Corporate Ex. turns Sales leader

What a testimony to this business opportunity!  Shaklee’s corporate executive, Laura Evans, is now a Sales Leader in the field.  Here is her story: Laura Evans Joins the Shaklee Field! We have exciting news to share! After ten years of encouraging people to join Shaklee as a distributor, Laura Evans, our Senior Vice President of Sales …

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Pyramid or MLM

  Esteemed One, I’ve created a 2 minute video with my thoughts on Pyramid or MLM as an “all-boats-rise-to-the-top” method of beating the 1% at their game, up there on top of their corporate empires. Your life and mine don’t have to fit into this model.  We have an option in MLM, Multilevel Marketing, escape from the Pyramid.  I would love …

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The Triduum and Easter, darkness to joy

Gentle Reader, The great Triduum or three holy days ending triumphantly in Easter begins today.  I took on one new thing for Lent in response to the half page of suggestions our Saint Mark’s Episcopal worship committee sent out, activities that would increase mindful living.  When I read on the list “Write a letter to …

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