Daedalus Project

You may be interested in the scientific study behind Performance, the hydrating drink that fueled the famous Daedalus Project, human powered flight.  The research document describing the problem and the solution and the results were first published in American Scientist, vol. 76, July-August 1988.  Worth reading to understand how unique Shaklee products are.  This same care is applied or has been applied to every product produced.   Nadel-1988.


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Published by betsyjbell

Hi Energy Grandma lives in Seattle, WA; Loves to write, hike, walk, garden and spend time with 15 grandchildren and their parents. Because of my Shaklee products and a healthy eating life style, I have excellent health at age 75. Because of my Shaklee business, I have the money I need to take trips to all the corners of the earth, spend my time as I wish.

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