Youth skin care line

Dear One, A little over 18 months ago, Shaklee introduced the YOUTH skin-care line, ideal for dull, dry skin or for anyone wanting to look younger longer. The previous line, Enfuselle, was loved by so many, including me. I wasn’t that excited about losing the familiar and embracing the new. Besides YOUTH products are more …

Back to School snacks

Gentle Reader, I was out with my granddaughter the other day—she’s twenty and was driving me in her car—when she confessed she hadn’t eaten in a while. She reached in her purse for a bar, pulled off the wrapper and started munching on the dense, dark thing, clearly loaded with protein. She suffers from low …

heart attack

Dear One, How can you help yourself avoid a heart attack? Your water drinking habits influence your overall health, and maybe the health of your heart. Can drinking more water help prevent a heart attack? When I gave a health talk at a retirement home not long ago, I was surprised at the answer I …

Turning 80 and FitBit

Turning 80 and FitBit Turning 80 gives me a new take on aging. Eighty is Old Age. Make no mistake. Eighty is old. Arriving here has been a contest against genetics and the hurdles life tossed in my path. I decided to get some assistance with the contest: a FitBit. The idea was to measure …

Awareness Through Movement

Dear one, What appeared in today’s New York Times in Jean Brody’s Health post is a must share with you and all your friends. She talks about Feldenkrais, a technique and practice I discovered many, many years ago when what I needed most was Awareness Through Movement. Becci Parsons in my local Feldenkrais guru. She …

Resisting your fitness goals?

Gentle Reader, How often I hear the gloomy discouragement “I want to exercise, but I just don’t do it as often as I need to. I can’t get results. I’m not losing weight.” Gyms make nearly all their money by signing people up who never show up after the first visit. Even at my Xgym …

Nutrition for eye health

Dear Ones, Since I have had good luck with reducing night blindness and have avoided Glaucoma, I thought you might be interested in the wellness wisdom in the world of alternative nutrition based prevention. I don’t expect to have to stop driving any time soon. I believe it is the nutritional regimen I’ve been on …

New study: soy good for breast cancer

Gentle Reader, Breast Cancer and Soy – Surprising New Findings!  New evidence suggests that eating soy could be protective against breast cancer – even estrogen-negative breast cancers, an effect that no one expected. Breast Surgeon Dr. Kristi Funk explains that the possible effects of soy on breast cancers have long been confusing. In some parts …

Protein. Why you need it.

Protein: why do you need it? What is it?   Gentle Reader, A good friend has a wound that isn’t healing. My guess without doing clinic analysis is that she isn’t getting enough protein. The first thing I learned when studying nutrition’s role in our health is that we need three things: vitamins, minerals and …

Recovery from Surgery

Gentle Reader, Facebook comments and face to face remarks about my happy and speedy recovery from surgery prompt me to share the whole story. I am no superwoman. I am a Shaklee woman. I do have the attitude of “be well, do well and keep moving,” but attitude alone cannot knit together tissue that has …