
Alfalfa Complex   This is the time of the year when you will really want to add alfalfa to your supplement regime that is, only if you haven’t already experienced all the rich benefits of this fabulous plant. Seasonal changes in the weather often bring about sensitivities to various forms of pollen, mold and dust. …

bike crash

Gentle Reader, I did not write last week.  I had to let the effects of a bike crash at the beach take hold before I let you in on it.  I was off at the beach with the Finneys, my stepfamily, who turned out in big numbers to enjoy Long Beach, WA’s wave action, drift …

Arthritis or Tendonitis?

Gentle Reader, Tendonitis or arthritis?  Which is it?  My oldest daughter (52) was feeling sprightly one morning in Ecstatic Dance and accepted an invitation to do a cartwheel and round off.  Why not?  She is fit, exercises daily and used to do them easily when she was a gymnast back in high school.  So off …

Watch out for the metal detectors!

Gentle Reader, His long legs and narrow hips will soon carry him back to the gym.  He will be back on the machines and lose the ‘love handles’ that have crept on from lack of exercise. The long process of identifying what caused the sciatica, the sharp pinching pain radiating down the leg, making his …