Think Thin

Gentle Reader, I hear “I’ve got to lose those extra pounds I gained over the holidays.”  This cry goes up every year in January.  The newsstands and grocery checkout lanes are full of magazines with the latest and greatest way to lose weight.  Did you ever wonder why it is so hard to get to …

Hearing loss and dementia

Gentle Reader, I can’t hear you!  Will you please speak up? I noticed I was the only one asking for increased volume. I arrived early for yoga so I could put my mat right in front of the instructor.  Otherwise, I missed her instructions.  The meditation went right by me. I cupped a hand behind …

Sitting causes premature death

Gentle Reader,  Sitting causes premature death.  Wow, that’s a big statement. Imagine my surprise when an NRP report on the radio last week suggested that sitting will be the next “smoking” as a cause of early death. I have harped ad nauseum about the need to keep moving, but I didn’t think it would come …

Chronic disabilities won’t hold you back

Gentle Reader, Chronic disabilities won’t hold you back.  Get out and explore the world.  If by my bravado in the face of aches and pains irritates you, my intention is not to belittle, but to inspire.  This story inspires me.  It may seem as though I am never down, but leap about all the time.  …


Gentle Reader, I sit here the night before Thanksgiving with multiple layers on, my nose cold and the backs of my ears feeling the cool air circulating in my living room, the temperature set at 65.  The Roman shades are still up so I can enjoy the spectacular Christmas lighting I put up this year.  …


Alfalfa Complex   This is the time of the year when you will really want to add alfalfa to your supplement regime that is, only if you haven’t already experienced all the rich benefits of this fabulous plant. Seasonal changes in the weather often bring about sensitivities to various forms of pollen, mold and dust. …

Healthy retreat

Gentle Reader, Traveling again, and wanted so much to have a healthy retreat.  I flew to Santa Fe for a long weekend to sit, walk and write with Natalie Goldberg at the Upaya Zen Center.  November in Santa Fe worried me.  I packed long johns, silk undershirts, leg warmers and turtle necks and vests. It …

fear-based medicine

Gentle Reader, Do you wonder if we approach our health from the point of view of fear?  Fear-based medicine seems to trump science.  We are afraid of cancer, of sexual dysfunction, of diabetes, of heart disease, of arthritis and of Alzheimer’s or memory loss.  I was just with a group of people last night when …

Immune Support

Cold and Flu Season= Immunity and how to get more of it.   Organs of Immunity   Skin: Forms an effective barrier against pathogens. Respiratory system: Cilia lining the airway move mucus and contaminants out of the body. Stomach and intestines: Stomach acid kills most bacteria. Antibodies secreted by the intestinal cells attack pathogens. Lymph …