Vitamin D may prevent Diabetes II

Gentle Reader, Vitamin D, seems to be the miracle supplement as research turns up more benefits. In my recent travels, along the Inside Passage in Alaska, I worried about the many “round” people from the cruise ships.  They may not have gotten a diagnosis of diabetes from their doctor.  But they may, like many of …

No Magic Pill to end Arthritis Pain

Gentle Reader, In the end, and in the beginning, there is only one thing we –you and I– can do to bring lasting health to our aching bodies.  Life style change.  As I travel the Alaska Marine Highway, eat in the cafeteria on board, snack along the wharf in the various Inside Passage towns, I …

Alaska, here we come

Gentle Reader, My sister-in-law, Joan Bell, arrived last Wed. just as I was cleaning the paint residue from the back garden and deck. We were Alaska-bound and she had the excited energy that quivered, “Alaska, here we come.”  Of course, I had a few more things to do to be ready for our Friday morning …

Confessions of an arthritic painting contractor

  Gentle Reader, Confessions of an arthritic painting contractor: Taking down paintings, emptying book shelves, moving furniture, rolling up rugs, pulling up old wall-to-wall carpet, removing electric face-plates and then spackling, sanding, taping, and painting every wall that faces the outside is a sure-fire recipe for arthritic flare-ups of major proportion.  No matter how many …

Joint pain reaction to bee sting

Gentle Reader, The energy retrofit continues this week.  The work took me and one roofer through a yellow jacket nest on the side of my hill.  The result was painful stings.  Mine were on the belly and chest.  The roofer had to be taken to the emergency room for treatment. He became short of breath …

New approach to hip surgery

Gentle Reader, A dear friend and hiking companion was talking with me yesterday as we climbed to the saddle above Pratt Lake in the Snoqualmie Pass section of the Cascade Mountains.  Her husband, an athletic 71 year old has worn out his hip and finally, after months of thinking it was only a sore knee, …

Managing pain after eye surgery

Gentle Reader, While this blog is primarily about arthritis management, I wanted to use this platform to let you know about managing pain after my recent eye surgery.  I have suffered from impaired vision for several years due to a droopy eye lid condition which is corrected by Blepharoplasty.  Here’s a little video so you can …

Legs are numb. Now what?

Gentle Reader, The Sunday before leaving for three weeks in France I was standing in the choir and my right leg lost most of its feeling.  It tingled down to the foot.  I could see I was standing.  I could feel my upper body level, but my legs were numb.  All I could think of …

Manage Arthritis: Hip labral tear

Gentle Reader, One of the strong older ladies I ski and hike with just wrote that she had a hip replacement.  I was stunned to hear the news and asked more about it.  She had a sudden tear called a labral tear, something I had never heard of.  Intrigued, I thought I’d share what I …

Out of the exercise habit: bad for arthritis pain

Gentle Reader, Funny how you can be diligent with your daily back health exercises and stretches when you are traveling, but get too busy at the desk to do them when you get back home.  Then suddenly the pain shows up.  I do know what to do: 1.  Get to bed earlier so rest can …