Business Opportunity

By Do Well, I mean, make a difference in the world and earn money doing it.  That’s what a Shaklee home based business opportunity is all about: sharing fabulous products that work with people you care about.

If you already know you want a Shaklee business, click here to enroll in our Health4U organization.

2012/7/22  I want to be one of the 3%-5%, the people who have enough for their retirement without having to depend on Social Security. I’m getting there. Do you worry about having enough money to match up with your life expectancy?  Does that time seem so far away you don’t have to think about it yet?

This 3 1/2 minutes video by one of my favorite trainers came into my in box last week.  Take a minute to watch.  When you are done, consider the wellness industry and its growth potential.

I wasn’t looking for a business opportunity when I met Jayme to talk about my health.  I was worried about avoiding a recurrence of cancer.  It had been 15 years since my masectomy.  I was eager to talk about health with a nice person who looked pretty healthy herself. Nutrition and vitamins confused me. The Shaklee products she introduced me to improved my health so much, I couldn’t stop talking about them.  Pretty soon I had earned a little bonus because some of my friends decided to try these products, too.  I soon saw that I could have the kind of relaxed life she enjoyed, spread the word about products I loved. I knew I would help others by doing this sharing.  In a year I earned a new car and a great trip.

I quit my corporate job to sell soap and pills.  Was I insane?  A person with a Master’s Degree?  How could I do such a thing.  For twenty five years, I’ve had a comfortable income from a part time effort.

Would this kind of business opportunity help you with that worry about outliving your income?  Would you like to fall in love with a product line and a company so completely that you’d want to share your find with your friends and family?

How can I help?  Click here to see what this is all about. It might be the career fit you are looking for.  Most people want to test and try the products before getting involved.  Here’s the spot to check them out.

Be well, Do well and Keep moving,


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