surgery for arthritis

Gentle Reader, There comes a time when surgery for arthritis makes sense. I have reached that time. I began blogging at in 2004, to share strategies a person with arthritis could use to avoid taking medication or having surgery. My posts have been about my own journey to manage increasingly severe osteoarthritis and spinal …

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Pain Management

Last week I questioned the wisdom of masking pain, asking if I might be missing a diagnosis by taking my Pain Relief Complex. Following up with you after 72 hours of no herbal pain tablets, I can tell you that taking them alleviated discomfort. Not taking them left me with the discomfort of aching hip …

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Do I need a pain diagnosis?

Do I need a pain diagnosis? I was standing in front of the piano along with my fellow choir members.  Heading back to my seat, I realized my right leg was dangling from my hip. No feeling. Just a dead weight.  While standing for rehearsal something, probably in my back, pinched off a nerve to …

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4 ways to get a sore back fuctional

Gentle Reader, Sore back?  Been traveling, sitting in an airplane for hours?  Did you enjoy a vigorous hiking holiday slogging miles over boulders, roots and bogs for days in a row?  Maybe you had back surgery, successful but still stiff and cranky.  Or perhaps, you joined a new salsa dance class (that would be my …

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4 1/2 hours of driving…Oh, my aching back

Gentle Reader, Six hiking buddies escaped to the cabin of one of us on the Oregon coast just sound of Canon Beach.  The sun shone and the sand was warm, inviting surfers, families and dogs to play even though it was mid week and basically empty of tourists or locals. I was really hurting from …

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