El Camino de Santiago Archives - GrandmaBetsyBell https://www.grandmabetsybell.com/tag/el-camino-de-santiago/ Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving Thu, 11 Aug 2022 19:19:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 A Spiritual Journey (AS WELL AS pHYSICAL) https://www.grandmabetsybell.com/a-spiritual-journey-as-well-as-physical/ https://www.grandmabetsybell.com/a-spiritual-journey-as-well-as-physical/#respond Thu, 11 Aug 2022 19:19:16 +0000 https://www.grandmabetsybell.com/?p=1975 My trainer and developer of a unique “Time under Tension” program for increasing life-skills strength and stamina, Xgym.com, PJ Glassey, interviewed me after I came home from walking the Camino de Santiago. I had mentioned to him that my workouts with him and his cadre of trainers had made my 85+ mile walk possible. Enjoy …

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My trainer and developer of a unique “Time under Tension” program for increasing life-skills strength and stamina, Xgym.com, PJ Glassey, interviewed me after I came home from walking the Camino de Santiago. I had mentioned to him that my workouts with him and his cadre of trainers had made my 85+ mile walk possible. Enjoy our nineteen minutes conversation. I’d love to hear your reactions, so leave a comment.

Be Well, Do Well, and Keep Moving!

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The post A Spiritual Journey (AS WELL AS pHYSICAL) appeared first on GrandmaBetsyBell.

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