Shaklee Clinical Research Studies – Shaklee’s commitment to clinical research is reflected in every product it makes. The ideal balance of nature and science is not achieved by guesswork. It is a meticulous process of research and development, testing, and refinement. That’s why Shaklee continues to invest in clinical research as part of its ongoing commitment to scientific integrity. The following peer-reviewed clinical studies sponsored by Shaklee scientifically substantiate either Shaklee products or the testing of concepts leading to Shaklee products.
Between 50% and 75% of consumers experience fatigue and low energy levels. Women especially struggle with the vicious cycle of tiredness. The more worn out you feel, the harder it becomes to relax and rest, which means more fatigue. Many turn to stimulants like caffeine to receive “energy boosts” which in turn can cause you to be jittery, over-stimulated and often causes a ‘crash’, resulting in more fatigue. You may be looking for natural energy products.
Still others turn to energy drinks, a market that is increasing. The $9.4 billion energy drinks and shots category continues to be a solid performer, despite falling sales in 2013 from controversy and lawsuits that challenged its safety. Reported by Mintel, a comprehensive market analysis company.
The controversy is justified. The market is flooded with products that contain high levels of artificial sugars, high fructose corn syrup, and unwanted and unnecessary chemicals and additives, including red, green and yellow dyes. What are you sacrificing in health to get the energy boost you crave?
Shaklee scientists pay close attention to what American’s are doing to their health–what we crave to keep our bodies going. After careful research and in depth study, they have two products that help. These natural energy products are safe and deliver the oomph we need even when we haven’t had enough sleep or have to accomplish some goal before 5 p.m. and the afternoon is dragging.
Cordyceps Sinensis, a valued mushroom that has been extensively tested in China and found to help fight everyday fatigue.
Panax Ginseng: traditionally used to revitalize and replenish vital energy.
Green Tea: one of the richest dietary sources of antioxidant phytonutrients called polyphenols; it helps to promote sustained vitality.
To get the maximum increased energy effect from CorEnergy, take it 15 to 20 minutes before a meal, say breakfast and lunch.
A side note: Panax Ginseng has been a best seller in the market for years. Some time ago, early 2000s, all the sources of Ginseng from China were contaminated by mold due to flooding in the warehouses. From that point on, the ginseng roots were saturated with anti-fungicidal before storage and subsequent shipment to the US. Shaklee, who always tests their raw ingredients, discovered this contamination and suspended the manufacture of our Ginseng product until they could locate a clean source. We had no Ginseng to sell for over a year and did not bring CorEnergy to market until they developed a process to extract the active ingredient. No other company withdrew their Ginseng product from the market.
Skeptics who worry about finding an herbal product containing the active ingredient in measured doses need look no further than Shaklee. We test and test again. Each capsule contains an exact dosage. Guaranteed.
The Shaklee answer to the energy drink and goop is Energy Chews. They are 75% organic, contain scientifically proven ingredients, including L-theanine and L-tyrosine, to help support focus and alertness, plus energy-releasing B vitamins, natural caffeine from green tea, and 25% daily value of Vitamin D. Energy Chews produce increase energy naturally
No Red #40, Yellow #5, Yellow #6 dyes, no artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium; or artificial preservatives such as potassium sorbate, sodium EDTA, benzoic acid, and sodium benzoate. (These are the things you might find in the energy stuff available at your local checkout stand.) I get a boost from Energy Chews within 15 minutes of chewing and swallowing two yummy individually wrapped cubes. Keeps me awake in the lecture, behind the wheel and in the late afternoon. One customer says Energy Chews helped him break the 3 p.m. latte habit. And they cost less.
Go for it. Add one or both of these products to your monthly order. You’ll be glad to have them on hand for the occasional droopy day or late night push.
You may be interested in the scientific study behind Performance, the hydrating drink that fueled the famous Daedalus Project, human powered flight. The research document describing the problem and the solution and the results were first published in American Scientist, vol. 76, July-August 1988. Worth reading to understand how unique Shaklee products are. This same care is applied or has been applied to every product produced. Nadel-1988.
Here at Shaklee, we’ve been supporting healthy lifestyles including healthy food choices, smart supplementation, and regular exercise for over 50 years! And now we’re proud to have published the Shaklee 50th Anniversary Dietary Supplement Study, a landmark first-of-its-kind study that supports the potential benefits of long-term supplementation in a unique consumer population. The study, Usage patterns, health, and nutritional status of long-term multiple dietary supplement users: a cross-sectional study was published in Nutrition Journal, an online peer-reviewed scientific journal on October 24, 2007.
And the results are stunning! Long-term dietary supplement use was consistently associated with more favorable blood levels of important nutrients and key heart health biomarkers. More importantly, long-term users of multiple dietary supplements generally reported lower prevalence of disease in self reported health conditions including elevated blood pressure and diabetes, when compared to single multivitamin users and nonusers.
This first-of-its-kind study was conducted on a unique study population using new online data collection methods employed for the very first time in collaboration with renowned nutritional epidemiologist Dr. Gladys Block, from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health.
Information regarding diet and supplement intakes, exercise, and health status was obtained from online questionnaires and on-site physical examinations from 278 long-term Shaklee multiple dietary supplement consumers. Data for 602 matched nonusers and 176 single multivitamin supplement users was obtained from the Nationwide Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) the largest and longest running national health and nutrition survey, sponsored by the National Center for Health Statistics.
Study Results
The long-term multiple supplement users included more females, were slightly older, better educated, had higher incomes, and lower body mass index (BMI) than the other groups. Dietary supplements consumed on a daily basis by more than 50% of the multiple supplement users included such products as a multivitamin/mineral, vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, carotenoids, calcium with vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, glucosamine, an herbal immune supplement, a probiotic supplement (women), and a soy protein supplement (men).
Blood Nutrient Levels generally increased with increasing dietary supplement use. Blood nutrient levels for folate, vitamin C, alpha and beta carotene, and vitamin E were consistently found at more optimal levels in the multiple supplement user population. To address the safety of long term use of a broad array of supplements, the investigators also found healthy and safe blood levels of vitamin D and iron, nutrients for which high intakes have been associated with possible adverse effects. Specifically, serum ferritin, a measure of iron storage, was highest, and more optimal, among women in the multiple supplement user group vs single multivitamin users and nonusers. Conversely, it was lowest, but still more optimal, in the male multiple supplement users compared to the two other groups.
Blood Biomarkers. Multiple supplement users had higher blood levels of HDL cholesterol and lower blood levels of triglycerides, both consistent with lower heart disease risk. Increased supplement use was also associated with more favorable concentrations of serum homocysteine and C-reactive protein, a marker of low grade inflammation. Of note is the fact that none of the 278 multiple supplement study participants had an elevated CRP level (>3.0 mg/L) identified as high risk by the American Heart Association.
Disease Prevalence. In general, disease prevalence was lower in the multiple supplement user group compared to the multivitamin only user and nonuser groups. In addition, when researchers controlled for differences between groups in variables such as age, sex, education, income, and body mass index, they found the risk of elevated blood pressure was 39% lower in multiple supplement users than in nonusers and the risk of diabetes was 72% lower in multiple supplement users compared to nonusers. Finally, long-term multiple supplement users were four times more likely to describe their health as “very good or excellent” compared to nonusers.
Study Conclusions
This landmark study provides compelling support for the health benefits seen in long-term users of a broad array of dietary supplements as compared to single multivitamin and non-supplement users. Long-term multiple dietary supplement users consumed a broad array of vitamin/mineral, botanical, and condition-specific dietary supplements on a daily basis. They were more likely to have optimal concentrations of chronic disease-related biomarkers including serum homocysteine, C-reactive protein, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides and less likely to have suboptimal blood nutrient concentrations including folate, vitamin C, alpha- and beta-carotene, and vitamin E. Long-term supplement users also had a lower risk of prevalent elevated blood pressure and diabetes compared to nonusers.
A limitation of the study is the fact that the data are cross-sectional, and therefore the reported associations cannot presume causality. And although quite compelling in their support for the health benefits of supplementation, the study findings need to be confirmed by further research into the usage patterns, health, and nutritional status of other groups of long-term users of dietary supplements.
What This Means for You
The Landmark Study findings help to validate what we in Shaklee Science and Technology have promoted all along. Long-term healthy Shaklee lifestyle approaches including smart dietary choices from foods and supplements, and regular exercise to achieve and maintain a healthy weight are indeed strong supporters of optimal health and vitality. And we want you to be sure that your healthy lifestyle includes these smart diet, supplementation, and exercise strategies as you strive to achieve optimal health:
Eat Healthy. Your healthy eating plan includes smart choices from every food group and emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products. It also includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts and is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt, and added sugars.
Supplement Wisely. Make wise supplement choices a part of your daily routine. A comprehensive and balanced multivitamin/mineral supplement with at least 500 mg calcium and vitamin D just makes good sense. Antioxidant nutrients help protect cells against aging so be sure you’re considering the antioxidant vitamins C and E, and beta carotene. Ensure your intake of critical B vitamins including folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12, to help protect DNA and support healthy aging. Try to increase your intake of the omega three fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which have been associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease as well as improvements in inflammatory and metabolic balance. Finally, look to probiotic nutrition to support healthy digestion and immune function.
Exercise and Achieve a Healthy Weight. For the two out of every three Americans who are overweight or obese, losing weight is the first priority for improving health. Make regular physical activity a key component of your overall health management program to balance your caloric intake from food with the calories you expend each day. Try to be physically active for at least 30-60 minutes most days of the week and increase exercise duration or intensity for even greater health benefits or to help manage body weight.
Be well. Dr. Jamie McManus MD, FAAFP Chairman, Medical Affairs, Health Sciences and Education
For information about the supplements mentioned in the article, go to my personal Shaklee website, type in any of the items mentioned–calcium, vitamin D, soy protein–and you will find the products thousands of Shaklee users have been taking. Consistent use of these products over time may give you similar results. They have helped me remain vigorous into my late 70s. As a man I met at the gas station this week said when I told him I had recently been to my 55th college reunion, “You holding up well!”
This is the time of the year when you will really want to add alfalfa to your supplement regime that is, only if you haven’t already experienced all the rich benefits of this fabulous plant. Seasonal changes in the weather often bring about sensitivities to various forms of pollen, mold and dust. So let’s see how Alfalfa plays a part in relieving allergy symptoms.
So here’s what we know about Alfalfa. It is one of nature’s richest sources of total food minerals and trace elements. Its many health-giving aspects have beneficial benefits for eyes, teeth and strong digestive systems, and connective tissues. Alfalfa roots burrow 20 feet into the ground to find precious trace minerals which when absorbed by the plant are stored in the leaves, stems and branches making it a veritable treasure of health giving nutrients. It is the richest land grown source of sub-nutritional trace minerals; combined with chlorophyll and other organic salts that give greater effect and power of generation to tissues. The word Alfalfa means father of all foods, and one of nature’s oldest legumes.
Alfalfa is a legume that has a long history of dietary and medicinal uses. A small number of animal and preliminary human studies report that alfalfa supplements may lower blood levels of cholesterol and glucose. Now there are many factors that make this product outstanding. Alfalfa contains quantities of:
Vitamins A, E, K, B, D & U,
Fiber, protein, and fat soluble,
13 separate minerals and additional trace minerals,
Contains 8 essential enzymes for digestion of proteins, fats, starches and sugars.
Shaklee Alfalfa is grown in the Antelope Valley without herbicides pesticides or organic fertilizers. This alfalfa is harvested at dawn when the leaves have the highest nitrogen and chlorophyll content. The cuttings are dried in the open air, the natural old fashioned way, and once dried, the alfalfa is ready to be milled and the leaf is separated from the desirable stem. The end product is a fine, green colored alfalfa “flour” which then goes though the tableting process.
Alfalfa complex is a Shaklee Signature Formula originally developed by Dr. Shaklee.
So now that know we have this fabulous natural product, what benefits might we experience. The list is endless but we will cover a few………
A great aid in digestion,
Aids in peptic ulcers,
Great diuretic and bowel regulator,
Effective barrier against bacterial invasion,
Anti- inflammatory, anti-histamine.
Natural body deodorizer,
Helps support the natural ph of the blood and much more.
Just remember that Alfalfa is known as a complete food. Now this may surprise you,
Some of the other properties that alfalfa has: An outstanding 18.9% protein as compared to beef 16.5%; milk 3.3% and eggs 13.1%. Isn’t that amazing!! Remember muscles are composed of protein and the lack of it causes them to break down resulting in fatigue and weakness.
In summary: If you want a general all around food supplement to support your many daily needs you will definitely want to consider Alfalfa and its broad spectrum of nutrients. And with that being said, you can now appreciate why Alfalfa is called the father of all foods.
Side note: Now I know that some of you are wondering what is vitamin U, so let’s satisfy your curiosity! Vitamin U plays an important role in maintaining health, vitality and well-being. Targets Acid Reflux and inflamed Gastro Intestinal lining instantly on contact. And one last surprising piece of information: did you know that each serving provides 300 mg of calcium about as much as in a glass of milk! You can now see why Alfalfa is considered a complete food and by the way, Scripture calls Alfalfa King of the vegetable family.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Cold and Flu Season= Immunity and how to get more of it.
Organs of Immunity
Skin: Forms an effective barrier against pathogens.
Respiratory system: Cilia lining the airway move mucus and contaminants out of the body.
Stomach and intestines: Stomach acid kills most bacteria. Antibodies secreted by the intestinal cells attack pathogens.
Lymph nodes: Lymphocytes are cells of the immune system that recognize and eliminate pathogens.
Spleen: Aids the body in fighting harmful bacteria.
White blood cells: Attachs pathogens throughout the body.
How Viruses Work
If you have ever had a cold or the flu, you have been the victim of a virus. “Viruses are responsible for many other serious, often deadly, diseases including AIDS, Ebola, infectious hepatitis and herpes.”
Viruses are tiny microbes much smaller and very different from bacteria in that they cannot survive on their own. Viruses need to invade a living cell in order to live and grow. Once inside a host cell, viruses rapidly replicate themselves, burst their host cell and start infecting other cells around them. Once enough cells are effected, you begin experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough and sweating as the body tries to defend itself against the attack.
Why viruses are so difficult to combat…When the proper host is not available, some viruses can hide out in your body for years waiting for the right conditions. Viruses can mutate quickly so as soon as scientists create a new vaccine, a mutated resistant virus often appears. An antibiotic doesn’t necessary help unless the bacteria is identified and the medication is specifically designed to kill that strain of bacteria.
How viruses spread…Most viruses are airborne and can pass from an infected person when they cough or sneeze. Others are infectious only when a person has contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person…like the AIDS virus. Some viruses are tough enough to live on room temperature surfaces (doorknobs, handrails or countertops) for up to 48 hours. That’s why frequent hand washing is critical if you want to avoid viral infections.
Bulletproof immunity…Recently, a devastating strain of Enterovirus has been infecting school-age children, developing overnight from mild flu-like symptoms to threatening their very ability to breathe, particularly in children with asthma. In a global community, we are exposed to widespread contagion of pathogens, many of which have no preventative vaccine or medical treatment.
Our best defense is a strong immune system.
Strong immune support is no guarantee, but it is your best chance to stay healthy in the face of any and all health threats.
5 steps to bulletproof your immunity:
Stay hydrated. Healthy fluids such as Get Clean Water and Shaklee tea flush toxins.
Eliminate Sugar refined sugar is a poison which dramatically decreases immune function.
Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep depressed the immune system. Try Gentle Sleep Complex.
Eat healthy foods often. Plenty of fresh vegetables and whole fruits, to keep your blood sugar even throughout the day.
Take probiotics. 80% of your immune system is located in your gut… trillions of beneficial bacteria help you fight disease and absorb nutrients. Optiflora
I am the woman who spoke about asthma at the Diane Petosky seminar. Here are the changes I made that alleviated my asthma symptoms:
1) Get rid of commercial fabric softeners
2) Use Shaklee Basic-L laundry product, as well as Nature Bright fabric brightener and Softer-than-Soft fabric softener. This eliminated all of the irritants in the other laundry products I had been using.
3) Get rid of all household cleaners such as Comet, Sani- Flush, Pine-Sol, or any other commercial cleaning products.
4) Use the Shaklee cleaning products, including Basic-H, Basic-G, Basic-I , Biodegreat, At-Ease, etc.
5) Use Basic-D and Satin-Sheen for dishes. (It is nearlyimpossible to rinse off all traces of other detergents and you end up eating the chemicals on the plates!)
6) I started with the Basics: 2 Vita-Lea w/iron, 2 B-Complex, 1 Vita-C, 1 Vita-E and the Energizing Soy Protein. Later I added 10 alfalfa tablets and Super Cal-Mag Plus, Still later I added Omega-3 Complex, Garlic and Lecithin. I don’t take huge doses of any of the supplements. The Basics helped me so much that I have not felt the need to take tons of them.
7) Drink lots and lots of good water.
8) Exercise daily to keep your lungs and everything else working properly. Do what you can, and build up gradually.
I don’t do any other homeopathy or other programs for my asthma. Oh! Don’t forget the Airsource air purifier. No matter where I go during the day, I always know I can breathe fresh air at home, and that really gives my lungs a chance to heal. I used to use my Albuterol inhaler every 3-4 hours and never really felt good. I also used Azmacort, 4 puffs twice a day, and occasionally a nebulizer . Now I use the Albuterol occasionally, like 1 puff every 4-6 weeks!
Therefore, I don’t need the Azmacort anymore. And the nebulizer is somewhere in the back of a closet. I am a gardener and love to be outside. I can bring fresh flowers in the house and stick my nose right in them to smell them. In the winter, I can cross-country ski on the coldest of days and come in to a wood fire in the fireplace. Part of it is from eliminating chemical irritants, part from the supplements giving my body what it needed to heal, and partly the Airsource giving me pure air to breathe. After so many years of suffocating and having to be on guard all the time, I am so grateful to have found a solution that for me has been incredibly easy to do.
Good luck to you.
Worldwide, the incidence of asthma is increasing rapidly, almost certainly a result of worsening air pollution from cars and industry. Nearly one in five of Chicago’s children suffer from asthma. A recent study estimated that 17 percent of students in public and private schools have been diagnosed with asthma. This is one of the highest rates in the nation. It is the #1 cause of school absenteeism across the country. Cases have more than doubled between 1982 and 1994; more than 14 million Americans now experience these frightening—and sometimes fatal—attacks of wheezing and breathlessness. The immediate cause of an asthmatic attack is tightening of the muscular bands that regulate the size of bronchial tubes. Traditional drugs used to treat asthma are often “very toxic, addictive and sadly ineffective” according to Dr. Andrew Weil in Natural Health, Natural Medicine. Drugs used for asthma don’t cure the disease; they simply stop the symptoms. I have always said asthma and allergies are signs of a failed immune system.
The natural approach to asthma involves 1) strengthening the immune system, 2) eliminating toxins in the environment (Shaklee cleaning products) and 3) adding the following anti-inflammatory nutrients.
Natural Anti-inflammatories
OmegaGuardOmegaGuard Complex supplements are the most efficient source of the omega-3 oils, which helps to modulate inflammation. Hippocrates discovered this is 450 BC when he found that flax seed oil helped reduce asthma attacks. Omega-3 in capsules is more practical than flax-seed oil and keeps better.
GLA ComplexReduces symptoms of eczema, PMS, menopause, arthritis, diabetic neuropathy, alcohol withdrawal and lowers blood pressure.
To Strengthen Immune System
Sustained Release Vita-Câ, 500 mgHelps the body product white blood cells to fight infection and prevent illness, natural antihistamine, anti-oxidant to protect cells from degenerative disease, depleted by stress. Research suggests that vitamin C is especially useful in fending off the carcinogenic effects of dirty air, cigarette smoke and other pollutants.
Dr. Gary E. Hatch of the Environmental Protection Agency recently stated that “a review of the available research shows that there’s mounting evidence that vitamin C may protect against the wheezing, chest tightness and recurrent coughing of asthma.” Dr. Hatch notes that vitamin C is the “main antioxidant in the fluid lining of the lung, thus the main protector against free radical chemicals, such as air pollutants, that worsen asthma symptoms.”
Garlic ComplexNatural decongestant and natural antibiotic. The Shaklee Garlic Complex product has all the potency of fresh raw garlic without the odor. Also increases white cell count, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.
NutriFeronThis capsule contains a powerful blend of natural plant extracts all found to be essential for the immune system, excellent for people with allergies and weaker immunity or high stress. This exclusive combination of natural ingredients was developed and extensively tested by eminent immunologists in Japan and clinically proven to support and stimulate the natural immune response process, right at the cellular level.
Defend & Resist Complex (Echinacea)This popular herb activates the immune system, promotes production of white blood cells, promotes wound healing, reduces mucous, relieves boils, gangrene, bites and abscesses. Make a tea with 2-3 tablets and drink one or two cups every two to four hours as needed.
Alfalfa ComplexNatural anti-histamine, improves digestion, natural diuretic; often recommended for sinus congestion, hay fever, allergies, gout, body odor, bad breath, stomach ailments, hiatal hernia and gas pains.
Energizing Soy ProteinProtein is essential for growth and repair of cells. Because milk products can be a very mucous producing, our soy protein drink mix is usually a better choice for children who are prone to upper respiratory infections.
CarotomaxNeeded for tissue repair and immunity. Essential for healthy mucosal membranes in respiratory (including sinuses and lungs), digestive and reproductive tracts. Reduces susceptibility to infection.
B-ComplexStimulates the immune system. B vitamins are really the workhorse of the vitamin family for they are needed for such a variety of critical functions. Other functions include formation of protective antibodies, formation of mature, healthy red blood cells, normal growth, and they contribute to healthy skin and hair.
Best Water Perfect Pitcher, CarafeDrink 8 to 10 glasses of pure water to keep the respiratory tract secretions fluid. Avoid dehydration—it causes your body to product histamine (an asthma-inducing agent) in an effort to prevent water loss through the lungs. Drinking plenty of water also speeds the process of eliminating irritants and toxins from the body.
Vita-E 400 IU and Vita-E ComplexVitamin E may also improve lung function. Over a ten-year period women in the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study who consumed the most vitamin E were less likely to develop asthma than women who consumed the least. Researchers believe the vitamin helps decrease airway inflammation. Vitamin E helps lungs repair themselves and restore the complex fluid which bathes the alveolar. This fluid, rich in vitamin E, helps neutralize irritants that promotes asthma attacks.
OsteoMatrix and Chewable Cal Mag PlusA side effect of steroid use for asthma is bone loss. Steroids wash calcium from the bones. Researchers believe that lower magnesium uptake or a magnesium deficiency may play a role in certain types of asthma.Magnesium may stop the severe asthmatic episode.
Non-toxic Cleaners and Laundry Products
Basic H2This amazing organic cleaner is extremely economical. One quart makes 64 gallons of all-purpose cleaning solution. No toxic fumes—no corrosive chemicals—no phosphates. Use for floors, walls, windows, handwashing delicate garments, pets, diaper changing…and even mosquito repelling!
Basic GA highly effective disinfectant. Basic-G both cleans and deodorizes. You need only 1 tablespoon to make one 1 gallon cleaning fluid disinfectant to rid home of common household germs…economically. One quart makes 64 gallons of germicide with no toxic odors.
Fresh Laundry LiquidNo Ammonium Hydroxide, No Phosphates. Detergent vapors are highly irritable to skin, eyes and respiratory passages. Detergents are found to be responsible for more household poisonings than any other substance. Many cause dermatitis, flu-like and asthmatic-like conditions, and severe eye damage.
These products represent a huge change for someone new to the natural approach to asthma and allergies. There are only side benefits and none of the negative side effects from medication. If you have questions and want to discuss any or all of these products and their use to alleviate your symptoms by correcting the root cause, please get in touch.
Are you struggling to find the right words in a conversation? Do you get confused while balancing your checkbook? Are you forgetting things that used to be easy to remember? Are you worried that these memory “slips” might be a sign of dementia?
Memory loss
Now there’s a simple screening test for memory loss, cognitive impairment or dementia that you can take anywhere, using just paper and pencil. It takes only about 10 minutes to complete, and it provides your doctor with the information he or she needs to determine whether more thorough testing is needed. This screening tool is called the Self-Administered Gerocognitive Examination (SAGE). Developed by researchers from Ohio State, SAGE was designed to identify mild cognitive impairment to full-blown dementia. SAGE has been shown to accurately detect cognitive problems, correctly identifying nearly 80% of people with cognitive impairment and excluding 95% of those without impairment.
Would you like to lower Your Cholesterol Naturally? Are YOU Among the Millions of Americans with High Cholesterol?
One in three adults in the U.S. has high cholesterol, which can affect anyone at any age, and can negatively impact heart health and cardiovascular function over time. People with high cholesterol have a higher risk of developing heart disease compared to those with optimal levels. Among the culprits are genetics and diet. Some people are predisposed to high cholesterol and produce more of it in the liver, while others get too much from the foods they eat—foods such as bacon, hot dogs, and sausages that also contain high amounts of saturated fat.
These foods may sit well on your palate, but without proper measures to control intake and reduce body cholesterol levels, they can lead to some major health challenges.
Here are some facts…….Did You Know?
• A 10% reduction of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol equates to a 10%–20% decrease inheart disease risk.
• If you eat foods such as pizza, hamburgers, and steak on a regular basis, you may be increasing your chances for developing high cholesterol.
• The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends consuming no more than 300 mg of cholesterol a day; those with heart disease should consume less than 200 mg of cholesterol.
• According to the AHA, eating one egg for breakfast, drinking two cups of coffee with 1 tablespoon of half-and-half each, lunching on 4 ounces of lean skinless turkey breast with one tablespoon of mayonnaise, and eating a 6-ounce serving of broiled short loin porterhouse steak for dinner yields 510 mg of dietary cholesterol. That’s nearly twice the recommended daily amount!
• Men tend to have higher cholesterol than women. However, after menopause, cholesterol levels in women increase due to a decline in estrogen production. The heart-healthy choice that provides 2,000 mg of plant sterols and stanols per day
For detailed foundational information about cholesterol, please click on this article.
Shaklee Cholesterol Reduction Complex†† is a proprietary formulation with clinically proven ingredients that help prevent the absorption of cholesterol and lower LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. It contains plant sterols and stanols that, when added to a healthy diet, have been shown in numerous studies to significantly reduce LDL cholesterol.
• Made with a powerful blend of sterols and stanols, which are found naturally in plants, fruits, vegetables, and grains
• Plant sterols and stanols have been clinically proven by more than 80 studies tolower LDL cholesterol
• Delivers daily 100% of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) recommendation for plant sterols and stanols*
• Gluten free
• Star-K certified
††Products providing 800 mg of plant sterols and stanols daily, consumed with two different meals as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Cholesterol Reduction Complex provides 1,000 mg of plant sterols and stanols per serving, and 2mg daily when used as directed.
*NIH recommendation for lowering cholesterol: eat less saturated fat and cholesterol, exercise, lose weight, eat more soluble fiber, and consume 2,000 mg of plant sterols and stanols daily.
Plant Sterols and Stanols — The Smart ChoiceSo how, exactly, do plant sterols and stanols work?
Plant sterols and stanols are ingested from food or supplements.
Because they are structurally similar to cholesterol, plant sterols and stanols compete for absorption in the intestines.
Plant sterols and stanols bind to receptors in the intestines, leaving cholesterol behind. The net result is that less cholesterol is absorbed by the body, and less ends up in the bloodstream. Included in this document is a hot link where you can view an animated version of sterols and stanols at work in the blood stream. You may find this helpful for yourself and your costumers!
HDL Versus LDL: What’s the Difference?
Not all cholesterol is bad. The good kind—HDL cholesterol, short for high-density lipoproteins—offers some great health benefits. It’s the LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, or lowdensity lipoprotein, that we really need to watch out for. In general, cholesterol—a type of fat— plays a role in maintaining cell membrane structure and hormone production. However, excess LDL cholesterol can build up in the arteries, leading to an increased risk of heart disease. Here’s where You decide…….. We know that Cholesterol Reduction Complex provides 2,000 mg of plant sterols and stanols daily. To get that same amount of sterols and stanols, consider what you’d have to eat every day.
Now for those of you who on a daily basis consume 6.5 cups of soybeans or 59 oranges or 47.5 cucumbers there is no need to be concerned about getting adequate amounts of sterols and stanols. To make sure you get the 2,000 mg of plant sterols and stanols take 2 Cholesterol Reduction tablets twice daily up to 30 minutes before mealtime.
Who Should Take Cholesterol Reduction Complex?
High cholesterol is one of the major controllable risk factors for coronary heart disease. As blood cholesterol rises, so does the risk of developing heart disease. Your chances of having high cholesterol are greater if you are a male, are older, are a woman experiencing post menopause, have a family history of high cholesterol, or if your diet is high in saturated fat and cholesterol. The good news is you can lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease by taking responsibility in managing your cholesterol levels.
This product is not intended for pregnant or lactating women and children under 12 years of age. Consult your physician if you are using cholesterol lowering medication. Take Action today, naturally and follow these tips from the National Institutes of Health’s
Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Program to help lower your cholesterol:
Decrease your intake of saturated fat to less than 7% of total calories
Decrease your dietary cholesterol intake to less than 200 mg per day
Lose 10 pounds if overweight
Add 5–10 g of soluble fiber to your diet each day
Add 2,000 mg of plant sterols and stanols to your diet each day
Now the healthy approach to lowering LDL cholesterol is Shaklee’s Cholesterol
Reduction Complex†† delivers 2,000 mg of a combination of sterols and stanols, an efficacious intake level recommended by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC), Your Guide to Lowering Your Cholesterol with TLC. The TLC recommendations are a comprehensive approach to reducing elevated LDL cholesterol levels for the purpose of reducing the risk of heart disease. The essential components include:
• Reducing the dietary intake of LDL-raising dietary factors (saturated fats, trans fats, and dietary cholesterol)
• Increasing the intake of LDL-lowering dietary factors (consuming 10–25 g of soluble fiber and adding 2,000 mg per day of sterols/stanols)
• Losing weight and increasing exercise
Plant sterols and stanols are found in the cell walls of plants and occur in very small amounts in plants, fruits, vegetables, seeds, and grains, that’s why supplementing the diet with sterols and stanols was shown to significantly lower LDL cholesterol in a recent meta-analysis of 84 studies. This effect has been shown in as little as three to four weeks. Furthermore, another meta-analysis of eight studies shows that intake of sterols and stanols can further reduce cholesterol levels even in those already using statins.
Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally with FDA-approved Cholesterol Reduction Complex††!
― The Smart Choice.
*NIH recommendation for lowering cholesterol: eat less saturated fat and cholesterol, exercise, lose weight, eat more soluble fiber, and consume 2,000 mg of plant sterols and stanols daily.
** These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ††Products providing 800 mg of plant sterols and stanols daily, consumed with two different meals as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Cholesterol Reduction Complex provides 1,000 mg of plant sterols and stanols per serving, and 2mg daily when used as directed.
We use the word “memory” without understanding what it is. Our memory is a complex system that can dictate our day-to-day behavior.
How’s your memory?
Memory can be defined in several ways, including:
the process by which the brain stores and remembers information.
remembered from the past.
the remembering of a deceased person as “in memory of.”
the length of time a person or event is remembered.
the part of a computer where data is stored and retrieved.
3 stages of memory: Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval.
During the encoding process, we absorb information. The storage phase is when our memory creates a permanent record of the information. The retrieval process is when we remember or retrieve the stored information.
During the retrieval process, our brain sorts through 3 memory “data banks”…sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory. Sensory memory identifies and holds information for just a few seconds. When we look at something for just a second and can still remember details, this is our sensory memory in action. Short term memory allows us to recall items for anywhere from a few seconds up to one minute without rehearsing.
Most people can remember chunks of information that have approximately 4 to 5 components. An example of this is the way in which most people learn to remember a phone number. You simply break it into chunks that include the area code, then the next 3 numbers and then the final numbers. Long term memory is capable of storing information for long… almost unlimited… periods of time. If you remember those same phone numbers years later, they’ve migrated from short term memory to long term memory. Information that is repeated ends up in long term memory, allowing us to retrieve it automatically.
Tips to maintain memory function
Here are a few ways to keep your memory sharp:
Get enough sleep.
Exercise regularly.
Have an active social life
Laugh… it activates the learning and creative centers of your brain.
Avoid stress… it destroys brain cells.
Exercise your brain… read, do crossword puzzles, keep a journal.
Keep Your Memory Sharp….with Shaklee supplements that can keep your brain functioning optimally:
B-Complex. For glucose oxidation, neuronal membrane functions, nerve impulse generation, the biosynthesis of several neurotransmitters, and the metabolism of fatty acids and amino acids in the brain.
Sustained Release Vita-C. is required for the enzymatic reaction that synthesizes the neurotransmitter norepinephrine from dopamine. Vitamin C may also be able to regenerate vitamin E, an important lipid-soluble antioxidant.
Vita-D . is known to be important for normal brain development and cognitive function in older adults.
Vitamin E has a key role in preventing oxidant-induced lipid destruction and is vital in maintaining the integrity of cell membranes.
Lecithinis a fatty compound found in all cells, but particularly in our nerves, glands and the brain. 40 % of our brain is lecithin. Lecithin dissolves cholesterol, and holds our cells together! It’s vital for the brain.
OsteoMatrix. Calcium ions are important intracellular signals that regulate a number of physiological processes, including neuronal gene expression, neuronal secretion of neurotransmitters into synapses, and synaptic plasticity.
Iron plus Vitamin C. is needed for development of oligodendro-cytes (the brain cells that produce myelin), and is a required cofactor for several en-zymes to synthesize neurotransmitters.
Zinc Complex. Zinc is present at high levels in the brain where it has catalytic, structural, and regulatory roles in cellular metabolism.
OmegaGuard. The nervous system has a great concentration of lipids (omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, phospholipids, triglycerides, and cholesterol). These lipids serve structural roles in cell membranes of the nervous system, and affect membrane fluidity, flexibility, permeability, and play important roles in vision and nervous system function.
Mental Acuity Plus is a Shaklee exclusive formula that contains ginkgo, bilberry, hawthorn, and B vitamins to enhance memory and decision making. It helps maintain normal metabolic activity in the brain and also lowers homocysteine levels. (Homocysteine is an amino acid and breakdown product of protein metabolism that, when present in high concentrations, has been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. Evidence suggests that people with elevated homocysteine levels have twice the normal risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.)