Awareness Through Movement

Dear one, What appeared in today’s New York Times in Jean Brody’s Health post is a must share with you and all your friends. She talks about Feldenkrais, a technique and practice I discovered many, many years ago when what I needed most was Awareness Through Movement. Becci Parsons in my local Feldenkrais guru. She …

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sleep and pain

Does pain keep you awake at night? “Sleep, or lack of it, may be a sign that surgery might help.” Dr. Nora listed several indicators including sleep and pain. Sleep difficulty jumped out at me. Several customers have complained about sleep challenges so I thought I’d share some problems associated with pain and lack of …

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Manage Arthritis: Hip labral tear

Gentle Reader, One of the strong older ladies I ski and hike with just wrote that she had a hip replacement.  I was stunned to hear the news and asked more about it.  She had a sudden tear called a labral tear, something I had never heard of.  Intrigued, I thought I’d share what I …

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Who is Peggy Cappy?

Gentle Reader, Whether it is the new exercise classes or the intense gardening, I cannot say for sure.  What I am sure about is increased pain and then the magical release from it.  Here is the unexplainable magic.  I have mentioned it to you several times in the past.  It is a 20 minute meditation …

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10 Reasons Vitamins aren’t dangerous Part 1

Gentle Reader, I have been more direct in recent posts about the value of supplementing and specifically supplementing with Shaklee vitamins for alleviating arthritis pain, joint pain and muscle soreness.  I assume that you, like me do a lot of research on the internet before making a purchase, or when confronted with a problem symptom …

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How to Keep Your Hand Moving–Without Pain

Gentle Reader, A good friend is suffering from arthritis in her hand causing discomfort playing tennis and gripping the handles of her hiking pole. Her pain, like the arthritis pain in many aging hands, is the gradual deterioration of the joints because of continued use and abuse over a long, productive life. In 1980 when …

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How about Stinging Nettles?

Gentle Reader, If I could tell you why some days I wake up with no pain whatsoever– like today– and catalog the food I ate yesterday, the stretches I made, the delicious sleep, the supplements, the aerobic activity—why surely I would have a recipe for a pain free life.  I cannot. I cross country skied …

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Go ahead and dig in the garden

Dear Gentle Reader, With the strains of Vivaldi’s 4 Seasons setting the tone, spring has finally come to Seattle. While so many of you are enjoying unseasonably warm weather, we have seen snow flurries, much rain and the thermometer has not climbed into the upper 50’s. Until the last couple of days.  The parking lots …

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It comes down to what we eat

Gentle Reader, A friend sent me a TED talk by Dr.Terry Wahls  on MS this past week.  In the 5 minute screening she recounts her productive life as a research scientist up to the debilitating onset of MS.  Seeking the best care medical professionals had to offer, her condition worsened.  Driven by her inquiring mind to …

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But I have to have an operation!

Gentle Reader, I was talking with a guy last night who had to have an operation for his hip.  The osteoarthritis had become so advanced into the hip joint that various movements were impeded.  A long time supplement user, he fortified himself with various supplements in order to tolerate the operation well and heal quickly. …

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