Grandmas on the move

Gentle Reader,

The first few moments of a hike and I confess, I do not feel like one of those Grandmas on the move.  I feel every twinge in my ankles as they wake up; in my knees as the right one clicks ominously; in my left foot where the old neuropathy pain can flair up.  After about 20 minutes and everything works like a well oiled machine, a steady climb or descent.  There is no snow to speak of in our Snoqualmie Pass, so the ski bus was called off for the second week.  Three of us went hiking on the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie River.  It was a beautiful day for us Grandmas on the move and we loved it.

Down in LA, the Trust for Public Land installed a fitness zone in a neighborhood park.  Here is what they found when they went back to check two years later:  Grandmas on the move.

Get your self out there and keep moving.  It makes a difference.  I have the choice of not moving when these twinges tell me my legs, joints and muscles are not working they way they did 50 years ago.  Sure, I have severe osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis.  These diagnosed conditions might give someone license to sit down.  Years ago, my neurologist told me I should be in a wheel chair, if my x-ray images were to be believed.  He said my bones were not good enough to operate.  “Get strong, Betsy.  Let your muscles carry you.”

These grandmas on the move have figured that out.  I hope you can find a way to do what they are doing.

Be well, Do well and Keep Moving,


206 933 1889

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Published by betsyjbell

Hi Energy Grandma lives in Seattle, WA; Loves to write, hike, walk, garden and spend time with 15 grandchildren and their parents. Because of my Shaklee products and a healthy eating life style, I have excellent health at age 75. Because of my Shaklee business, I have the money I need to take trips to all the corners of the earth, spend my time as I wish.

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10 years ago

Hi Bets!
That is wonderful!! A good use of dollars, providing not only the exercise, but the fellowship of others for this common goal & friendship. Thanks for sharing!
Just turned 65 myself & made it to the gym 3 times this week, 2x to body pump with 800 reps with bar bells & wts for an hour. 😉 Take good care & I know you’ll have fun with those grandkids. We have 8 & 1 great now. PTL!