What’s a Bryn Mawr grad doing selling soap and pills?

I asked myself this same question when I quit the multinational corporation I was working for to promote health through sales of my beloved healthnut products.  What was all that study, a BA and MA in Romance Languages from the top college for women for, anyway?  A couple people I invited to lunch so I …

Who and What are you attracting?

“You are a living magnet” says Brian Tracy in Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life.  He called it the law of attraction and states that you invariably attract into your life the people, ideas, opportunities, and circumstances in harmony with your dominant thoughts. The leaders in Network Marketing Companies are attracting masses of followers into their groups, all …

The Triduum and Easter, darkness to joy

Gentle Reader, The great Triduum or three holy days ending triumphantly in Easter begins today.  I took on one new thing for Lent in response to the half page of suggestions our Saint Mark’s Episcopal worship committee sent out, activities that would increase mindful living.  When I read on the list “Write a letter to …