pro biotic Archives - GrandmaBetsyBell Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving Wed, 07 May 2014 04:10:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to develop Immune system function Thu, 17 Oct 2013 02:07:30 +0000              Prepare Now for Cold and Flu Season  How to Develop and Maintain a Healthy Immune System Function NutriFeron – One of the most powerful formulas ever developed for strengthening the immune system. Its unique, synergistic blend of plant extracts including pumpkin seeds, plantago seeds, safflower flowers and Japanese honeysuckle flower …

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Do not spend the winter sick.

             Prepare Now for Cold and Flu Season 
How to Develop and Maintain a Healthy Immune System Function

NutriFeron – One of the most powerful formulas ever developed for strengthening the immune system. Its unique, synergistic blend of plant extracts including pumpkin seeds, plantago seeds, safflower flowers and Japanese honeysuckle flower buds, can be taken daily preventatively. But if you feel you are starting to come down with a virus up to 6 per day has been shown to be very effective at heading off an infection.

• Supports and stimulates the healthy immune system, by increasing the activity
of macrophages and inducing natural interferon production

• Optimizes immune response against environmental irritants and
airborne substances (as with allergies, asthma)
20962 60 caplets Retail $45.90 MP $39.00
59193 Share It Pack (4 bottles) Retail $165.24 MP $140.40 Save 10%

How many do you have to eat to stay healthy?

Sustained Release Vita-C®, 500 mg.– Only all natural sustained release C with no shellac. Antioxidant property protects the body against free radicals. Boosts the healthy immune system, infection fighter, natural antihistamine, increases the resistance to ligament and tendon injury. Vitamin C is depleted by stress such as infections, illness, fatigue, surgery, anxiety, pollution and extremes in temperature. As we age, there is a greater need to regenerate collagen, which requires more vitamin C.

20095 180 tablets Retail $25.50 MP $21.70

Defend & Resist Complex (Echinacea) – Keep in medicine chest and take when you feel you are coming down with something. Has become the most prominent herb used in the United States and Europe. Activates the healthy immune system, promotes production of white blood cells, enhances resistance to infection, viral and bacterial, especially flu and herpes; reduces mucus. Works best when started at the onset of cold or flu symptoms. Can be used effectively for up to 10 days at a time. In addition, larch tree extract and elderberry surround viruses and prevent them from reproducing.
20613 90 tablets Retail $20.35 MP $ 17.30

Garlic Complex- Natural decongestant and natural antibiotic. Shaklee’s Garlic Complex has a two-way odor control with a gentle, temperature-controlled drying process and a pleasant blend of spearmint and rosemary extracts to maintain high potency. Historically, has been used for congestion, asthma, sinusitis and allergies, colds, flu and pneumonia, sore throat and bronchitis. Has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties and is effective against yeast infections (Candida). Nature’s strongest natural antibiotic.

20084 240 tablets Retail $41.80 MP $35.55


Susan Knott and Son Riley Knott Story

Susan Knott and her son, Riley, suffered from allergies for many years. Their symptoms were most severe during spring and fall allergy seasons, but as time went on, they needed to be on the medications all year long.
Riley’s symptoms were the most severe with constant sinus congestion, red itchy swollen eyes and nose, feeling miserable. Even after 2 ½ years of allergy shots, he still required Zyrtec and Nasonex nasal spray. They helped diminish some symptoms so they were manageable, but he never felt allergy-free.
Susan was introduced to the Shaklee products that help strengthen the immune system 3 years ago in late January. She and Riley, 16 years old, began with:

Optiflora Probiotic Capsule (because 70% of the immune system is in the gut)
Vita Lea Multi
Vita C Sustained Release — 2 to 4/ day
Nutriferon (4 herbal extracts that help the body produce a key component of the immune system (interferon) naturally — 2 to 4/ day

Within 6 to 8 weeks, Susan was so much improved that she was able to stop her allergy medication completely…
Riley, whose condition was more severe, took 3 to 4 months before symptoms subsided and he was able to eliminate the medications. Both Susan and Riley were able to reduce the number of supplement tablets as their healthy immune systems got stronger. Today during allergy season, if symptoms return, Susan and Riley simply increase their vitamin levels and add Shaklee Premium Garlic and Alfalfa.

Call today to get started on your anti-cold program or go on line and order.

Betsy Bell’s Health4U
4455 51st Ave. SW
Seattle, WA 98116
206 933 1889

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But I have to have an operation! Mon, 12 Mar 2012 17:48:41 +0000 Gentle Reader, I was talking with a guy last night who had to have an operation for his hip.  The osteoarthritis had become so advanced into the hip joint that various movements were impeded.  A long time supplement user, he fortified himself with various supplements in order to tolerate the operation well and heal quickly. …

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Gentle Reader,

I was talking with a guy last night who had to have an operation for his hip.  The osteoarthritis had become so advanced into the hip joint that various movements were impeded.  A long time supplement user, he fortified himself with various supplements in order to tolerate the operation well and heal quickly.  He is a little disappointed with how long it has taken to get back to a range of motion he hoped for.  He is apprehensive about the operation waiting for his other hip.

As a wellness advisor, I have counseled many people about steps they might take to prepare for surgery, all kinds of surgery, whether for cancer or for arthritis and bone issues.  I thought I would share with you the document I have developed over the years.  Please add your own thoughts if you have had surgery and found alternative supplementation and actions that have helped with healing.

Before Surgery:

Soy protein 2 x daily  (if taking chemo, increase to 3-4 x daily)

Vita-Lea 3-4/daily  (Shaklee’s multivitamin-mineral supplement)

Fiber Tablets or Mix:  Soluble fiber (bloodstream), insoluble fiber (gut)

Herb Lax:  Cleanses gut, blood

Vita. C Sustained Release w/bioflavinoids:  anti-inflammatory, new cells grow faster, immune system support, helps w/pain.  Take a minimum of 3-4 of 500 mg./da – up to 10,000 mg.  (gradually decrease since body has to adjust to excreting excess)

B-Complex:  aids in good digestion.  Depleted by stress.  Take 8/da – space out

Zinc:  Helps w/pain, healing, no more than 50-60 mg./day except when there is trauma like a cut or incision (up to 120 mg./da until healed).  Body can’t make new cells w/o zinc, protein, & C.

Immunity Formula I:  2-8/da (A proprietary Shaklee supplement to enhance the immune response.)

Carotomax:  Cleanses cells, reduces inflammation (swelling), makes mucous membranes healthy.  Especially helpful if using breathing machine.

Vitamin E:  Oxygenates cells, gets rid of toxins of anesthesia.

DO NOT take GLA, E, OmegaGuard (fish oil), Garlic or lecithin before surgery. Stop 1 week prior.

Alfalfa (vitamin K):  10-20/da to reduce bleeding during & after surgery.

Garlic:  Helps flora, antibacterial agent. Not before surgery as is a blood thinner.

NutriFeron:  Take 4 for 2 weeks. (A proprietary herbal blend that stimulates interferon production.)

OsteoMatrix:  Coats nerve endings, helps repair them quicker, helps you relax so you can sleep deeper (can take w/Gentle Sleep Complex). (This is Shaklee’s calcium product.)

Iron:  Need blood test to know if needed. (Shaklee’s comes with vitamin c to help absorption.)

After Surgery:

Performance:  Dilute more than usual, make ice chips out of it, & start taking slowly as soon as feel like it. (Shaklee’s rehydrating drink, perfectly balanced for absorption.)

Protein:  Take as soon as can drink but don’t feel nauseated.  Alternate with Physique. (Physique is Shaklee after workout maximize, excellent for healing sore muscles.)

Liver DTX: 2 at night (Shaklee’s detox milk thistle product to help restore normalcy after the medications of surgery.)

Stomach Soothing complex:  Helps calm digestive system if feeling queezy.  Made with peppermint and ginger, can be taken as a tablet or dissolved into hot water for tea.

Vita-Cal:  Helps reduce gas bubbles. (A chewable Shaklee calcium product)

Fiber:  Start w/very small amounts to start cleansing.  A Fiber Blend tablet or ¼ tsp. Fiber Blend.

Vitamin E 400+:  4-6/da.  Prevents blood clots, oxygenates.  Start slowly if high blood pressure is an issue.

Lecithin:  Helps build sheath around nerve endings which helps reduce pain. 6 daily

GLA:  Up to 6/da, anti-inflammatory. (Shaklee makes their GLA from borage oil for best absorption and least contamination)

Omega Guard (fish oil):  If you digest it well.

Alfalfa:  Diuretic, liver cleanser, reduces swelling, helps kidneys, etc. start working again. 20 daily

Herb-Lax:  Start slowly. Very helpful after surgery as elimination slows down so much from the anesthetic.  Take to the hospital.  From personal experience, this is super important.

Purified Water:  very important

B-Complex:  Promotes healing, increases energy level.

Ginseng:  Helps energy & supports adrenal glands.  (Shaklee’s CorEnergy)

Dandelion leaf:  Swelling & inflammation. (Not a Shaklee product)

Optiflora pills and powder is strongly recommended to rebuild the flora. 1 serving daily of this pre and pro biotic made by Shaklee

This is a tall order when you may not be used to taking so much stuff.

The minimum pre-op is Energizing Soy Protein,  Vita C, Optiflora, Vita lea Gold and Alfalfa

Post op:  Physique, Vita C, Vita E, Optiflora, Vita Lea Gold, Alfalfa, Herb lax, Lecithin.

I have gleaned this information primarily from Carol Dalton, a nurse practitioner in Colorado who, during her long practice, has found the Shaklee supplements to work best for her patients.  People who have followed this protocol have had remarkable healing and suffered the least from the trauma of surgery.

Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving,


BetsyBell’s Health4u

206 933 1889

www.HiHoHealth dot com


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