Making Hip Pain Go Away

Gentle Reader, How many of you have suffered from chronic hip pain? You’ve been to the doctor, the chiropractor, the massage therapist – and nothing seems to help for very long.  Julie Donnelly is a Deep Muscle Massage Therapist with 20 years of experience specializing in the treatment of chronic joint pain and sports injuries.   Thanks to Dr. Chaney, […]

Confessions of an arthritic painting contractor

  Gentle Reader, Confessions of an arthritic painting contractor: Taking down paintings, emptying book shelves, moving furniture, rolling up rugs, pulling up old wall-to-wall carpet, removing electric face-plates and then spackling, sanding, taping, and painting every wall that faces the outside is a sure-fire recipe for arthritic flare-ups of major proportion.  No matter how many times I lay down on […]

Joint pain reaction to bee sting

Gentle Reader, The energy retrofit continues this week.  The work took me and one roofer through a yellow jacket nest on the side of my hill.  The result was painful stings.  Mine were on the belly and chest.  The roofer had to be taken to the emergency room for treatment. He became short of breath and had other severe reactions. […]

Managing pain after eye surgery

Gentle Reader, While this blog is primarily about arthritis management, I wanted to use this platform to let you know about managing pain after my recent eye surgery.  I have suffered from impaired vision for several years due to a droopy eye lid condition which is corrected by Blepharoplasty.  Here’s a little video so you can see how I’m doing. [youtube][/youtube] Blepharoplasty […]

Managing Pain

Gentle Reader Are you like me, suffering from chronic pain?  Do you wake up every morning and check to see which joints are hurting?  A friend of mine describes sitting on the edge of the bed wondering if she can actually stand and walk to the bathroom.  I’m better off than that, but the first ½ hour each day is […]

The Nutritional Management of Chronic Pain

Gentle Reader Are you like me, suffering from chronic pain?  Do you wake up every morning and check to see which joints are hurting?  A friend of mine describes sitting on the edge of the bed wondering if she can actually stand and walk to the bathroom.  I’m better off than that, but the first ½ hour each day is […]

Hiking the Engadine: Avoid arthritis pain

Gentle Reader, I am back safe and sound from my hike through the Engadine Valley in the Alps in Switzerland and the Writers Workshop in Villa Lina north of Rome.  And my body is not suffering from arthritis!  Sitting in the airplane for the long flight to Amsterdam, the first stop of my journey, I actually slept with the help […]

How to Keep Your Hand Moving–Without Pain

Gentle Reader, A good friend is suffering from arthritis in her hand causing discomfort playing tennis and gripping the handles of her hiking pole. Her pain, like the arthritis pain in many aging hands, is the gradual deterioration of the joints because of continued use and abuse over a long, productive life. In 1980 when I was cross country skiing […]

Knee Pain: an early warning sign of Osteoarthritis

Gentle Reader, This is just in from the Johns Hopkins: Knee Pain: An Early Warning Sign of Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting an estimated 27 million people in the United States. By age 40, approximately 90 percent of us have at least some signs of osteoarthritis that can be seen on X-rays of the weight-bearing […]