Vitamin C Sustained Release

This is the time of the year, our bodies experience stress due to the change of seasons.
So to keep us at the top of our game we are focusing on Vita C. It is also called
ascorbic acid, which is the form of vitamin C found in most foods. It is a water-soluble
vitamin and cannot be stored in the body. Most plants and animals can produce their
own vitamin C, but humans cannot. For this reason, humans must eat ample amounts of
vitamin C every day.
Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that helps boost the body’s immune system, a
formula that helps maintain natural antioxidant defenses, cell integrity, and the health of
eyes, teeth, gums, bones, muscles, and blood vessels.

You may want to consider adding additional Vitamin C to your diet, if you find yourself
with any of the following:
 Bruise easily
 Bleeding gums
 A smoker
 Take medication
 Stressed?
 And the list goes on

If you experience any of these situations you will want to consider adjusting your vitamin
C intake.

Vitamin C is needed for proper growth, development, and to heal wounds. It is used to
make the collagen tissue for healthy teeth, gums, blood vessels and bones. Since
vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, it is also used to prevent damage to our bodies from
toxicities and pollutants, such as cigarette smoke.

Vitamin C helps protect other nutrients such as A, E and several B vitamins from
oxidation. It also regulates our body’s thermostat, cooling and heating the body through
circulation while promoting circulation through capillaries to fingertips and toes, and think
about it, when you are stressed circulation slows down and you will find that your
fingertips and toes are generally cold. Keep in mind that vitamin C is water soluble so it
needs to be taken throughout the day.

How much Vitamin C do I need in my diet?

Dr. Linus Pauling did extensive research on vitamin C and he states that just to maintain
normal body functions you need 3000 milligrams a day.
Smokers should add an extra 35mg per day to these numbers, because vitamin C is
depleted as an antioxidant in smokers. Additional vitamin C is needed to ensure it’s
other roles are performed.

Shaklee Sustained Release Vita-C®
is a propriety sustained release system that delivers the vitamin C equivalent of eating oneand a half oranges every hour on the hour for five hours. Unlike other sustained released products, Shaklee sustained Vita-C is based on natural gums and waxes, again like other C’s which are mainly ascorbic acid Shaklee Vita-C offers a full biolfavonoid complex.

Remember this……..don’t count on getting your vitamin C from orange juice. Vitamin C is
not stable in liquid and will oxidize after two hours being in liquid.

Avoid Vitamin C Deficiencies: The late Linus Pauling, PhD, found that vitamin C
deficiencies and heart disease often go hand in hand. If you are at risk for developing
heart disease, gradually build up to a daily intake of 3,000 to 6,000 mg, divided into two
or three doses.

Another reason to take Vitamin C: Your brain contains 15 times more vitamin C than
other organs in your body, and it’s vital for memory and mental function. Supplement
with a minimum of 1,000 mg of vitamin C every day.

Do you bruise easily, have bleeding gums, are you a smoker, take medication, are you
stressed? And the list goes on. If you experience any of these situations you will want
to consider adjusting your vitamin C intake.

Vitamin C is needed for proper growth, development, and to heal wounds. It is used to
make the collagen tissue for healthy eyes, teeth, gums, muscles, blood vessels and
bones. Since vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, it is also used to prevent damage to
our bodies from toxicities and pollutants, such as cigarette smoke.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Defend and Resist

Defend and Resist Complex

The immune system protects the body from bacteria, virus fungus, and other harmful
organisms. At times of the year when you are more likely to be slowed down by
immune challenges, it’s more important than ever to keep your immune system up to
speed. Scientific studies suggest that along with a healthy diet and getting enough rest,
consuming certain herbal supplements can help you be prepared for the moment when
you first feel the need to bolster your immune system. Defend and Resist Complex can
help your body respond to seasonal challenges by giving your immune system what it
needs to stay strong.

What Is Defend and Resist Complex?

Buy Now

Defend and Resist Complex features standardized extracts of Echinacea, black
elderberry, and larch tree with immunoactive arabinogalactans to stimulate the body’s
natural resistance during seasonal challenges. Defend and Resist Complex also contains
zinc, which is known to help support a healthy immune function. Convenient tablets may
be swallowed, dissolved in the mouth then chewed, or crushed and mixed with hot
water to drink as a tea.
Defend and Resist Complex Supports Your Body in 4 Ways
1. By stimulating the body’s natural resistance.
Echinacea native to the United States, Echinacea was first used by the native
peoples of the New World. Also known as purple coneflower, Echinacea is a
perennial flower that resembles a black-eyed Susan. The Echinacea in Defend and
Resist Complex is an extract of both the herb and the root of the most studied herb
species, Echinacea purpurea. Recent studies have shown that Echinacea can help
your body respond to seasonal challenges by giving your immune system what it
needs to stay strong. A basis for understanding how Echinacea works comes from
laboratory studies showing cichoric acid and alkylamides, compounds found at high
concentrations in Echinacea purpurea, have strong immuno-stimulating activity. Six
tablets of Shaklee Defend and Resist Complex per day provide 168 mg of Echinacea
extract concentrated 6:1 to reliably provide the equivalent of over 1,000 mg of dried
herb. In addition, Echinacea is extracted from cultivated plants, which not only helps
guarantee the quality of the raw materials, but also helps protect increasingly rare
wild plants from being over-harvested.

  1. By maintaining a healthy immune response.
    Black Elderberry. The elderberry has been involved in human history for centuries.
    The generic name sambucus may come from the Greek sambuke, a musical
    instrument made from elderberry wood and said to be capable of making music to
    heal the spirit. Black elderberries (Sambucus nigra) are a rich source of antioxidant
    compounds called anthocyanidins and polyphenols. Scientific studies have shown
    that elderberry extract can help the body maintain a healthy immune response.
  2. By enhancing immune support.
    Larch Tree. The larch tree (Larix occidentalis) is a deciduous conifer ― a member of
    the pine family that loses its needles each year. Only 10 species of larch occur in the
    world, mostly in cold areas of the northern hemisphere. Larches are commonly
    called tamaracks in many parts of the United States. There is evidence that
    compounds found in high concentrations in the heartwood of larch tree cells, called
    arabinogalactans, are even more immunoactive than extracts of Echinacea.
    Laboratory studies further suggest that larch arabino-galactans stimulate important
    markers of function. A recent clinical study showed that larch heartwood extract
    helped support the immune systems natural ability to achieve a state of immune

  3. By providing the full Daily Value of Zinc.
    Zinc is present in virtually all cells in the body, zinc works as a trigger for over 200
    different enzymes whose functions range from making the materials DNA and RNA
    to helping with the metabolism of fatty acids. Zinc also contributes to growth and
    development, and is important for proper immune function.

Is There Scientific Evidence for the Ingredients in Defend & Resist Complex?
Recent studies have shown that cichoric acid and alkylamides found in the Echinaceaplant have immunoactive properties.* It has also been demonstrated that these phytonutrients occur in higher concentrations in the leafy parts of the plant than in the root. In laboratory tests, Echinacea boosts the production and activity of white blood cells.* Echinacea provides natural support for the body’s immune system.*

  1. Black Elderberries are a rich source of antioxidant compounds called
    anthocyanidins and polyphenols. Scientific studies have shown that
    Elderberry extract can help the body maintain a healthy immune response.*

  2. There is evidence that Echinacea’s benefits are enhanced by immunoactive
    arabino-galactans that are extracted from the heartwood of the Larch Tree.*
    Scientific studies show that arabino-galactans, polysaccharides found in
    Larch cells, boost important indicators of immune system function.*

How Should Defend & Resist Complex be Used?

Defend & Resist Complex is offered in tablet form. Tablets may be swallowed, dissolved
in the mouth then chewed, or even crushed and mixed as a tea, without degrading the
benefits of the herbs. To supercharge your immune system when you start to feel the
need, take 6 tablets daily for about 7 days.
• Recommended serving size for children 4–12 years is 2–4 tablets per day for about 7 days.
There are four ways to take the six-tablet daily serving of Defend & Resist Complex throughout the day:
• Swallow
• Chew
• Drink it dissolved in hot water as a tea
• Dissolve it in your mouth, then chew

This product will provide you with emergency protection, which super charges the
immune system when coming down with a cold or flu and will stimulate the body’s
natural resistance and enhances immune support.

So during the times, when you face additional health challenges, do to stress, you can
pump up your immune system. This wonderful combination of Zinc, Echinacea, Larch
Tree extract and Black Elderberry, stimulates the body’s natural resistance and
enhances immune support.

Defend and Resist Complex or commonly known as DR goes a long way for seasonal
support and is a wonderful “must” for every family especially at this time of year when
we are exposed to colds and flu. It is a wonderful alternative to cold medicines
(especially, with all the information now coming out, about how dangerous some of
these over-the-counter remedies can be!)

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This
product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Listed below are the noted differences found in these three immune-strengthening

Nutriferon delivers the highest level of daily protection, by increasing the production of
the body’s natural interferon. Interferon’s (IFNs) are proteins made and released by host
cells in response to the presence of pathogens―such as viruses, bacteria, or parasites
or tumor

Defend and Resist supercharges the immune system when you start to feel the need.

Defend and Resist Complex can help your body respond to seasonal challenges by
giving your immune system what it needs to stay strong,* with the unique formula based
on standardized herbal extracts.

aims at a higher standard achieving the best health possible by
delivering specific nutrients, protected by Shaklee Guard. This design provides for our
bodies, first-line defenders, cell builders and cell protectors. Provides a baseline
increasing resistance to infectious disease and supplying daily support for your immune
system. Formula I gives you one easy to take capsule with six vitamins and four minerals
– all key immuno active nutrients. Shaklee Guard ensures freshness and stability.



Every day our bodies are under attack by pathogens and dangerous microbes that infest our surroundings with an unseen, unfelt, yet undeniable health threat. Our body’s built-in immune system protects us whenever possible, but it’s under constant attack from poor nutrition, stress, pollution, and fatigue. THE SHAKLEE DIFFERENCE in NUTRIFERON is a powerful breakthrough in immune system science. It is a patented, clinically proven blend of immune strengthening plant extracts. For daily use, it increases the production of your body’s natural interferon, a critical activator of the immune system and works at the cellular level

 Rapidly activates your immune system’s defenses

 Mobilizes the immune system’s “search-and-destroy” teams

 NutriFeron is the only immunity supplement formulated by the discoverer of natural interferon, after an exhaustive review of 200 natural compounds.

 Patented, clinically proven formula

 A natural way to keep your immune system finely tuned and on ready alert, taking the defenses you
already have and making them even better.

 Available exclusively through Shaklee, NutriFeron is a powerfully effective supplement that has exceeded a stringent set of scientific tests for safety, purity, potency, and clinical tests for performance.

 Star-K kosher certified

In a recent laboratory study, NutriFeron has been shown to positively impact natural killer (NK) cells — more support for this powerful breakthrough in Immune System Science. Now more than ever is the time to take care of you. Every day your immune system has to protect you from millions of microbes that inhabit your surroundings—microbes you may be breathing, eating, touching, or sharing. 8 Reasons to support your immune system with Nutriferon

1. Naturally Boosts Interferon Levels Scientists have identified interferon as being critical to healthy immune function. NutriFeron is the ONLY DIETARY SUPPLEMENT IN THE U.S. created by the immunologist who

2. Created by the Discoverer of Interferon Dr. Yasuhiko Kojima, the world-renowned immunologist who discovered interferon in 1954, dedicated 40 years of research to finding natural compounds that would provide a boost to
interferon production. This patented botanical blend is found in NutriFeron. NutriFeron from Shaklee is the ONLY IMMUNITY SUPPLEMENT IN THE U.S. CREATED BY THE DISCOVERER OF INTERFERON.*Star Achievers

Years of Research

After 40 years of painstaking research testing hundreds of natural compounds and herbs, Dr. Kojima developed a UNIQUE BLEND OF FOUR POWERFUL PLANT EXTRACTS that boosts the body’s natural production of interferon.*

4. Patented Blend of Interferon-Boosting Plant Extracts NutriFeron boasts the MACH® patented blend of interferon-boosting plant extracts, AN EXCLUSIVE FORMULA that includes pumpkinseed extract, safflower flower extract, Asian Plantain seed extract, and Japanese Honeysuckle flower extract. Each serving provides 500 mg of immunity-bolstering ingredients.*

5. Supported by Four Human Clinical Studies** Four published clinical studies confirm the extraordinary health and immune-supporting benefits of the proprietary blend of plant extracts found in NutriFeron. This potent-yet-safe phytonutrient blend provides immune support right at the cellular level. *

6. Exclusive Formula Protected by 3 Patents NutriFeron is supported by THREE patents and is available only through Shaklee Independent Distributors. This unique, patented formula is a Shaklee exclusive.

7. Made to the Highest Quality Standards A powerfully effective supplement, NutriFeron has been subjected to a stringent set of scientific tests for safety, purity, potency, and performance. 8. Springtime Blooms Tear You Up? Preliminary studies suggest that NutriFeron balances your immune response against environmental irritants and airborne pollutants Shaklee takes pride in making products that are naturally safe—AND proven effective. To prove it, every Shaklee product is backed by an unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee. What Does Interferon Do?
Interferon serves two important functions:*
 To signal surrounding cells to trigger their response mechanisms.

 To activate immune cells to respond. Interferon is essential to the immune system and helps protect us from the daily exposure to millions of potential invaders that we confront each day. Who Should Use NutriFeron?

 Anyone over 12 years of age with busy, stressful lifestyles who wants to unleash their immune

 Those who want to balance their immune response to environmental irritants and airborne pollutants The recommended serving of NutriFeron is two caplets daily. If pregnant or nursing, please ask a health care professional. Keep in mind that…

• Preliminary laboratory studies suggest that in as little as three days, NutriFeron can unleash the full potential of the immune system.

**The Food and Drug Administration have not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Does a Blood Type Diet Work?

Gentle Reader,

How do we know if a blood type diet works?  How do we know if vitamins work?  How do we evaluate health claims?I recently checked in on a new customer to see how her vitamin regimen was going.  We had talked at length about the value of the Shaklee supplements and the ease of the Vita strip in Vitalizer.  She had not reordered.

Her husband decided Vitalizer was too expensive and she should stick with the many bottles of individual supplements recommended by the local health food store.   My friend suffers from aches and pains as well as other health issues and is taking a goodly number of vitamins and herbs.

I thought of them when I read about a recent publication in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A group of Belgian scientists did a systematic search of the literature to see if there was any evidence to support the basic premise behind Eat Right 4 Your Type, published in 1997 by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo.  This book has sold in the millions.   Perhaps you are among those who have bought, read and followed his recommendation based on your blood type.

Have you found it makes a difference?  Do you stick to it?

blood type diet

Dr Steve Chaney, Dr. Richard Brouse, Dr. Frank Painter, Dr. Bruce Miller are all students of the latest claims about diet and eating that promise life-changing results.  What each of these men study is the research behind the claims.  The question to ask of a blood type diet is whether it could be that simple, given that there is tremendous variation in the human genetic makeup?  Is a blood type related to the health outcomes of different diets?

Where is the evidence?  

Out of 1415 articles with blood type diet in the title, only one matched their criteria

  • Did the study start with human subjects grouped according to blood type?
  • Did the study have an intervention in which the subjects were required to adhere to a particular type of diet?
  • Did the study measure a health outcome of the dietary intervention?

You can read the study here, and the newsletter about it from Dr. Chaney here.  The one study that met the criteria was based on an entirely different way of typing blood.

The take-away from this discussion is the question of evidence.  Why follow a diet based on blood type without doing the same research you would do before buying a new car or paint for your house?  If you truly purchase and consume products based only on price, evidence may not sway you to search further.  If you purchase your products based on the recommendation of a trusted friend or professional, you may or may not be getting the best value.

I have not followed the blood type diet.  I started a Shaklee nutritional program and felt better in many surprising ways.  Then I called the company and asked for 2 clinical studies published in peer-review scientific journals.  My body told me I had taken a positive step with vitamins and a protein smoothie.  Now I wanted scientific evidence.  A thick packet arrived with the articles.  I knew how to read the studies and evaluate whether their set up, process and conclusions were valid.  Their studies follow the above criteria.

  • Group the subjects according to the criteria
  • Track the intervention
  • Measure the results

Whether it’s a blood type study, a pain relief study, a vitamin delivery system study, it must follow clean scientific protocal and the results must be accepted for what they are.  All of Shaklee’s products are tested in this way.  I trust them.  Don’t take my word for it.  Google Shaklee science yourself.

Finally, if your body doesn’t give you strong signals that a new regimen or product is effective for you, ask yourself if you have given it enough time and if you have been consistent in following the program.

There are a lot of fads in the health and wellness world.  Some of them may be harmless.  Others may harm.  If you are working to increase your mobility, lessen your pain level, or just want to prevent illness and have more energy, check the quality of the product.  Do your research.

Let me know what your criteria are when deciding what to eat and what vitamins to take?

Be well, Do well and Keep Moving,


206 933 1889

Does The Blood Type Diet Really Work?

Is Eating Right For Your Blood Type A Sham?

Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney

Does the Blood Type Diet really work? In 1997 Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo wrote a book about the blood type diet called “Eat Right 4 Your Type“. Dr. D’Adamo claims that people with different blood types process food differently, so their blood type determines the type of diet that is healthiest for them. Specifically, he claims that people with:

Do you eat for your blood type?



        *  Blood group O are descended from hunters and should consume high protein                     diets.
        *  Blood group A are descended from farmers and should consume a near vegetarian             diet – completely avoiding red meats.
        *   Blood group B are descended from nomads. They have the most flexible digestive              system and can eat the widest variety of foods – even dairy products, which he                  does not recommend for any of the other blood types.
        *   Blood group AB are an enigma and are somewhere between blood group A and                                                                        blood group B.
It’s an interesting concept. Dietary recommendations are made for populations as a whole, and there is tremendous genetic variation in populations. Because of that genetic variation, there is no perfect diet for everyone. Every knowledgeable health expert will tell you that.

The question then becomes “How do you know what kind of diet is healthiest for you?

The blood type diet is a very simple system. Your blood type is easy to determine. Once you know your blood type you know what to eat. There’s no guesswork.

Could it really be so simple? Over 7 million copies of Dr. D’Adamo’s book have been sold. Millions of people believe in this concept. So it is only fitting to ask “What is the evidence?

An Objective Scientific Analysis of the Blood Type Diet

There is no doubt that blood type is related to some human genetic and physical traits, but the important question is whether blood type is related to the health outcomes of different diets – the central thesis of Dr. D’Adamo’s book. A Belgian group lead by Dr. Emmey De Buch did a systematic search of the scientific literature to answer that very question (L. Cusack et al, Am J. Clin. Nutr. , 98: 99-104, 2013).

They identified 1415 scientific articles that had the phrase “blood type diet” in either the title or abstract. Then they begin the elimination process. They eliminated:

  • Studies done in test tubes, cell culture, or animals. Only human clinical studies were included.
  • Reviews, commentaries, letters or opinions. Those contained no original scientific research.

At this point they were down to just 16 published clinical studies. Then they asked which of those studies were designed to test the central hypothesis of the blood type diet. They asked:

  • Did the study start with human subjects grouped according to blood type?
  • Did the study have an intervention in which the subjects were required to adhere to a particular type of diet?
  • Did the study measure a health outcome of the dietary intervention?

Guess what? Only one study met these criteria. Just one! And it was a fairly weak study involving a totally different blood typing system than the ABO blood groups.

The Bottom Line:

1) There is no scientific evidence supporting the blood group diet. A lot has been written about the diet, but nobody has actually shown that it works. The Emperor Has No Clothes!

Dr. Steven Chaney

Vitamin D may prevent Diabetes II

Gentle Reader,

Vitamin D, seems to be the miracle supplement as research turns up more benefits. In my recent travels, along the Inside Passage in Alaska, I worried about the many “round” people from the cruise ships.  They may not have gotten a diagnosis of diabetes from their doctor.  But they may, like many of us, walk around leading what seems like normal lives with pre-diabetes.

Dr. Steve Chaney describes the condition in his recent newsletter.  [To read the whole letter, go to Resources: Diabetes is a deadly scourge.]  He says that when we become overweight our tissues become insulin resistant. Initially our pancreas responds by pumping out more insulin to keep our blood sugar levels near normal. It also starts releasing fatty acids into the bloodstream.

At this stage our blood sugar levels are pretty well under control, but our blood levels of insulin and fatty acids are higher than normal. We are asymptomatic for the most part, so many of us never realize that we have a problem.

And lots of us are pre-diabetic!

When the normal range goes to pre-diabetic and beyond.

My grandfather on my mother’s side was diabetic.  He was a Swede-Finn, emigrating to New York City in around 1900 and joining the dock builders union.  He worked hard, driving piles, helping construct the Brooklyn Bridge and the piers along New York’s maritime harbor.  Then he sat down.  His knees hurt.  His hands hurt. His back hurt.  He had arthritis and moving his body hurt.  Then he developed diabetes.

My mother was never diagnosed with diabetes.  I suspected her of being very close to slipping from pre-diabetic to diabetes in the last 10 years of her life.  Her shoulders hurt.  Her hands hurt.  She had old age arthritis at 55 and began taking Motrin.  I remember her and my father both taking drugs for their aches and pains when I was in high school. They both slowed down, walking less and less.  She was never diagnosed with diabetes.  She died of pancreatic cancer.

This family history is a major driver for me to stay slim and active in spite of major arthritis.

Dr. Chaney points out that there are several published clinical studies showing that lifestyle changes (weight loss, exercise and a healthy diet supplying all of the essential nutrients) can significantly reduce the progression of
pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes.


Supplement with Vitamin D3 by Shaklee

This is a blog about managing arthritis.  See how stiff joints, slowing down, mild and more severe osteo-arthritis, the kind that comes with aging, can be part of the pre-diabetic cluster of conditions?  The primary focus of Dr. Chaney’s article is the research about the benefit of Vitamin D on keeping the pancreas healthy.  Make no mistake, however, Vitamin D by itself will not prevent diabetes.  

Do not let your aches and pains keep you from moving.  Keep those joints active to the maximum extent of their flexibility.

Take Vitamin D if you are over weight and suspect you are pre-diabetic.  But there is no magic bullet.

I was talking with a young woman today who says she doesn’t want to take pills.  I’m all for avoiding medicines if possible.  It was a major challenge for me to understand vitamins are food supplements, foodlets, if you will.  Yes, they are in pill form.  I seldom refer to my vitamins as pills.  They are my supplements.  I take them to fill in the gaps and to compensate for the sluggish utilization of nutrients that comes with age.  We do not make Vitamin D from the sun the way we did when we were 10.

We are going into the winter months when those of us in the north will get less and less sun exposure.  Why not supplement with Vitamin D3?  Especially if you are little round in the middle.  Then, by all means, consider the 180 Turnaround program for losing those extra pounds.  You’ll be thrilled with how much easier it is to move with even 10 pounds less to carry around.

To your good health,

Be well, Do well and Keep moving,


206 933 1889

PS If you would like to comment or ask a question, please email me at  I’ve had too many spammy comments and have limited access to the comment section, but I would still love to hear from you.




Diabetes is a deadly scourge.

Diabetes is a deadly scourge.

by Dr Steve Chaney

[My intention is to educate you about diabetes and its prevention.  Many of us are pre-diabetic and can take measures to insure we do not develop type II diabetes.]

It is the leading cause of kidney failure, lower limb
amputations and blindness. And it is a major cause of
heart disease and stroke.

And diabetes is an epidemic.

Because type 2 diabetes is closely associated with
obesity (80% of people with type 2 diabetes are
overweight), we have a diabetes epidemic worldwide that
is following right behind the obesity epidemic that you
have been hearing so much about.

In 2010 25.6 million Americans, or 11.3% of the
population, over the age of 20 had type 2 diabetes.

That’s up from 8.3% of the population in the 2005-2008
database, and the prevalence of diabetes in the 20+ age
group in this country is predicted to exceed 15% by

However, it is not type 2 diabetes that I am focusing
on today. Instead I will talk about a related condition
called pre-diabetes.

But first, a bit of biochemistry (my favorite subject).

What is pre-diabetes and how do we develop it?

When we become overweight our tissues become insulin
resistant. Initially our pancreas responds by pumping
out more insulin to keep our blood sugar levels near
normal. It also starts releasing fatty acids into the

At this stage our blood sugar levels are pretty well
under control, but our blood levels of insulin and
fatty acids are higher than normal. We are
assymptomatic for the most part, so many of us never
realize that we have a problem.

And lots of us are pre-diabetic!

The National Institute of Health estimates that 35% of
US adults in the 20+ age group and 50% of US adults in
the 65+ age group have pre-diabetes – and most of them
don’t even know it.

That is unfortunate because people with pre-diabetes
are at increased risk of heart disease, strokes and
certain types of cancer. And there is a high
probability that those people with pre-diabetes will go
on to develop type 2 diabetes a few years down the

That’s because high levels of both fatty acids and
insulin damage the pancreas. So every year that an
individual does nothing to reverse the pre-diabetic
condition, their pancreas loses more of its capacity to
produce insulin.

Eventually, the pancreas can no longer produce enough
insulin to overcome the insulin resistance, and the
individual develops full blown type 2 diabetes.

With 35% of the population already pre-diabetic – and
most of them not knowing that they have it, anything
that we can do to prevent pre-diabetes from
progressing to type 2 diabetes is big news.

That’s why today’s study (Mitri et al, American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition, 94: 486-494, 2011) is so

The scientists directing the study enrolled 92 adults
with an average age of 57 and a BMI of 32 (anything
over 30 is considered obese). The subjects were given
2,000 IU/day of vitamin D and/or 800 mg/day of calcium
in various combinations (placebo, D alone, calcium
alone and calcium + D).

They did not assess for pre-diabetes in this group, but
given the age and BMI of the group it is fairly safe to
assume that most of them had pre-diabetes.

At the end of 16 weeks the group receiving the placebo
had a 14% decline in the ability of their pancreas to
secrete insulin – about what you would expect for
individuals with pre-diabetes.

Calcium had no effect on pancreatic function.

However, the groups receiving 2.000 IU/day of vitamin D
had a 26% improvement in the ability of their pancreas
to secrete insulin.

So what are the take home lessons for you?

#1) The most important message that I can give you is
that if you are overweight, you are probably already
pre-diabetic even if you have not received a formal

You are likely already at significantly increased risk
of heart disease, stroke and cancer – and you are
likely to develop type 2 diabetes in the not too
distant future.


#2) The authors of this study were careful to point out
that their study did not show that vitamin D alone
could reduce the progression of pre-diabetes to type 2
diabetes. That study has yet to be done.

However, there are several published clinical studies
showing that lifestyle changes (weight loss, exercise
and a healthy diet supplying all of the essential
nutrients) can significantly reduce the progression of
pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes.

So if you want to act now to reduce your risk of
becoming another statistic, the proven path is clear.

#3) While I consider it unlikely that vitamin D will be
a “magic bullet” for preventing type 2 diabetes, this
study does highlight yet another potential benefit of
making sure that your intake of vitamin D is optimal.

To Your Success!
Dr. Stephen G Chaney



If you have questions or comments about this Tip from the Professor,

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Betsy Bell’s Health4U

206 933 1889

5 Surprising Signs of Dementia

Gentle Reader,

Are we showing signs of demenita?  Traveling with my sister-in-law for a month on ferries, in rental cars and my car; staying in new rooms night after night has resulted in a few missing things, left here and there.

“Our life style is not compatible with our memory issues,” Joan said and we both burst out laughing.  We had to make a stop in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island to buy the plug for our cell phones.  She is taking pictures with my camera because she didn’t bring her charger for this round of sites.  And then there is the misplaced earring.

It wasn’t enough to spend 3 weeks poking around five towns in the Inside Passage of Alaska.  We decided to extend our ferry-boat travel to Lopez, San Juan and Victoria with a full afternoon at the Butchard Gardens.

The Sunken gardens at Butchard in Victoria BC
The Sunken gardens at Butchard in Victoria BC

Tonight we are in our beds in the James Bay Hotel, Government St. in Victoria.  A half-moon hangs over head.  The lights on the government buildings glittered like Christmas time.  The street musicians entertained enthusiastic passers-by and the little harbor taxi spun like a wind-up version of the bumper cars.  At Butchard the gardens are transitioning from summer to fall with beds full of chrysanthemums, tight-buds hint lavender, gold, yellow and orange .  The zinnia patch is a clown-riot of color. The tuberous begonias and impatience vibrate their more nuanced color palate.

Butchard Gardens, Victoria,BC
Butchard Gardens, Victoria,BC

The visit to the gardens began with high panic:  I couldn’t find my wallet.  I put it in a different place in my purse, changing a fixed habit.  Dashing nervously back to the car (if you have been to Butchard Gardens you know how far everything is), I was relieved to find it on the floor of the car just inside the door. All was well.

Do we have the early signs of dementia?  A few years back, my daughter Grace, who was working with a University of Washington hospice project, asked me to subject myself to a base line test of memory.  I did.  I passed.  Somewhere in my medical records there is an account of my memory capabilities at 70.

This recent report may interest you. We can watch for early signs of dementia and take steps to avoid the full-blown condition.

By Alysha Reid, Everyday Health Staff Writer

There’s growing evidence that small changes in the way you walk, chew, sleep, and feel may be subtle early indicators of dementia.

Dementia is characterized by the progressive loss of cognitive functioning as brain cells are destroyed.

But long before you show obvious signs of dementia, certain changes in your behavior could signal that you may have the condition.

One: Trouble Chewing Hard Foods

The act of biting an into apple may predict your odds of developing dementia, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS). Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Karlstad University in Sweden studied a sample of 577 people aged 77 or older and found that those who had trouble chewing hard food such as apples had a much higher risk of mental decline. The Swedish researchers offered one possible explanation: Since chewing is difficult when you have few or no teeth — which may be the case for some older people — they chew less, which reduces blood flow to the brain and therefore may put you at higher risk for dementia.

Two: Slow Walking

Your walking style could predict your dementia risk, according to a report presented at the 2012 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. Several studies presented there found a correlation between walking abnormalities and signs of cognitive decline on neuropsychological tests. Another study presented at the conference analyzed the at-home walking behaviors of 19 older subjects using motion-sensor technology. They found those with a slow pace had smaller brain volumes, which is often true of people with dementia.

Three: Trouble Sleeping

More bad news for night owls: Your sleep cycle now may lead to dementia later. In a December 2011 study published in Annals of Neurology, 1,300 healthy women over the age of 75 were followed over the course of five years. By the end of that time, 39 percent had developed some form of mild cognitive impairment or dementia. Researchers found that women with weaker circadian rhythms(those who performed less physical activity early in the day) were 80 percent more likely to develop mild cognitive impairment or dementia than women who were active early in the day.

Four: Carrying Extra Pounds

Being overweight is linked to many health dangers — including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis. But one study, published in May 2011 in Neurologylinked a high BMI to a higher dementia risk. In an analysis of 8,534 twins aged 65 and older, it was noted that 350 were officially diagnosed with dementia and 114 with possible dementia. When researchers tracked their BMIs from 30 years earlier, they found that those with dementia or possible dementia now were 70 percent more likely to have been overweight or obese back then.

Worried that your extra weight could lead to cognitive decline later on? The answer may be tostart a workout program. A July study presented in the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference concluded that exercise may protect the aging brain.

Five: Being Depressed

Feeling blue isn’t only bad for your emotional well-being — depression can take a toll on your brain health, too. A study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry evaluated the medical records of more than 13,000 California residents over the course of six years. Those with late-life depression had double the chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease, while those with both mid-and late-life depression had more than triple the risk of developing vascular dementia.

Dear friends, I hope this can be a little wake-up call for.  Not an alarm bell necessarily, but a cautionary suggestion to take a look at some of the creeping behaviors that might be addressed sooner than later.

By all means, to avoid early signs of dementia, keep moving!  Email me or comment here with your stories about dementia.

For supplements that can help, see resources.

Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving,


206 933 1889


What you should know about soy, by Dr. Richard Brouse

What You Need to Know About Soy or How safe is your soy protein?
by Dr. Richard Brouse

Common Concerns About Soy:

Do soybeans cause cancer?

It is true that “overcooked” soy does contain “carcinogenic” compounds. When soy is extruded through high temperature, high-pressure steam nozzles to form what is called “textured vegetable protein – TVP for short”, this form of processing renders the soy “meat substitute” carcinogenic or cancer causing. TVP is what is used in soy dogs and soy burgers, and should be avoided.

What about roasted soybeans?

Whole soybeans are high in plant fat. If soybeans are roasted to eat as soy nuts, the heat alters the fat and makes it a trans-fatty acid, which causes both cancer and heart disease. As roasted soy nuts sit on the shelf or in the cupboard in storage, the oils are becoming more and more rancid and carcinogenic. AVOID roasted soybeans.

But I’ve heard that soy protein is hard on the kidneys!

Animal protein is much harder to digest than vegetable protein. Since many people have digestive difficulties, protein that is not thoroughly digested is very challenging to the kidneys. Powdered protein is in a predigested state, and the BEST protein source to choose! Protein is not the enemy – it is essential for life. It is true, however, that EXCESSIVE protein is hard on the kidneys, so if a person consumes more than 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily, AND does not consume adequate carbohydrates with it, this could cause kidney damage.

I have breast cancer, and I’ve been told I cannot have soy!

It is true that soy is a “phyto-estrogen” food, which means it contains substances that have hormone-like components. However, their estrogen strength is 1/1000th that of the body’s own stronger estrogens. Therefore, you want to load your digestive system with quality controlled raw soy powder, because these weaker estrogens will block the estrogen receptor sites from receiving your body’s own stronger estrogens and therefore be very protective against estrogen fed cancer.

Essential Seven Checklists for a Quality Safe Soy Product:

1) Were the soybeans ORGANICALLY GROWN?

Studies have shown decreased levels of food nutrients and increased levels of nitrates in chemically fertilized crops, when compared with their organic counterparts. There is a connection between the ingestion of nitrates & CANCER! Therefore, it is important to know that pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides have not been used during the growing process. In particular, with soybeans, since they are such a hardy plant, a powerful and DEADLY weed spray called Round up is usually used. For your safety, you must know that your soy products are organically grown.

2) Were the soybeans GENETICALLY ENGINEERED?

Genetically engineered soybeans are much cheaper to purchase, and most companies producing soy products look for ways to save money.

3) Does your soybean powder contain ALL of the nine essential amino acids?

One of the most valuable features of the soybean is that it is a complete protein and provides ALL nine of the essential amino acids. The body requires these daily to produce hormones, digestive juices, antibodies, and enzymes. HOWEVER, not all soybeans are created equal. Quality and amino acid content will vary based on soil conditions, and variable growing and harvest conditions. If one essential amino acid is missing, the immune system can be depressed 30%, and many important body functions are delayed or stopped. Therefore, it is essential that each batch of soybeans be checked for amino acid content if we want to depend on the soy isolate to provide a GUARANTEED supply of the nine essential amino acids.

4) Were the crushed soy flakes washed in alcohol or water?

Alcohol washing destroys isoflavones content up to 88%! It is the isoflavones that reduce the risk of breast, prostate, lung and bowel cancer! As well, it is the isoflavones that are so beneficial in hormone balancing and increasing bone mass.

5) Was the “anti-thyroid”, “anti-growth” substance in the raw soy removed?

Orientals, who have consumed large amounts of soy for years, have known that RAW soy contains an “anti-growth”, “anti-tyrosine” substance. Tyrosine deficiency will cause low blood pressure, low body temperature, and restless leg syndrome. Therefore, Orientals always lightly cook their soy foods to deactivate the “anti-tyrosine/anti-growth” substance. Shaklee has designed an extracting process that removes this substance, yet keeps the soy in a raw form in order to maintain the HIGHEST LEVEL OF AMINO ACIDS and ISOFLAVONES, which are very sensitive to heat.

6) Is your soybean food RAW or heated?

Amino acids are very sensitive to heat. In some studies, cooking protein has been shown to destroy up to 50% of some ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS. If an individual consistently consumes a diet that is lacking in all of the essential amino acids, inadequate brain development and hormones, or other body tissue development can be the result.

7) Has CALCIUM been added to your soy powder?

Some negative reports about soy say that soy powders are VERY ACIDIC and cause bone loss because it causes calcium to be drawn from the bones!!!! The raw soy bean is a NEUTRAL food–neither acidic or alkaline. However, the removal of the soybean oil (which is essential so the soy powder will not go rancid very quickly), makes the powder very acidic. Therefore, adequate calcium (which is very alkaline) must be added to cause the powder to be neutral again, or it can cause the above stated problem. Many protein powder manufacturers do not add any or enough calcium.

About the Author:

Dr. Brouse is a widely recognized authority in the fields of nutrition and prevention of chronic degenerative diseases. Dr. Brouse has a Master’s in Biochemistry and is a Doctor of Chiropractic. He was an Associate Professor of Clinical Nutrition for 14 years and founded the renowned Sunnyside Health Center in Clackamas Oregon in 1977. Since that time many people throughout the world have regained a greater measure of health while following the recommendations of the clinic’s health professionals.

For a quality soy supplements that meets all the above criteria [Click Here

Soyfoods Review by Dr.Mark Messina

 Soy and Your Health: An Update on the Benefits


By: Mark Messina, PhD


Soyfoods have been a part of Asian diets for centuries. Today, there is a growing interest in these foods among westerners because of their proposed health benefits and also because their versatility makes them valuable for replacing meat and dairy foods in the diet. Soybeans provide excellent nutrition and contain a number of biologically active components that collectively may be responsible for a variety of health benefits. However, most of the interest in soy is due to their isoflavone content. Isoflavones have been rigorously studied for their protective effects against several chronic diseases including osteoporosis, coronary heart disease and certain forms of cancer.


Soy Isoflavones


Isoflavones are essentially unique to soyfoods; no other commonly-consumed foods contain enough to impact health [1]. Although they are among a group of naturally-occurring compounds known as phytoestrogens (plant estrogens), isoflavones are much different from the hormone estrogen. In fact, they are most accurately classified as SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators) [2]. Other examples of SERMs are the breast cancer drug tamoxifen and the breast cancer and osteoporosis drug, raloxifene. The effects of SERMs vary depending upon a variety of circumstances. SERMs like isoflavones may have estrogen-like effects, but depending on a number of factors, they may also have effects opposite to those of estrogen or no effects at all in tissues that are affected by estrogen. Therefore, looking at the health effects of estrogen doesn’t provide much information about how isoflavones act. The only way to learn about the effects of isoflavones is to look directly at their biological activity in studies.


Soybean Nutrition


Soybeans are unique among legumes, a group of foods that includes beans, peas, and lentils, because they are much higher in protein and fat than other beans, and lower in carbohydrate [3]. The fat in soybeans is primarily a combination of heart-healthy essential polyunsaturated omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids [4]. This makes soybeans one of the few plant foods to provide both of the essential fatty acids. The carbohydrate in soy is comprised primarily of simple sugars that have been shown in some studies to act as prebiotics, thereby stimulating the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon. Soyfoods are also good sources of B vitamins and minerals such as potassium, iron and sometimes calcium. Soybeans are perhaps best known for their high protein content. Although soybeans contain trypsin inhibitors, compounds which can interfere with the digestion of protein, the normal processing used to produce soyfoods inactivates these compounds. As a result, protein in soy is very well digested; digestion typically exceeds 90 percent. For this reason, and because of its 2 excellent amino acid profile, soy protein is comparable in quality to the protein in animal products [5].


Soyfoods and Heart Disease


Research suggests that incorporating soyfoods into the diet may decrease LDL-cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) by as much as 8 percent [6]. When soyfoods replace conventional sources of protein in western diets, saturated fat intake is reduced and polyunsaturated fat intake is increased. As a result, blood cholesterol levels will be lowered. That soyfoods contain a combination of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is especially important for reducing risk of heart disease [7]. In addition to the healthy fat found in soy, soy protein has been shown to directly reduce levels of blood cholesterol. The Food and Drug Administration awarded a health claim for soyfoods and coronary heart disease on this basis in 1999. The effects of soy protein are comparable to cholesterol-lowering benefits of soluble fiber, the kind found in oat bran.


In addition to lowering LDL-cholesterol, soyfoods give a modest boost to HDL-cholesterol, which is protective against heart disease, and reduces levels of triglycerides (another fatty compound in the blood that can raise heart disease risk). Finally, soyfoods may reduce heart disease risk in ways that are independent of their effects on cholesterol. For example, soyfoods may lower blood pressure [8] and research indicates that isoflavones directly improve the health of the arteries [9]. Therefore, even people with normal cholesterol levels can benefit by consuming soyfoods.


Soyfoods and Breast Cancer Risk


In Asian countries, where soyfoods are a usual part of the diet, breast cancer rates are much lower than in western countries. This observation helped fuel speculation that soyfoods reduce breast cancer risk. However, after years of research, it is not clear that women who begin to consume soyfoods in adulthood will lower their risk of cancer. Rather, the protective effects appear to be related to early soy consumption. That is, women who consumed these foods in childhood and/or the teen years may have a lower risk for breast cancer later in life. Protective effects of soy are thought to be due to actions of soy isoflavones on the developing breast in ways which make breast cells more resistant to being transformed into cancer cells later in life [10, 11].


Studies conducted in China and the United States show that the consumption of modest amounts of soy—1 to 1[1]½ servings per day—is associated with a 25 to 50% reduction in risk. Although the hypothesis that early soy intake is protective against breast cancer remains speculative, because the amount of soy needed for benefit is modest and soyfoods provide good nutrition, there is no reason to wait for the results of future research before encouraging young girls to consume soy.


Prostate Cancer


In studies of Asian populations, consumption of unfermented soyfoods such as tofu and soymilk, is associated with a reduced risk for prostate cancer. These studies show that Asian men who consume about two servings of soyfoods daily are about 30 to 50% less likely to have prostate 3 cancer than Asian men who consume little soy [12]. Some evidence also shows that, in men with prostate cancer, eating soyfoods may slow the rise of blood levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA), a protein associated with tumor growth [13]. Also, an important study in prostate cancer patients indicated that consuming soy isoflavones could reduce levels of an enzyme involved in cancer metastasis [14]. Finally, consumption of soyfoods may reduce some of the side effects associated with radiation therapy for prostate cancer treatment [15].



Because isoflavones exert estrogen-like effects under certain circumstances, scientists have been studying whether soyfoods reduce risk of osteoporosis. Two important studies show that among Asian postmenopausal women, those who are in the upper quarter of soy intake are about one third less likely to suffer a fracture [16, 17]. However, studies in which postmenopausal women have been administered soyfoods, soy protein or isoflavone supplements have produced mixed results. Some studies show an improvement in bone mineral density and some don’t. Thus, more research in this area is needed before conclusions can be made. However, because some soyfoods are good sources of calcium, and all soy products provide high-quality protein, which is important for strong bones, soyfoods can play a beneficial role in diets aimed in promoting bone health regardless of the effects of isoflavones.


Skin Health


A number of cosmetics and lotions that contain soy extracts have been shown in clinical studies to improve the health and appearance of skin. Recently, there has been interest in the effects of dietary intake of isoflavones on the skin as well. Isoflavones bind to estrogen receptors in the skin and the hormone estrogen is associated with improved skin appearance. Several small studies suggest that isoflavone intake improves skin elasticity and increases collagen synthesis [18-22]. Although it is too early for definitive conclusions about the benefits of soy for skin, research in this area is promising.


Hot Flashes


The drop in estrogen levels that occurs in menopause is linked with the onset of hot flashes. The

estrogen-like properties of isoflavones may be one reason why western women report having hot

flashes to a much greater extent than women in Japan. More than 50 clinical trials have evaluated the effects of isoflavone-containing products on the alleviation of menopausal symptoms. The most recent analysis of this research, which includes 19 studies, shows very clearly that isoflavones are effective [23]. On average, isoflavones produce a 50% decrease in the frequency and severity of hot flashes. The amount of isoflavones found in two servings of traditional soyfoods appears to be sufficient to produce this benefit.


Intake Recommendations


The 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines call for increasing the intake of plant protein. Soyfoods are an excellent way to do just that. The quality of soy protein is comparable to animal protein but soyfoods contain only minimal amounts of saturated fat. There is also intriguing evidence indicating that, independent of the nutrients they offer, soyfoods provide a number of health benefits. Based on Asian intake as well as the amounts of soy shown to be beneficial in clinical studies, a good goal is to consume about 15 to 25 grams of soy protein per day. These amounts are provided by about 2 to 4 servings of soyfoods.


About the Author:


Dr. Mark Messina is an adjunct associate professor at Loma Linda University and the Executive

Director of the Soy Nutrition Institute. He has been studying the health effects of soy for more

than 20 years and has published more than 60 scientific papers and given more than 500

presentations on soyfoods to health professionals.



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