The Fat Trap

Dear Reader, I have been thinking a lot about weight and arthritis, about weight loss and how challenging it is to begin and maintain a healthier relationship to food.  In my last post, I talked about the study that found our hypothalamus may be running the show.  If this regulating organ has been damaged by …

Speaking of weight

Dear Reader, Have  you sat with your plans for the New Year and included weight management?  If you are suffering from arthritis pain and stiffness, and you are even 15 pounds over-weight, your plans will turn out better if they include weight management.  The bloggers are full of advice on this topic.  I would like …

The 2nd most popular New Year’s resolution and the power of excuses: guess writer Lisa Stubing

Dear Reader,  I have mentioned this energetic trainer, Lisa Stuebing in a former blog post. She and I walked the 3 miles around Greenlake at a quick pace.  I was impressed with Lisa’s own story of sitting at a desk most of her professional life and slowed putting on weight and losing mobility.  You should …

Pain free flying

Avoiding increased pain when on vacation. This is the first of a series of posts on staying pain free while traveling. I just spent 10 days in Mexico with 4 friends, enjoying my time share and a few extra days in Isla Mujeres, a tiny island off the coast of the Yucatan as 25 minute …

Let’s Get Motivated Ladies And Gentlemen!!!

Let’s Get Motivated Ladies And Gentlemen!!!. Hi, from Mexico, the Yucatan’s tiny island, Isla Mujeres where sister in law Joan and I have just finished the most relaxing time in the sun, surf, sand and seafood.  I switched on my computer and found that Sweetopiagirl (link above) had put my last posting on her blog …

Does it matter What I Eat?

Does it matter what I eat? You bet it does.  But what specific dietary precautions a person needs to take to ease painful arthritis depends on a number of conditions.  First of all, there are 5 types of arthritis: Degenerative (Osteoarthritis) Inflammatory (rheumatoid arthritis, allergic autoimmune) Toxic (gout) Traumatic (old fractures, etc) Infection (Lyme disease) …

Diet, Medicine and Supplements for Arthritis, the back story

Gentle Reader, Before going into dietary suggestions, I want to share how I came to hold the beliefs and attitudes I have about allopathic medicine. My father was an Orthopedist.  My mother was a nurse.  They believed in the miracles of medicine.  Mother worked for a General Practitioner during a New York City outbreak of …

Hiking the Wonderland Trail, Mt. Rainier 1990/2006

Gentle Reader, The Goodwill Games brought 2300 athletes from 54 countries to Seattle in the summer of 1990.  My husband, Don Bell, chair of the public forum, Target Seattle: Preventing Nuclear War, in 1982, helped organize the representatives to the games from the Soviet Union.  Our house, a few blocks from the University of Washington …

Pilates for back pain?

Pilates for back pain? Becci announced that after 6 months of attentive Feldenkrais sessions, I was now ready to see Mary Sue Corrado.  Like Becci, Mary Sue is a former dancer and turned to Pilates as a path to help increase body awareness, find pain free exercise movements and improve posture.  After several private lessons …

Feldenkrais for back pain?

Dear Reader, Feldenkrais for back pain.  My neurologist, head doc for theUniversityofWashingtonsports teams, suggested I see Becci Parsons, former dancer, now Awareness Through Movement and private Feldenkrais practitioner.  “Watch out for your pants,” she said.  “Your clothes can be dangerous to your health.” Her levies were on the baggy side.  You could put your balled …