you want to overeat. Excess pounds increase inflammation and strain your heart, especially if they settle down around your midsection.

Reduce sleep apnea. If you snore and feel tired during the day, you may have sleep apnea. This disorder causes you to stop breathing intermittently while you’re asleep, putting you at greater risk for heart attack, stroke, and atrial fibrillation. Ask your doctor about CPAP therapy and other options.

Minimize disruptions. Even if you go to bed early, frequent interruptions can keep you from enjoying the four essential stages of sleep. The deeper stages of non-rapid eye movement sleep are especially beneficial for your heart. In addition, continuous sleep keeps your heart rate from spiking each time you wake up.

Be consistent. One study found that shift workers had almost 20% higher rates of coronary heart disease. If possible, go to bed and wake up at around the same time each day.

Change your diet. Eat more fiber, including vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Cut back on saturated fat and avoid trans fats.

Exercise regularly. Work your way up to doing at least 150 minutes of moderate activity each week. Cardio workouts like running and biking strengthen your heart and lower your blood pressure. Strength training conditions your heart and enhances your overall health too.

Learn to relax. It’s natural to feel anxious sometimes, especially in these chaotic times. Relaxation practices can help you to cope and enjoy more restful sleep. Take part each day in activities that help you relax.

Use natural sleep aids. A gentle, yet effective product like Shaklee Dream Serene, a patent-pending formula containing melatonin and a proprietary blend of valerian, lemon balm, and L-theanine can help you fall asleep, stay sleep and alleviate occasional sleeplessness.

Sufficient sleep and other heart-healthy habits can lower your risk for many serious medical conditions. Talk with your doctor, so you can figure out which factors are most important for helping you to lead a longer and more active life.

MN $21.25 for 30 capsules

Be well, Do well, and Keep Moving,


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Stress Relief Sat, 12 Jul 2014 22:08:48 +0000 Stress Relief Complex    12.01.2012 (Thanks to the Star achievers team) When life is full and activities threaten to overwhelm, we can relax the mind & body the natural Shaklee way. Try the natural approach to stress management.  Stress Relief Complex utilizes a unique combination of natural in gredients to help you relax without causing drowsiness. …

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Stress Relief Complex    12.01.2012 (Thanks to the Star achievers team)

When life is full and activities threaten to overwhelm, we can relax the mind & body the natural Shaklee way.

Try the natural approach to stress management.  Stress Relief Complex utilizes a unique combination of natural in gredients to help you relax without causing drowsiness.  In asl ittle as 30 minutes, Stress Relief Complex will provide quick relief from every day tension, while promoting alertness.

Did you know that nearly half of all Americans between the ages of 18 and 49 experience every day stress?  The health impact of prolonged stress can be huge!  The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 75-90% of trips to the doctor’s office are stress related.

Some people try to relieve tension with behaviors―such as drinking, smoking, or over-eating.  These behaviors actually increase stress and present their own health risks.

More than a third of Americans have tried to alleviate stress with supplements, especially the herbal supplement kava.  But kava can produce unwanted drowsiness, and (FDA) advised consumers of the potential risk of severe liver injury associated with the use of kava-containing dietary supplements.

STRESS  RELIEF  COMPLEX:  offers nutritional support to help you quickly relax and stay calm without drowsiness.  Contains a unique blend of natural ingredients that provide quick relief from tension while promoting alertness.

Promotes relaxation without drowsiness: L-Theanine, a naturally occurring amino acid found in green tea, facilitates the generation of alpha waves that are associated with a relaxed yet alert mental state.  Now here’s how it works!

Enhances the body’s ability to adapt to continuing stress. Ashwagandha, an Ayurvedic herb traditionally used to enhance the body’s ability to adapt to stress.

Helps you avoid the effects of stress on long-term health by blunting the cortisol response to stress. Beta-Sitosterol, a natural plant sterol, helps to blunt the response of cortisol, a hormone produced during physical stress.  Chronically high cortisol levels have a negative association with good long-term health.

Helps make norepinephrine, which is involved in mood regulation. L-tyrosine is an aminoacid used by the body to make the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. Studies suggest that norepinephrine levels may decline with stress.



Thorough testing on every ingredient for purity, potency, and performance, and there are several additional qualities that make Stress Relief Complex superior to the competition.

L- Theanine in one study with young women appeared to produce a relaxed and alert state by having the greatest impact on the intensity of alpha waves among the women categorized as high-anxiety responders.

Ashwagandha (With aniasomnifera)–Laboratory studies and centuries of safe use, have demonstrated ashwagandha’s adaptogenic properties, including its ability to enhance performance during stress.

Beta-Sitosterol–A recent study suggested that Beta-Sitosterol had a positive effect on immune function in marathon runners, in addition to blunting the subjects’ cortisol levels.

L-Tyrosine–In a number of human studies, fairly high intakes of the aminoacid L-Tyrosine were found to lessen the impact of environmental stressors such as extreme cold, loud noises, or sleep deprivation on the performance of subjects.  Environmental conditions often lead to stress or anxiety.


  • Unique approach to help you quickly relax; enhances your body’s ability to adapt to stress while promoting long-term health.
  • Unique blend of premium ingredients that support a calm, relaxed state without drowsiness during times of everyday stress, while promoting alertness.
  • Relaxation, alertness, better concentration and relief from tension experienced by users.
  • Proven safety with clinically studied and traditionally used ingredients.(Doesnotcontain kava kava)
  • Combines thebestof natureand science.  100% Shaklee Guaranteed.**



One caplet daily during periods of stress. Some individuals may wish to take two caplets on occasion. Can be used as part of a stress-management program that includes a healthy diet, regular exercise, and good social support. If pregnant or nursing, consult a health professional. To order use:ItemCode  #20656

Summary: StressReliefComplex helps relax the body and mind and promotes alertness while enhancing the body’s ability to adapt to stress. This blend of natural ingredients also helps blunt cortisol, a hormone produced during stress that affects long-term health.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



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Sleep and Arthritis Pain Fri, 28 Feb 2014 19:43:17 +0000 Gentle Reader, What’s up with not getting a deep, long sleep at night?  I have heard from several of my customers that falling asleep is no problem, but they wake up in the night and can’t get back to sleep afterward.  Not getting a good night’s sleep is a serious concern in our modern busy …

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Gentle Reader,

What’s up with not getting a deep, long sleep at night?  I have heard from several of my customers that falling asleep is no problem, but they wake up in the night and can’t get back to sleep afterward.  Not getting a good night’s sleep is a serious concern in our modern busy world and it seems to worsen when we develop arthritis aches and pains in our later years.  Read on for a thorough discussion of arthritis and sleep.

What are the health risks of interrupted, inadequate sleep?

Turning to WebMD we get a lengthy discussion about 10 things to hate about sleep loss.

In a nutshell:

1. Sleepiness causes accidents:  100,000 a year resulting in 1550 deaths.  Mostly people under 25 were driving when drowsy, not to mention  the 1979 nuclear accident at Three Mile Island, the massive Exxon Valdez oil spill, the 1986 nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl.

2. Sleep loss dumbs you down.  You just can’t think well when you are sleepy and without deep rest, your brain cannot store and catalog all the things you learned today.  Nighttime is memorization time.

3.  Serious health risks of chronic sleep disorders

  • Heart disease
  • Heart attack
  • Heart failure
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes

4.  Lack of sleep kills the sex drive.  Need I say more?

5. Sleepiness is depressing.  May I add that it is depressing to the sleepy person and to those who would like to play, work, and enjoy life with that person.

6. Lack of sleep ages your skin. It is the cortisol produced by stress that causes those extra lines and dark patches under the eyes.  And missing sleep is stressful.

7.  Sleepiness makes you forgetful.  Maybe you don’t have early onset Alzheimer’s; you only suffer from poor sleep.

8.  Losing sleep can make you fat.  When you are sleepy, you crave fat-laden carbs.

9.  Lack of sleep may increase early death.  Read the report to see the study.

10.  Sleep loss impairs judgment, especially about sleep.  We cannot see how impaired our brain function is.

Since this is a blog about arthritis, I wanted to see if lack of sleep affected our joints.  Turns out there is a vicious circle of pain and lack of sleep going on when you have painful arthritis.  From a study reported in the Daily Mail about this problem,

Experts say insomnia is common among the ten million arthritis sufferers in Britain, with some estimates suggesting that nearly two in three experience trouble sleeping. However, until recently restless nights were viewed as a secondary and almost inevitable problem for people with arthritis.  But now scientists are realising that this problem is a two-way street: not only does joint pain cause sleep loss, but sleep deprivation makes joint pain worse, and can even accelerate joint damage. There is growing concern that sleep disturbance exacerbates osteoarthritis (wear-and-tear arthritis) and rheumatoid arthritis (where the immune system attacks the joints), and experts believe that treating insomnia could lead to an improvement in the condition.

Osteoarthritis develops when cartilage that protects the surface of bones becomes damaged and starts to break down. The exact causes remain unknown, but genes, weight and age are all thought to be involved. Much of the pain and swelling is caused by inflammatory molecules in the body travelling to the joint. 


For reasons that are not fully understood, disrupted sleep leads to increased numbers of these inflammatory markers, which further aggravates sore joints. One of these markers is called interleukin-1 (IL-1), which is made by white blood cells. One expert thinks IL-1 is the ‘primary trigger’ of osteoarthritis.  Lack of sleep causes arthritis pain and visa versa.

Osteoarthritis develops when cartilage that protects the surface of bones becomes damaged and starts to break down
Osteoarthritis develops when cartilage that protects the surface of bones becomes damaged and starts to break down

 Professor Peter Wehling, an orthopaedic surgeon whose Dusseldorf clinic has become a pilgrimage site for sports stars seeking to prolong their careers, says even a limited amount of sleep disruption can cause the immune system to ‘go into overdrive’. It then begins to ‘flood the body with white blood cells in a vain attempt to address exhaustion-related distress’, as he puts it in his book The End Of Pain.

Many of the IL-1 producing white blood cells lodge in the joints and cause ‘discomfort and gradual erosion of cartilage’, he says. Professor Wehling warns that even one bad night’s sleep can set this in motion. 

Professor Silman from Arthritis UK agrees that inflammatory compounds play a role in arthritis. ‘Sleep disturbance can change the body’s natural cycle of hormones as well as possibly adversely affecting the underlying levels of inflammation,’ he says. He agrees that IL-1 is ‘an important player’ in the development of inflammatory arthritis, but says other cytokines — inflammation-causing chemicals — may also be involved.  He adds that some of the symptoms of osteoarthritis, especially in its early stages, may be a direct consequence of inflammation.

And while loss of sleep may release damaging inflammatory chemicals, it also means the joints miss out on the healing benefits of sleep.

Sleep is the longest time during which the body has low levels of inflammation and opportunity to heal. Around 15 to 25 per cent of it should be deep sleep — this equates to around 1½ to two hours every night. During this time, energy levels are restored and the immune system strengthened. But it can take up to 45 minutes of sleeping to enter deep sleep — and these deep phases seem to occur only in the first half of the night, for reasons not understood.  This means that if someone is tossing and turning they may have very little deep sleep. This not only increases the number of inflammatory markers in the body, but it can also disrupt the workings of hormones vital for joint healing, says Professor Wehling. Perhaps most notably it lowers production of human growth hormone, sometimes called the ‘master hormone’ because it is vital to many processes in the body including tissue repair, weight management and continuing replacement of bone and collagen. Though human growth hormone is produced in small surges during the day, by far the biggest burst comes 60 to 90 minutes after falling asleep as we enter deep sleep. 

 Inflammation suppresses human growth hormone — and so deep sleep causes levels to surge. 

But without much deep sleep, we may not produce enough growth hormone, speeding the decline of tissue and bone, causing it to become worn in joint areas.  Furthermore, weariness makes people more sensitive to pain, and can lead to them becoming even more immobile. 

Professor Kevin Morgan, director of the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University, explains: ‘Moving involuntarily in the night can wake you up with a lightning shaft of pain and a cracking sensation. ‘This sleep disruption makes pain worse the next day, and makes a person less inclined to want to move around.  ‘However, movement and activity makes joints hurt less.’ 

Arthritis Research UK is funding a study by King’s College London’s Institute of Psychiatry, which aims to identify and treat the issues preventing patients with rheumatoid arthritis from being physically active and sleeping well. Around 200 people with the disease are taking part in the research, which it is hoped will lead to new techniques to tackle inactivity, sleep disruption  and pain.

A similar study by the University of Washington in Seattle involving 375 patients with osteoarthritis is also being held and is due to report next year. It is examining whether targeting pain and sleep problems is more beneficial than a regimen focusing on pain alone.  The researchers have hypothesised that the dual approach will have greater long-term benefits for sleep and pain, increase physical activity and lead to a reduction in healthcare costs.

Jo Cumming, head of helplines at Arthritis Care, says the charity speaks to 12,000 people a year, and 63 per cent say they don’t get a good night’s sleep.

‘It is a huge burden to bear. When GPs are considering medication or joint replacements one of the things they ask patients is whether the pain stops them sleeping,’ she says.

 But Professor Morgan argues that previously GPs have considered insomnia as an unfortunate consequence of another health problem, rather than an important health problem in itself.

This has led to patients not always receiving the best treatment.

‘You have to put in a lot of work convincing clinicians that sleep problems are not just collateral damage from the main disease,’ he says. 

So what can help those with joint pain achieve a good night’s sleep? 

Tips include cutting out afternoon naps, using lamps rather than ceiling lights in the evening, avoiding caffeine after 3pm and not drinking alcohol after 9pm. 

Professor Wehling also recommends ‘keeping a consistent bedtime and rising within an hour of sunrise’. 

Avoiding midnight snacks can also help.

An estimated 50 per cent of our body weight is carried by the menisci, small pads of cartilage in the knee, so piling on the pounds adds substantially to an already considerable strain. Excess body fat can also heighten arthritis directly because our fat cells expand and produce more cytokines, which fuel inflammation.

However, a lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, which is known to make joint pain worse.

Levels of melatonin, the key hormone in regulating our daily body cycle or circadian rhythm, are also disturbed by sleep loss, and this in turn upsets the balance of two other hormones.

The first is ghrelin, known as the ‘hunger hormone’.  Elevated levels of ghrelin at night can prompt people to raid the kitchen, craving carbohydrates in particular. It also causes extra insulin production, making the body store more fat.

The second is leptin, which usually helps regulate appetite, but may be disrupted by loss of sleep. Studies in mice also suggest that leptin may itself have inflammatory effects.

What are some solutions to this problem?

Talk to your doctor and help him/her see that lack of sleep is important enough to work through the available medications to find one that works.

If you are like me and prefer to solve this problem through alternative methods, I have found a number of strategies that work for me.  While I still wake up in the night, I can nearly always get back to sleep and return to a deep, untroubled sleep, waking up well rested.

Shaklee makes two supplements which help induce a restful sleep at the beginning of the night.

Gentle Sleep Complex  swallowed all at once or made into a tea about 1/2 hour before bed along with

Stress Relief complex.  Taking 2 seems to be the best amount for helping with sleep at night.

Lavender oil dabbed on the bottoms of the feet. (I know, sounds woo woo but it seems to work.  You can also buy a little chimney with a dish on top for the Lavender oil.  The odor wafts through the bedroom and helps with sleep.)  WebMD has information about lavender oil.

oil dispenser2There are some other oils that some people use like Rescue Remedy. You can find these oils in most stores that sell supplements.  I have used a drop of Rescue Remedy under my tongue when other methods did not result in a return to deep sleep at that 2 a.m. hour.

Insomnia Relief Audio CD
Peggy Cappy’s sleep meditation

I also have used Peggy Cappy’s soothing voice on her mediation for back rejunvenation.  I have it on an Ipod which I keep at the head of my bed.  Peggy Cappy has a CD for sleep which I just ordered.  I’ll give a full report when I have used it.  I often begin my night listening to her Back Care CD and fall asleep immediately.  I swear my back pain has lessened considerably over the years I have been listening to her.  I have blogged about Peggy Cappy in the past.

Another thing I do routinely is make a note of anything I must do the following day so I know they are scheduled and I can trust that I will get back to them.

​​I recently discovered that my trusted Feldenkris practitioner addresses this problem with a new series/private consultations/workshops.  I haven’t taken her classes, but she is the practitioner who got me walking/sitting/standing/bending again after herniating my L5 disc in 1989.  Becci Parsons has been a guest blogger for me.  Please read that post for more information.

Happy Dreams,

Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving.


I would love to hear from you how you manage sleeplessness.  Please send me an email.

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