
Gentle Reader, I sit here the night before Thanksgiving with multiple layers on, my nose cold and the backs of my ears feeling the cool air circulating in my living room, the temperature set at 65.  The Roman shades are still up so I can enjoy the spectacular Christmas lighting I put up this year.  …

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fear-based medicine

Gentle Reader, Do you wonder if we approach our health from the point of view of fear?  Fear-based medicine seems to trump science.  We are afraid of cancer, of sexual dysfunction, of diabetes, of heart disease, of arthritis and of Alzheimer’s or memory loss.  I was just with a group of people last night when …

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MindWorks Works

What is MindWorks™? MindWorks contains key nutrients that have been shown in three clinical studies and dozens of laboratory studies to improve short-term mental sharpness and focus and help protect against age-related mental decline.* Scientific studies have shown the key ingredients in MindWorks work in three ways: • Immediate improvements in memory and focus*—3X better …

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