home business Archives - GrandmaBetsyBell https://www.grandmabetsybell.com/tag/home-business/ Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving Sat, 25 Jan 2014 00:51:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 Corporate Ex. turns Sales leader https://www.grandmabetsybell.com/corporate-ex-turns-sales-leader/ https://www.grandmabetsybell.com/corporate-ex-turns-sales-leader/#respond Sat, 25 Jan 2014 00:51:59 +0000 http://www.grandmabetsybell.com/?p=1005 What a testimony to this business opportunity!  Shaklee’s corporate executive, Laura Evans, is now a Sales Leader in the field.  Here is her story: Laura Evans Joins the Shaklee Field! We have exciting news to share! After ten years of encouraging people to join Shaklee as a distributor, Laura Evans, our Senior Vice President of Sales …

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What a testimony to this business opportunity!  Shaklee’s corporate executive, Laura Evans, is now a Sales Leader in the field.  Here is her story:

Laura Evans Joins the Shaklee Field!

Laura EvansWe have exciting news to share! After ten years of encouraging people to join Shaklee as a distributor, Laura Evans, our Senior Vice President of Sales has finally decided to listen to her own advice. Laura has decided to become a Field Leader in our business, which makes her the first senior executive at Shaklee to leave corporate to be a distributor!

We are thrilled for the opportunity this creates for Laura, and of course we wish her the greatest success, but we are also very excited by the fact that a top industry professional of Laura’s stature and credentials has chosen to pursue building her future as a Leader in our business. This is unprecedented and an outstanding example of the opportunity that Shaklee represents.

We’d like to share Laura’s message below in which she explains why she believes this is the next great phase of what has already been a brilliant career in our industry.

I am so excited about the future growth I see for each of us in Shaklee. I am so confident in the incredible potential Shaklee holds for us as Independent Distributors that I want to pursue this rather than my corporate career. For many years, my heart has longed to be in the Field as a Shaklee Leader helping others to achieve their goals on a more personal level while developing my own business.

Recently, doors have opened up for me enabling me to make the shift from corporate, and I was able to acquire a Shaklee distributorship. It is full of loyal and committed leaders and customers. It will be my honor and privilege to work for this team helping them to achieve their goals. And I have absolute confidence in the talented and dedicated team inside the company led by President of Shaklee North America and Chief Operating Officer Dan Rajczak and new Senior Vice President of Sales for North America Justin Rose to support each of us along the way. 

For years I have been promoting the powerful business opportunity I see available in Shaklee. Shaklee has the winning combination of what any entrepreneur would look for in a successful business model:

  1. Products of the highest quality. My family and I have been using Shaklee products for 10 years now, and the difference in our health and vitality is immeasurable.
  2. Partners in business whom you can trust. With the leadership of Roger Barnett and Dan Rajczak, I feel confident in the alignment of values, the foundation created for the next 50 years and the future direction the company is taking. I truly believe there has never been a better time to build a business in Shaklee, and I don’t want to wait any longer to take advantage of our trajectory.
  3. People. Terrific people. Shaklee is a family to me. It is wonderful to be surrounded by people with integrity, both internally as employees and externally in our vibrant Field leadership. And I also look forward to being in a position to help others around me on a more personal level.
  4. Potential. A Shaklee business is at the intersection of all major growth trends: health, wellness, weight management, green cleaning, the potential to build internationally, and the trend of millions wanting to build a home-based business. The future for all of us in Shaklee is truly unlimited.

Many of you who know me won’t be surprised by this decision. In my heart, and from the time that I first fell in love with this industry, I’ve identified very closely with the Field, no matter where I’ve worked. But when I came to Shaklee in 2004, I felt I’d come home. And since that time, the desire has been growing in me to be what I feel I am destined to be, and that’s what you are – entrepreneurs with a mission and a cause to make others’ lives better, and to help people to achieve their greatest potential in every possible way. That is what I believe in, and that is what I look forward to dedicating my life to every day. As one of you.

I look forward to seeing all of you at a Regional Event in April, and at our 2014 Shaklee Live event in Long Beach.

Best wishes for good health and success,

Laura Evans

View a special video message in which Laura shares her excitement about this announcement!

Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving,  Betsy

If you are interested in how you can become a Shaklee Sales Leader, I would be happy to show you how.  Visit my website and leave your information so I can get back to you.

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Is your SSI income holding you back? https://www.grandmabetsybell.com/ssi-income-can-hold-us-back/ https://www.grandmabetsybell.com/ssi-income-can-hold-us-back/#comments Fri, 03 May 2013 05:01:23 +0000 http://www.grandmabetsybell.com/?p=629 Greetings! SSI and Social Security income can hold us back and keep us from venturing into an online internet marketing business. We may think:  I’ll lose my government money if I earn too much.  One year I made the paltry sum of $300. All four of our daughters were in college.  We had scholarship money …

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SSI and Social Security income can hold us back and keep us from venturing into an online internet marketing business. We may think:  I’ll lose my government money if I earn too much.  One year I made the paltry sum of $300. All four of our daughters were in college.  We had scholarship money and loans based on financial need.  A friend advised me that we’d be better off financially if I did NOT get a job.  I didn’t believe it ……

I tell my little story in this 3 minute you tube.

Don’t let the risk of losing your SSI income keep you from investigating an online business.  You can learn how to turn your computer skills into enough income so you won’t need that hard won SSI income any more.  The same is true for SSN benefits before age 72 which drop off for one month or more if you earn too much.  Is the threat of lost government income holding you back?

Call me 206 933 1889


Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving


www.DoWellwithBetsy dot com


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Making money is a lot like mushroom hunting https://www.grandmabetsybell.com/making-money-is-a-lot-like-mushroom-hunting/ https://www.grandmabetsybell.com/making-money-is-a-lot-like-mushroom-hunting/#respond Thu, 25 Apr 2013 00:53:12 +0000 http://www.grandmabetsybell.com/?p=602 Sounds weird, I know.How could a home based busines be anything like mushroom hunting? Well, think about it for a minute. If you were to head into the mountains, park the car and wander off into the woods to look for mushrooms, what do you think you’d find?  With no prior knowledge? With no training …

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Sounds weird, I know.How could a home based busines be anything like mushroom hunting?
Well, think about it for a minute.
If you were to head into the mountains, park the car and wander off into the
woods to look for mushrooms, what do you think you’d find?  With no prior knowledge?
With no training in where to go or what to look for?
Lots of strange looking spors, fungi, toad stools.images
Or would you rather have an experienced mushroom hunter show you the best spots,
lead the way into potential new bits of woods, and most important of all,
steer you to the safe and tastly mushrooms.
“Eat this one.  Not that one.  It will kill you.”
There are a lot of not-so-safe-and-tasty mushrooms out there.  The good ones
are hard to find.  Doesn’t it make sense to go with someone who has hunted
before?In home based businesses, there are a whole lot of bad mushrooms.  The reasonsI’m doing the one I love are many.  And there are many reasons I am not doing
all those others out there where you are likely to get a poison deal and lose all your money
When it comes to mushrooms, I know what I’m doing.  The same is true for home based
business.  I know what works.
Search no more.  The quest is over.  This is it.
You have everything you need to earn real income online.Carsten  picking mushrooms
Without selling or begging.Come on it.  The forest is damp and beautiful.  Only golden chanterelles in these woods.
Betsy Bell
206 933 1889
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