Arthritis or Tendonitis?

Gentle Reader, Tendonitis or arthritis?  Which is it?  My oldest daughter (52) was feeling sprightly one morning in Ecstatic Dance and accepted an invitation to do a cartwheel and round off.  Why not?  She is fit, exercises daily and used to do them easily when she was a gymnast back in high school.  So off …

How flexible should I be?

Gentle Reader, How flexible should I be?  Should you be?  It is amazing to me how much more flexible I am after a weekend Yoga retreat and 3 additional sessions with the instructors; more to come.  But in no way do I lean to left or right as far as the others in the class. …

Grandmas on the move

Gentle Reader, The first few moments of a hike and I confess, I do not feel like one of those Grandmas on the move.  I feel every twinge in my ankles as they wake up; in my knees as the right one clicks ominously; in my left foot where the old neuropathy pain can flair …

Digestion: Key to health

Gentle Reader, Here we are in a New Year.  I hear murmuring around me about changes in eating, in exercise, in work habits.  People everywhere seek balance in their lives, which seem to be uncontrollably hectic.  We interrupt ourselves and forget what we hoped to accomplish in the next hour.  There is no peace. This …

Vitamins are no damn good. Is it true?

Gentle Reader, Even on the beach in Nuevo Vallarta, news filtered down that, once again, some gurus warn us that vitamins are no damn good.  How does that news make you feel?  Like a fool for spending all that money on worthless pills?  Here you have been trying to avoid the chronic diseases of life-style …

Alternative cures

Are you a seeker of cures?  Alternative cures? I have a friend who is a seeker of alternative cures.  She has studied the back story of her blood and skin and their reaction to the environment and foods.  She knows she has a bad reaction to anything with sulfur in it.  A doctor had prescribed …

Making foot pain go away

Gentle Reader, How many of you have suffered from chronic foot pain? You’ve been to the doctor, the chiropractor, the massage therapist – and nothing seems to help for very long.  Julie Donnelly is a Deep Muscle Massage Therapist with 20 years of experience specializing in the treatment of chronic joint pain and sports injuries. …

How important is organic?

Gentle Reader, A new customer is determined to make changes in her habits so she is supporting better health for the future.  She worries about the high cost of eating organic.  Not every fruit and vegetable is equally laden with pesticides and herbicides.  When you are working toward an organic diet, you can expect your …

Moving and Shaking

Gentle Reader, These beautiful fall days have many of us moving and shaking.  Great time for working in the garden, chasing our soccer, Ultimate Frisbee, football, field hockey playing school children and perhaps you are among the older adults who play geezer basketball and master’s tennis.   My favorite thing to do in the fall is …

Making Hip Pain Go Away

Gentle Reader, How many of you have suffered from chronic hip pain? You’ve been to the doctor, the chiropractor, the massage therapist – and nothing seems to help for very long.  Julie Donnelly is a Deep Muscle Massage Therapist with 20 years of experience specializing in the treatment of chronic joint pain and sports injuries. …