Comments on: Eat to eliminate inflammation Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving Mon, 22 Oct 2012 09:30:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Beatrice Mon, 22 Oct 2012 09:30:39 +0000 In reply to betsyjbell.

Many many quality pnoits there.

By: betsyjbell Sat, 25 Aug 2012 23:46:37 +0000 In reply to Meena.

Please tell me the name of the book. Betsy

By: Meena Sat, 25 Aug 2012 21:16:06 +0000 Having just prepped my tofu using the baked tofu repice in this book, I thought maybe it worth the time to write a review. Early on in life, I had IBS was told in my teens about the importance of diet changes, about not eating the nightshade veggies, no deep fried food, etc. But in this very active, busy, and wonderful life, I ended up making minimal changes to my diet, finding that if I avoided red meat, fried food, and peanuts, I wouldn’t get sick. Well, these past few years I have been hit hard with Psoriatic arthritis though it took a while to even get that diagnosed correctly. First it was psoriasis- not a spot until after 40, when it then spread over my scalp, legs, and my arms then 2 hip replacements, etc. So after the latest (shoulder) surgery, I decided it was time to get serious, and look at the food issue once more. I love my cheese, crackers, chips, and chardonnay almost too much. I’m also a teacher, wife, and mom to 2 young guys, who’s involved in animal rescue. Time is tight in our family. I’ve read up quite a bit on the anti-inflammation diet info, and have found some contradictions, and also just can’t bring myself to drinking horrible tasting tea concoctions, giving myself enemas, etc. I also do not like to cook, much less have time for it. Let’s add, no self-discipline. So given all that, this book really helped me to change my life in a wonderful way. She gives very reasonable, clear information on what foods to avoid, and which ones to include in your diet in easy to read charts. Using this book over the others, I’ve been able to make changes to my diet, lose 13 pounds in two months without thinking I’m on a diet, and go without using Enbrel or other meds that lowered my immune system. My psoriasis is clear on my legs and arms still working on the scalp and I feel and look great. What I’ve done instead with my doctor’s blessing is *replace the meds with fish oil supplements, prescribed so they are clear of any contaminants, and take vitamin c, d, and calcium supplements *Eliminate eating processed sugar, and avoid cane product in general I have been shocked at the amount of sugar in our food!! and this has helped me revise my kids food, to decrease this with them as well in a way they can live with Honey, maple syrup, and molasses are ok *Drink green teas *Avoid, but not totally eliminate wheat products just reduce, but eat whole grain food *Reduce the amount of dairy I eat I still need a little of my cheese!! But no milk replace with soy/rice milk, careful to buy those that do not have cane sugar in them. *Increase the amount of grain, veggies, fruits, and nuts NO PEANUTS however in my diet. *Use only olive oil, or canola even given what she stated about it and coconut oil in baking *Eliminate all nightshade veggies -these include potatoes (a tough one!!) tomatoes (also tough!) eggplant, among others. *No alcohol for the first month, and now limit my intake to one glass, when going out with friends. *I still have my morning cup of coffee This book has helped me to make food changes for me and my family. My husband will always be a meat eater! but I’m able to make foods for all of us without a lot of extra effort. This book has done so much for me, and I’m grateful to the author for providing information that has helped me to create a huge positive change to my health and life. If you have been through anything similar to what I’ve been through, this book is definitely a great resource.

By: Knee Pain: an early warning sign of Osteoarthritis Fri, 24 Aug 2012 18:38:36 +0000 […] slowing down the onset of severe osteoarthritis.  If you are a new reader, I suggest you explore back posts for […]
