Nutriferon Archives - GrandmaBetsyBell Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving Fri, 10 Oct 2014 02:52:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 immune system Thu, 09 Oct 2014 14:47:59 +0000 Gentle Reader, Our immune system needs help.  Flu season is upon us.  People all around me have colds.  Our children are getting leveled by Enterovirus 68. Are you nervous about the Ebola virus?  The annual debate surfaces again among people who prefer a natural approach to prevention and those accepting vaccines. What are your plans …

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Gentle Reader,

immune system3
What is your defense?

Our immune system needs help.  Flu season is upon us.  People all around me have colds.  Our children are getting leveled by Enterovirus 68. Are you nervous about the Ebola virus?  The annual debate surfaces again among people who prefer a natural approach to prevention and those accepting vaccines. What are your plans for protecting yourself, your children or your grandchildren, if you have any say in their health care?

Let’s take a fresh look at the immune system.  The immune system is a complex and highly developed system, yet its mission is simple–to seek and kill invaders.  Every minute of the day, thousands of battles rage inside your body.  Millions of microscopic foreign invaders are trying to penetrate your cells, while your body’s immune system struggles to fight them off.  If the invaders win, the result can be a lingering cold or flu, or it could be a chronic illness, cancer or some other disease.


The immune system is a person’s primary defense against disease.  With the ever-increasing globalization of our world and strange mutations of viruses on the loose, there has never been a more critical time for you to strengthen your body’s immune system.  In addition to known viruses such as the common flu, there is a new onslaught of life threatening viruses such as Hepatitis B and C, HIV and SARS.   Do not count on the health care system to protect you.  Take personal responsibility.  Choose your optimum health strategies.


If you have had even a cold, not to mention the flu, that is an indication that your immune system was not able to do its job effectively of protecting your body from these infections.


The immune system protects you in three different ways:

1.      It creates a barrier that prevents bacteria and viruses from entering your body.

2.      If a bacteria or virus does get into your body, the immune system tries to detect and eliminate it before it can make itself at home and reproduce.

3.      If the virus and/or bacteria are able to reproduce and start causing problems, your immune system is in charge of surrounding, isolating and eliminating it.


Knowing this, it is quite obvious why you need to build and maintain a strong immune system.  The stronger it is, the more likely your body will be prepared to defend itself when a deadly bacteria or virus comes knocking.

Want to watch a short video made for kids (aren’t we all kids?) to explain just how this immune system works?

It is extremely important to keep this system healthy, nourished and stimulated.


There are many challenges from modern life that affect the immune system:

  • not enough rest or exercise
  • too much exercise (like running a marathon) will depress the immune function temporarily
  • inadequate nutrition
  •       high stress
  •       environmental pollutants & airborne irritants
  •       aging


How to counteract these challenges:

  • Get better sleep
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Reduce stress
  • Support your system with supplements


Vitamin supplements are highly recommended to strengthen and maintain a strong immune system.  As a FIRST CHOICE, choose Nutriferon from SHAKLEE.


Considering the Flu Shot ?

Instead choose Nutriferon for broad spectrum protection


What is Nutriferon?

It is an exclusive blend of clinically-proven immuno-supportive phytonutrients–FOUR key herbal extracts, which contain bioactive polysaccharides that are safe and natural immune stimulators:

1.      Pumpkin seed – increases interferon production

2.      Plantago seed – stimulates overall immune response

3.      Safflower flower – prompts macrophage to produce cytokines

4.      Japanese honeysuckle flower bud – increases activity of immune cells


What does Nutriferon?

When used every day, it provides natural, unsurpassed support for the immune system’s most powerful front-line defenses by

  • increasing the production, speed, activity and accuracy of the immune system cells and
  • increasing the communication between all immune system cells.


How does it actually work?

1.      It  enhances cytokine production.  Cytokines are chemical messengers between immune cells which encourage immune cell growth, proliferation, activity, accuracy and power.  They destroy target cells, such as viruses and cancer cells.

2.      It induces natural interferon production, a powerful group of cytokines.

3.      It increases the activity of macrophages–white blood cells that constantly patrol the body looking for “bad guys” to consume.  When a macrophage spots anything foreign, it calls for help from other immune system cells using the messenger chemicals called cytokines.

4.      It enhances neutrophil activity and maintenance.   Neutrophils are key players in the immune response process.

5.      It causes immediate increase in lymphocytes.  Lymphocyte cells organize the entire defense of the body.  When they become damaged or begin to be reduced in number, the body cannot defend itself effectively.

6.      It optimizes IgE balance–the immune response against environmental irritants and airborne substances.  So Immune Building Complex is especially good to cope with asthma and environmental allergies.

7.      It helps bring balance to the immune system

a.      by helping up-modulate a weak immune system

b.      by helping down-modulate a runaway immune system (auto-immune response)


How to Use Nutriferon:

Take two easy-to-swallow caplets daily 

It is intended for EVERYDAY USE.  Don’t wait until you get sick.  It helps to keep your immune system charged and in an optimum state to defend itself DAILY!

Two a day will provide dietary support for all men and women, especially

  • those interested in maintaining a “peak-performance” immune system
  • those who are elderly and, therefore, vulnerable to diminished immunity
  • those whose diets are not always optimal
  • those with high levels of stress
  • those who are sedentary or have erratic exercise habits

Precaution  People on immune suppressant drugs (prednisone, gout medication, “inhibitors of cytokine activity,” etc.)  should consult their health care provider.  If the ESR or CRP levels are elevated in the blood, use caution with Nutriferon.


Product History

This incredible formula is the result of decades of work by eminent immunologists.

  • It was released to the world marketplace in February 2003 by the SHAKLEE Corporation.
  • It has been awarded four honorary patents in Japan, USA, Europe and China.
  • Nutriferon was developed by Dr. Yasuhiro Kajima, the discoverer of
  • interferons and an eminent immunologist, professor and scientific researcher from Japan.

Dr. Kajima began his immunology research in 1932, and IBC is the result of this pioneering research.  It is now available exclusively through SHAKLEE distributors.


Incredible Results !

  • Clinical test results revealed after one month’s usage:  Hepatitis-C virus levels reduced to 1/3.


  • Lymphocyte count recovery after surgery and chemo for cancer was reduced from the usual 3 months to 3 to 4 weeks


  • Martha Willmore’s patient with environmentally-induced asthma has not used inhalers since introducing Nutriferon—and before Nutriferon had used the inhaler every 2 hours at night.

You will decide what your line of defense will be.  Even when you do everything right within your power, some virus or bacteria may get through and overwhelm your immune defenses.  What to do should you get sick is the topic of another post.  Until then,

Be well, Do well and Keep Moving.


206 933 1889

I hope you will take a minute to comment.  Pass this information along to anyone you think might benefit.



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Immune support Wed, 29 Jan 2014 05:15:02 +0000 Gentle Reader. IMMUNE SUPPORT:  NUTRIFERON I tried to make sense of developing breast cancer at age 34.  One thought was to blame too much use of antibiotics as a child, along with cold and flu suppressants.  No doctor has been willing to go there with me.  My approach to my own health these past 42 …

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Gentle Reader.


I tried to make sense of developing breast cancer at age 34.  One thought was to blame too much use of antibiotics as a child, along with cold and flu suppressants.  No doctor has been willing to go there with me.  My approach to my own health these past 42 cancer free years has been to strengthen my immune system in every way possible.

To my great relief and delight, the man who discovered a key to the immune response, Interferon, developed an herbal compound that stimulates our own body’s ability to make interferon.  Shaklee has the exclusive right to market this herbal complex, Nutriferon.  Herbs provide immune support.

I wish everyone I care about and people I don’t even know yet would take this Nutriferon every day.  We would have a lot fewer sick days if they did.

What is Nutriferon? Scientific results

Individual ingredients in the immune boosting blend include

pumpkin seed (Cucurbita Moschata) extract, which has been reported to induce interferon in cell cultures. It also contains

Plantago seed (Plantago asiatica), which has polysaccharides thought to stimulate non-specific immunity.

Safflower flower (Carthamus tinctorius) polysaccharides have been shown experimentally to prompt macrophages to produce cytokines. And

Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) flower buds have been traditionally used to fight infections.

What does Nutriferon do?

Experimentally, it’s been reported to increase the activity of immune cells. For example, clinical studies demonstrate that this novel, patented botanical blend is effective at inducing the body’s natural production of interferon, a key conductor and activator of immune response processes. Nutriferon activates and increases the phagocytic activity of macrophages and may increase the activity of natural killer cells, immune system defenders that seek out and destroy invaders at the cellular immune response level.

Human Clinical Trials

1. Administration of a Botanical Blend in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C

High dose interferon is approved as a treatment for hepatitis C. The investigators in this study chose to look at [Nutriferon] for its potential natural interferon induction and the impact on patients with chronic hepatitis C.

The three month study conducted at Kanazawa University Hospital in Ishikawa, Japan, was an open-label trial of patients with chronic hepatitis C who ingested 1gm of the blend [Nutriferon] daily. Of the 35 patients that completed the study, there were improvements reported in malaise, abdominal bloating, nausea, and vomiting with no adverse changes in hematology or biochemical examination parameters. There was a statistically significant decrease in HCV-RNA virus levels in patients with high viral titers after 1 and 3 months administration of [Nutriferon] and no serious adverse events were observed with botanical blend administration.  The study findings suggest that [Nutriferon] has antiviral activity and may be both safe and useful for administration to patients with chronic hepatitis C, especially in those with high viral titers.

Think about what this implies!

2. Administration of a Patented Botanical Blend in Patients with Pollenosis [allergies like hay-fever]

Allergies such as hay fever are hyper-sensitivities in which immune responses to environmental antigens cause inflammation and damage to the body itself.

Three uncontrolled trials on 113 subjects with mild nasal allergy or hay fever were conducted between 1998 and 2000. In these trials, subjects who used the botanical blend reported specific improvements in subjective measurements such as sneezing, nasal discharge, teary eyes, and nasal blockage. 10 subjects with nasal allergy consuming 2 g daily of [Nutriferon] for 4 weeks showed a statistically significant increase in peripheral blood gamma interferon levels after 4 weeks when compared to the pre-treatment measurement.   Reduced allergy response!

3. Effect of Administration of a Botanical Blend in Menopausal Women

Biological factors including hormones and cytokines, as well as psychological factors determine menopausal symptoms. The negatives associated with hormone replacement therapy are driving the search for alternative therapies. Thirty-two post-menopausal women were given 2g daily of [Nutriferon] for 6 months to measure effects on the immune and endocrine systems. There was a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, significant decrease in facial skin surface blood flow, and a significant decrease in plasma TG and LDL-cholesterol after 3 months administration.  [Nutriferon] appears to have clinically improved menopausal symptoms in postmenopausal women and may help to maintain or improve normal biological function and quality of life as measured by these indicators in postmenopausal women.  Think about this!!

4. Some Effects of [Nutriferon]

In a follow up to the previous study, there was a significant decrease in plasma FSH level, and a significant increase in plasma GM-CSF levels and after 6 months administration of the botanical blend in the 32 subjects. It is significant that [Nutriferon] reduced menopausal symptoms in postmenopausal women. [Nutriferon] may have acted as an immunomodulator and an endocrine modulator.

5. Administration of [Nutriferon] on Physical and Mental Symptoms Accompanying Premenstrual Symptoms (PMS)

Forty-two women ages 20-35 years old with PMS symptoms took 800 mg daily of the blend for 3 months reported statistically significant improvements for abdominal cramps, low back pain, swollen breasts, acne, breast pain, constipation, nervousness, sleepiness, short temper, and reduction of concentration after one month.

So much for the scientific medical-babble.  What does this mean for you and me?

A couple of testimonies:

My son gets sick a lot and travels for his job. He is usually sick for 4 days.  He took 6 Nutriferon when he started to get sick, took 6 more when he woke up at 4 a.m. By 9 am at breakfast, he was shocked to feel well.

I’m allergic to pollen, dust, grass, weeds, trees, feathers, fur, certain scents, dogs, cats, and certain foods (citrus, fish, cashews or anything processed in a plant with tree nuts). I also have asthma. I suffered oozy itchy rashes on my hands so bad I could hardly bend my fingers and couldn’t work as a nail tech. For years I would break out all over my body every time the wind blew. I was always getting nosebleeds. I was constantly sick with bronchitis, and pretty much had no voice for 4-6 months out of the year. I tried over-the-counter, and every prescription med, inhalers, nose sprays, you name it. Zyrtec worked the best but made me absolutely crazy and I had to quit taking it. I was getting allergy shots for a while and they helped a lot, but the series were sporatic, due to red tape in the MediCal system, and a couple times I had analphylactic reactions to the shots.

I was a non-committed Shaklee user, but decided to give the Nutriferon a try. My God, what a difference! I doubled up on it the first few days, then took two a day regularly for a long time. I did go without it for about a week at one point, and that is where I really saw the difference because the symptoms came back! Other than that, I’ve been basically symptom free since I started taking the Nutriferon.

I have seven children, one with severe allergies who also takes Nutriferon. My oldest daughter who is in college, takes it every day and was the only one in school that didn’t get sick the whole year. The other kids take it when others around them are getting sick at school and work. Tara Colvin

How about that for immune support!?

Be Well, Do Well and keep moving.



For more studies and stories, visit

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Seattle, WA 98116

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Nutriferon Wed, 02 Oct 2013 05:03:33 +0000 NutriFeron Every day our bodies are under attack by pathogens and dangerous microbes that infest our surroundings with an unseen, unfelt, yet undeniable health threat. Our body’s built-in immune system protects us whenever possible, but it’s under constant attack from poor nutrition, stress, pollution, and fatigue. THE SHAKLEE DIFFERENCE in NUTRIFERON is a powerful breakthrough …

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Every day our bodies are under attack by pathogens and dangerous microbes that infest our surroundings with an unseen, unfelt, yet undeniable health threat. Our body’s built-in immune system protects us whenever possible, but it’s under constant attack from poor nutrition, stress, pollution, and fatigue. THE SHAKLEE DIFFERENCE in NUTRIFERON is a powerful breakthrough in immune system science. It is a patented, clinically proven blend of immune strengthening plant extracts. For daily use, it increases the production of your body’s natural interferon, a critical activator of the immune system and works at the cellular level

 Rapidly activates your immune system’s defenses

 Mobilizes the immune system’s “search-and-destroy” teams

 NutriFeron is the only immunity supplement formulated by the discoverer of natural interferon, after an exhaustive review of 200 natural compounds.

 Patented, clinically proven formula

 A natural way to keep your immune system finely tuned and on ready alert, taking the defenses you
already have and making them even better.

 Available exclusively through Shaklee, NutriFeron is a powerfully effective supplement that has exceeded a stringent set of scientific tests for safety, purity, potency, and clinical tests for performance.

 Star-K kosher certified

In a recent laboratory study, NutriFeron has been shown to positively impact natural killer (NK) cells — more support for this powerful breakthrough in Immune System Science. Now more than ever is the time to take care of you. Every day your immune system has to protect you from millions of microbes that inhabit your surroundings—microbes you may be breathing, eating, touching, or sharing. 8 Reasons to support your immune system with Nutriferon

1. Naturally Boosts Interferon Levels Scientists have identified interferon as being critical to healthy immune function. NutriFeron is the ONLY DIETARY SUPPLEMENT IN THE U.S. created by the immunologist who

2. Created by the Discoverer of Interferon Dr. Yasuhiko Kojima, the world-renowned immunologist who discovered interferon in 1954, dedicated 40 years of research to finding natural compounds that would provide a boost to
interferon production. This patented botanical blend is found in NutriFeron. NutriFeron from Shaklee is the ONLY IMMUNITY SUPPLEMENT IN THE U.S. CREATED BY THE DISCOVERER OF INTERFERON.*Star Achievers

Years of Research

After 40 years of painstaking research testing hundreds of natural compounds and herbs, Dr. Kojima developed a UNIQUE BLEND OF FOUR POWERFUL PLANT EXTRACTS that boosts the body’s natural production of interferon.*

4. Patented Blend of Interferon-Boosting Plant Extracts NutriFeron boasts the MACH® patented blend of interferon-boosting plant extracts, AN EXCLUSIVE FORMULA that includes pumpkinseed extract, safflower flower extract, Asian Plantain seed extract, and Japanese Honeysuckle flower extract. Each serving provides 500 mg of immunity-bolstering ingredients.*

5. Supported by Four Human Clinical Studies** Four published clinical studies confirm the extraordinary health and immune-supporting benefits of the proprietary blend of plant extracts found in NutriFeron. This potent-yet-safe phytonutrient blend provides immune support right at the cellular level. *

6. Exclusive Formula Protected by 3 Patents NutriFeron is supported by THREE patents and is available only through Shaklee Independent Distributors. This unique, patented formula is a Shaklee exclusive.

7. Made to the Highest Quality Standards A powerfully effective supplement, NutriFeron has been subjected to a stringent set of scientific tests for safety, purity, potency, and performance. 8. Springtime Blooms Tear You Up? Preliminary studies suggest that NutriFeron balances your immune response against environmental irritants and airborne pollutants Shaklee takes pride in making products that are naturally safe—AND proven effective. To prove it, every Shaklee product is backed by an unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee. What Does Interferon Do?
Interferon serves two important functions:*
 To signal surrounding cells to trigger their response mechanisms.

 To activate immune cells to respond. Interferon is essential to the immune system and helps protect us from the daily exposure to millions of potential invaders that we confront each day. Who Should Use NutriFeron?

 Anyone over 12 years of age with busy, stressful lifestyles who wants to unleash their immune

 Those who want to balance their immune response to environmental irritants and airborne pollutants The recommended serving of NutriFeron is two caplets daily. If pregnant or nursing, please ask a health care professional. Keep in mind that…

• Preliminary laboratory studies suggest that in as little as three days, NutriFeron can unleash the full potential of the immune system.

**The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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