fibromyalgia Archives - GrandmaBetsyBell Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving Thu, 14 Feb 2013 19:57:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Is it Woo-Woo? Thu, 14 Feb 2013 19:57:20 +0000 Gentle Reader, Climbing up a long snowy track on cross country skis yesterday, my companions and I talked about little miracles, ‘woo-woo’ magic, the unexplained healing that sometimes occurs.  The husband of one friend has suffered from arthritis in both ankles for about 5 years, so bad that he could barely walk.  He is in …

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Gentle Reader,

Climbing up a long snowy track on cross country skis yesterday, my companions and I talked about little miracles, ‘woo-woo’ magic, the unexplained healing that sometimes occurs.  The husband of one friend has suffered from arthritis in both ankles for about 5 years, so bad that he could barely walk.  He is in his late 50’s.  The friend herself worked a stressful tech job that required her to bend over patients.  She suffered from excruciating pain from her head down her neck, along her shoulders and down her arms.  In time the pain reached down her back.

The man, slim, fit, an avid cyclist who couldn’t walk without extreme pain, got one of his ankles fused, a newish operation for arthritis.  They chose the more painful of the two to work on.  The operated ankle no longer hurts.  The ‘woo-woo’ miracle is that the other ankle no longer hurts. He can walk 5 miles.  The x-rays indicated that both ankles were equally damaged by the disease.  Hum. . . . . .

The friend with the pain from bending over at work?  Her doctor’s diagnosed fibromyalgia and offered drug therapy.  After much consideration, she retired from her job.  All the pain has vanished.

Were the x-rays wrong?  Were the doctors missing something?

In my own case, I hurt my back badly at age 52.  By the age of 55, I was diagnosed with a severe condition that my doctor said would put me in a wheel chair.  At age 75, I am pretty much pain free.  I haven’t had any of the operations they suggested.  A check up with more pictures at age 65, the doc said, “If I didn’t know you, I’d say you should be in a wheel chair.”

What’s going on here?  These three stories, my friend with diagnosed fibromyalgia, her husband with arthritic ankles and me with a back condition so bad I should be in a wheel chair all have to do with pain and the skeletal structure, nerves and pain messaging.  Compelling research has been done with thought, intention and cancer.  Here is a short video about this healing work. Do Thoughts Have the Power to Heal? Could similar healing happen with skeletal and nerve problems?  Even if you don’t direct intention to the condition such as with my friend’s husband?  He’s not interesting in discussing the ‘miracle’ healing of the second ankle.

You can read my story and what I’ve done to be pain free today in past blog posts.  Perhaps the most important thing is hope, belief and action, in that order.  I seldom miss my morning routine to limber everything up.  I listen to a CD meditation that declares night after night that my cells have all the right nutrients to recreate themselves new and healthy, even the ones in my back that are supposed to be all messed up.

Miracles of healing?  As the doctor says, “whatever you’re doing, keep it up.”  And so I do.  How about you?


Be Well, Do Well, Keep Moving


Injured at 52. Diagnosed and sentenced to a wheel chair at 55 and 65.  Hiking, skiing, dancing and walking at 75.  Read my story.  

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My Hands Don’t hurt Fri, 31 Aug 2012 05:45:45 +0000 Gentle Reader, Today I sat with a group of women doing writing practice.  One lovely person a few years younger than I read aloud when it was her turn and shared her wistful memories of back packing.  Having all she needed in the world for simple shelter, nourishing and simple food, everything necessary in her …

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Gentle Reader,

Today I sat with a group of women doing writing practice.  One lovely person a few years younger than I read aloud when it was her turn and shared her wistful memories of back packing.  Having all she needed in the world for simple shelter, nourishing and simple food, everything necessary in her pack was her idea of the best possible situation.

I feel this way, too, and eagerly asked her afterwards if she is still back packing.  She said, no, her husband was leaving soon but she would have to stay behind.  She had no energy and was taking many medications for various problems.  Still walking along the beach most every day, she takes solace in that pleasure, but has mourned her loss of this most freeing experience, setting off for a wilderness place with all her necessities in her pack.

This story came across my desk last week.  As I heard my new friend’s story of medications and energy loss, I wondered if this could be her story, too.

Hands No Longer Hurt

“As you know, Shaklee vitamins  and Liver DTX have put my hepatitis C into remission. After adding the soy protein I now have energy and the doctor says my liver is again soft and no longer swollen.

The new news is that I finished up the Cal/Mag and now have been using the OsteoMatrix for about a week. My hands no longer hurt! It was becoming a daily heartache to endure this additional pain. I have hope that my hip pain will also stop as it has already been reduced.

Years ago I was on 4 different interferon programs, 8 – 10 months each, and the medicine had me bedridden without any medical benefits and plenty of side effects. Today I am a new person! I thank God for you and Shaklee.” Fran Shaughnessy

I was recently sitting with another woman who is riddled with arthritis and has had most of her joints operated on.  She has had gold shots and takes morphine for pain. Of course, her doctors are monitoring her liver and they claim she is tolerating the 8 – 10 prescriptions she is taking.  She is also taking many different vitamins and other supplements.  She has decided to turn to Shaklee to see if the products from the #1 Natural Nutrition Company will make a difference.  I can’t tell you yet how this is going as she only began yesterday. She will continue taking all prescription meds and specific supplements.  Together we will monitor how she feels and let her doctors decided through blood tests whether her arthritis symptoms, fibromyalgia and other conditions are improving enough over time to reduce any of the medications.

I have recommended Liver DTX, Optiflora, Fiber Plan and Herb Lax, all signature Shaklee products designed to help the digestive system function optimally, eliminate toxins and repair the bruised and over worked lower intestine and liver so that the medications will actually serve the body as the doctor hopes.  She will also use Vitalizer and Energizing Soy Protein to help boost her overall health.

Now, dear reader, go to your pill drawer and take count of the prescriptions and over the counter drugs, the vitamins and other supplements you have either been prescribed or are taking because you think they might help.  May I suggest that by simply changing brands to Shaklee for the vitamins alone, you might improve your situation dramatically?

Do you know how the various pills interact? Are you flying solo making your choices, or are you consulting with a nutritionist/Naturopath/Physician about all the many things you take (or the few things). Here is an excellent web site that will help sort this out.  Then come back and spread the word.

Do you have a friend or family member who might benefit from thinking about their medications and supplements from a new point of view? If so, pass this post along to someone you know and care about.

And finally, like my BetsyBells Health4u Face book page.  Friend me at

Fondly, Betsy

Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving

BetsyBell’s Health4u

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