Protein. Why you need it.

Protein: why do you need it? What is it?   Gentle Reader, A good friend has a wound that isn’t healing. My guess without doing clinic analysis is that she isn’t getting enough protein. The first thing I learned when studying nutrition’s role in our health is that we need three things: vitamins, minerals and …

personal training results

Gentle Reader, I was wondering if I could walk to the car on my rubbery legs from the lunges with a weight vest on when  PJ Glassey captured me on video.  I had just finished my 21 minute workout with Dan this morning at the Xgym on Alki in Seattle.  My goal in going to …

100 years of innovation

Gentle Readers, Celebrating 100 years of product innovation, on the eve of our 100th anniversary of uniting science & nature, Shaklee introduces 4 newproducts. I am writing from the annual Global Conference in Long Beach, CA, where Shaklee begins the celebration.  Ninety-nine years  ago, Dr. Forest C. Shaklee recognized the degredation of American foods and the increasing inability …