Who is Peggy Cappy?

Gentle Reader, Whether it is the new exercise classes or the intense gardening, I cannot say for sure.  What I am sure about is increased pain and then the magical release from it.  Here is the unexplainable magic.  I have mentioned it to you several times in the past.  It is a 20 minute meditation …

Watch out for the metal detectors!

Gentle Reader, His long legs and narrow hips will soon carry him back to the gym.  He will be back on the machines and lose the ‘love handles’ that have crept on from lack of exercise. The long process of identifying what caused the sciatica, the sharp pinching pain radiating down the leg, making his …

Tips for women who have back pain because of osteoporosis

Here they are: Tip #1 Increase your vitamin D3   (more info about Vitamin D3 for bone density here) Tip #2 Add weight bearing exercise to your routine Tip #3 Eat more greens Gentle Reader, You have a sharp pain in your back and can’t remember that you lifted that bag of groceries 3 days ago …

Where’s the Nyquil?

Gentle Readers,  From the couch, handkerchiefs everywhere, head propped up I write to tell you the story of a person who used to get every cold bug that came along.  In the old days, I grabbed the Coricidin and then the Nyquil P.M. and then went whimpering to my doctor.  He gladly swabbed my throat …

Resolutions, hell-o-lutions. How to keep them.

Gentle Reader, Here we are again at the first of the New Year.  2013 is going to be IT.  That last doctor visit convinced me once and for all that I must do something about my weight/exercise program or I will die sooner than later. How many people do you know who begin again to …

Blue Christmas

Gentle Reader, Does the over whelming need to be cheerful this season get you down?  Perhaps you are like me and Christmas brings memories, and some of them are not go wonderful.  It feels like an emergency.  I have to figure something out or I will go down in a wash of self pity. The …

Exercises for a bad back

Gentle Reader, I began this blog to report on ways to manage osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis by reflecting on my own experience.  I have to tell you that I have no symptoms these days.  I’ve been trying to understand what I have done to reduce the chronic pain to this degree.  I practice all the …

Hard Core Mother of Four

Gentle Reader, My daughter, Priscilla, the personal trainer extraordinaire (www.hardcoremotheroffour.blogspot.com) mentioned a Pilates move when we were talking after Thanksgiving dinner.  For the first time, I thought she could probably help me with my chronic back issues.  Funny how your children can be experts to so many and take a long time to claim that …

Guess what the liver of an inorganic turkey looks like.

Gentle Reader, Thanksgiving Day and 17 of the children and grandchildren are coming. The alarm went off at 5:15 so I could put the turkey in for a dinner time of 2 p.m.  When I chopped up the giblets, I thought, yes, it is worth it to pay for the organic free range bird.  The …

Can we eat pie this Thanksgiving?

Gentle Reader, Are you shopping for Thanksgiving yet?  Tell me about your resolve to eat so your joints don’t hurt, the achy knees don’t creak, the back doesn’t twinge when you go from sitting to standing?  Have you been eating a dinner plate big on greens with a small portion of meat or fish and …