Stop that cold from coming

What do you do to avoid catching that cold that is going around? Over the Counter remedies? Homeopathics? Antihistamines? How are these remedies working for you? You’ve just got to stop that cold from coming or you will miss working/skiing/visiting your friends/seeing your family. Help! I recently drove over to Mazama in the Methow valley …

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Immune Support

Cold and Flu Season= Immunity and how to get more of it.   Organs of Immunity   Skin: Forms an effective barrier against pathogens. Respiratory system: Cilia lining the airway move mucus and contaminants out of the body. Stomach and intestines: Stomach acid kills most bacteria. Antibodies secreted by the intestinal cells attack pathogens. Lymph …

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immune system

Gentle Reader, Our immune system needs help.  Flu season is upon us.  People all around me have colds.  Our children are getting leveled by Enterovirus 68. Are you nervous about the Ebola virus?  The annual debate surfaces again among people who prefer a natural approach to prevention and those accepting vaccines. What are your plans …

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reduce medication

Gentle Reader,   The recent Global Conference in Long Beach held by the company whose products I rely on to support my optimal health, reflected some big picture changes in our world’s approach to health.  Perhaps it would be more correct to say, big picture trends in our world’s health challenges and a call to …

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Immune support

Gentle Reader. IMMUNE SUPPORT:  NUTRIFERON I tried to make sense of developing breast cancer at age 34.  One thought was to blame too much use of antibiotics as a child, along with cold and flu suppressants.  No doctor has been willing to go there with me.  My approach to my own health these past 42 …

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How to develop Immune system function

             Prepare Now for Cold and Flu Season  How to Develop and Maintain a Healthy Immune System Function NutriFeron – One of the most powerful formulas ever developed for strengthening the immune system. Its unique, synergistic blend of plant extracts including pumpkin seeds, plantago seeds, safflower flowers and Japanese honeysuckle flower …

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Vitamin C Sustained Release

This is the time of the year, our bodies experience stress due to the change of seasons. So to keep us at the top of our game we are focusing on Vita C. It is also called ascorbic acid, which is the form of vitamin C found in most foods. It is a water-soluble vitamin …

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Defend and Resist

Defend and Resist Complex The immune system protects the body from bacteria, virus fungus, and other harmful organisms. At times of the year when you are more likely to be slowed down by immune challenges, it’s more important than ever to keep your immune system up to speed. Scientific studies suggest that along with a …

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NutriFeron Every day our bodies are under attack by pathogens and dangerous microbes that infest our surroundings with an unseen, unfelt, yet undeniable health threat. Our body’s built-in immune system protects us whenever possible, but it’s under constant attack from poor nutrition, stress, pollution, and fatigue. THE SHAKLEE DIFFERENCE in NUTRIFERON is a powerful breakthrough …

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But I have to have an operation!

Gentle Reader, I was talking with a guy last night who had to have an operation for his hip.  The osteoarthritis had become so advanced into the hip joint that various movements were impeded.  A long time supplement user, he fortified himself with various supplements in order to tolerate the operation well and heal quickly. …

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