Vitamins plus Lifestyle

Gentle Reader, Vitamins plus Life style, two topics that come up often. I was hiking with my friends on Wednesday, enjoying spring in the nearby foothills of the Cascade range.  We just wait patiently for the high mountains to clear of the late spring snows.  We had a rather heated discussion about vitamins and supplements for …

Healthier bones

Gentle Reader, Do you ever have the experience of anticipating a really big event that is going to make demands on your body?  You become more aware of the little aches and pains, the warning signals that all is not well?  Maybe bone health has gotten worse. You worry about an escalation of the little …

Don’t take vitamins.

Gentle Reader, “Whatever you do, don’t take vitamins.”  One more doctor/author has come out with a book of instructions on how to stay healthy.  Included in his list of what to do and eat is a chapter on why you should not take vitamins.  My renter just showed me his latest book, A Short Guide …

arthritic hands

Gentle Reader, Several friends have complained about arthritis in the hands.  There are some things you can do to reduce the pain, increase mobility and slow the process down. Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that is caused by breakdown of cartilage, with eventual loss of the cartilage of the joints. Cartilage is a protein substance that serves …


Gentle Reader, Stretching—overstretching—can hurt your muscles.  Last week I put pigeon pose on a pedestal.  If you read the post closely, you will see that the yoga instructor did not introduce pigeon pose until 60 minutes of preparation.  To go straight into pigeon pose would be like expecting your fingers to play the Moonlight Sonata …

pigeon pose pain free

Gentle Reader, I had a plan for this week to bring you the information Julie Donnelly eveloped about muscle strain. and the myth that strenghthening the muscle can heal the pain.  I can not find the sequel to my last posting.  Stay tuned.  The information may show up through further research.  At least one reader …

Preventing and Healing Repetitive Strain Injuries

Gentle Reader, How great to share with you several article about preventing and healing repetitive strain injuries.  From time to time excellent articles come across my desk that are worth passing on to you.  Jule Donnelly does a great job of presenting the details of the major over-strained muscles used by athletes, and even us …

Sleep and Arthritis Pain

Gentle Reader, What’s up with not getting a deep, long sleep at night?  I have heard from several of my customers that falling asleep is no problem, but they wake up in the night and can’t get back to sleep afterward.  Not getting a good night’s sleep is a serious concern in our modern busy …

Arthritis or Tendonitis?

Gentle Reader, Tendonitis or arthritis?  Which is it?  My oldest daughter (52) was feeling sprightly one morning in Ecstatic Dance and accepted an invitation to do a cartwheel and round off.  Why not?  She is fit, exercises daily and used to do them easily when she was a gymnast back in high school.  So off …

How flexible should I be?

Gentle Reader, How flexible should I be?  Should you be?  It is amazing to me how much more flexible I am after a weekend Yoga retreat and 3 additional sessions with the instructors; more to come.  But in no way do I lean to left or right as far as the others in the class. …