Increase energy naturally

Replenish and Increase your Energy Naturally   Between 50% and 75% of consumers experience fatigue and low energy levels.  Women especially struggle with the vicious cycle of tiredness.  The more worn out you feel, the harder it becomes to relax and rest, which means more fatigue.  Many turn to stimulants like caffeine to receive “energy …

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Does it matter What I Eat?

Does it matter what I eat? You bet it does.  But what specific dietary precautions a person needs to take to ease painful arthritis depends on a number of conditions.  First of all, there are 5 types of arthritis: Degenerative (Osteoarthritis) Inflammatory (rheumatoid arthritis, allergic autoimmune) Toxic (gout) Traumatic (old fractures, etc) Infection (Lyme disease) …

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