
NutriFeron Every day our bodies are under attack by pathogens and dangerous microbes that infest our surroundings with an unseen, unfelt, yet undeniable health threat. Our body’s built-in immune system protects us whenever possible, but it’s under constant attack from poor nutrition, stress, pollution, and fatigue. THE SHAKLEE DIFFERENCE in NUTRIFERON is a powerful breakthrough …

Does The Blood Type Diet Really Work?

Is Eating Right For Your Blood Type A Sham? Author: Dr. Stephen Chaney Does the Blood Type Diet really work? In 1997 Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo wrote a book about the blood type diet called “Eat Right 4 Your Type“. Dr. D’Adamo claims that people with different blood types process food differently, so their blood type determines the type of diet that …

Diabetes is a deadly scourge.

Diabetes is a deadly scourge. by Dr Steve Chaney [My intention is to educate you about diabetes and its prevention.  Many of us are pre-diabetic and can take measures to insure we do not develop type II diabetes.] It is the leading cause of kidney failure, lower limb amputations and blindness. And it is a major …

What you should know about soy, by Dr. Richard Brouse

What You Need to Know About Soy or How safe is your soy protein? by Dr. Richard Brouse Common Concerns About Soy: Do soybeans cause cancer? It is true that “overcooked” soy does contain “carcinogenic” compounds. When soy is extruded through high temperature, high-pressure steam nozzles to form what is called “textured vegetable protein – …

Soyfoods Review by Dr.Mark Messina

 Soy and Your Health: An Update on the Benefits   By: Mark Messina, PhD   Soyfoods have been a part of Asian diets for centuries. Today, there is a growing interest in these foods among westerners because of their proposed health benefits and also because their versatility makes them valuable for replacing meat and dairy …

Calming Complex, Toothpaste and Roll-on deodorant for bee stings

What’s behind these products that makes them effective after the redness and itchy results from insect bites?  Bee stings?  Mosquitoes? Wasps? When the reaction is severe, see a doctor immediately.  The after effects can be soothed using these Shaklee products. Enfuselle Calming Complex designed by Shaklee’s scientists for sooth the skin as part of a …

Energy Pure, Energy Chews

Energy Pure Energy Chews Pure Energy Chews • Shaklee Energy Chews provide a clean burst of healthy energy to help you get that extra edge when you need it most. Each chew contains a scientific blend of caffeine from natural green tea extract, plus L-tyrosine, L-Theanine, B vitamins and Vitamin D3. And there are no artificial flavors, …

Re-hydrating drinks to avoid bonking

Performance® Pure Hydration Drink 6.16.12 First: We will look into a little history and the discovery of Performance Next: Shaklee’s Performance the drink that fueled the impossible Followed by: Endurance Foods Clinical Studies Concluding with: The secret behind Performance It had been done only in legend. Indeed, experts wondered if it could ever be done …