Shaklee Life Plan

The best, most comprehensive nutritional system in the world.  If you are in the Seattle area, come to my house on Sept 5, Labor Day Weekend, at 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.  to learn all about it.  Snacks, information, good people and great fun.  RSVP  206 933 1889 or text me at 206 409 5940. Can’t wait to share this amazing stuff.  Grow old gracefully with me.

Shaklee Life Plan is the result of the foremost scientific research and decades of studies, designed to bring you the essential nutrients for a healthy life. Combining the Shaklee Life Energizing Shake and the Shaklee Life-Strip, the plan promotes every aspect of your health – with nutrients clinically proven to help provide the foundation for a longer, healthier life.* Feel amazing in 30 days with the best, most comprehensive, nutritional system in the world. Guaranteed.

Be well, Do well and Keep Moving,  Betsy

To shop for Life Plan, go to my page.

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Published by betsyjbell

Hi Energy Grandma lives in Seattle, WA; Loves to write, hike, walk, garden and spend time with 15 grandchildren and their parents. Because of my Shaklee products and a healthy eating life style, I have excellent health at age 75. Because of my Shaklee business, I have the money I need to take trips to all the corners of the earth, spend my time as I wish.

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