Be Well health tips, Health and Fitness, Keep Moving: Managing Arthritis, Weight Loss

Victim of genetics

Gentle Reader,


One of my clarion calls has been “Don’t be a victim of your genes.”  Recent genetic studies indicate that some conditions that “victimize” people are dramatically challenging.  My local Seattle Times carried an article discussing the latest research findings published in The Lancet, Diabetes and Endocrinology.  Turns out there are 32 genetic variations that have been linked to obesity. In one study of 148 women between 35 and 60, those who carried 21 or more of these genetic variations did not benefit from resistance training.  No matter how much they worked out in the gym, their genetic makeup protected their fat stores and prevented weight loss.  Looks like these people are a victim of genetics.

Do fat-genes make you a victim?
Do fat-genes make you a victim?


In some of our bodies, lowering calories and increasing exercise cause a famine response.  We store more calories, no matter what.  If you have fewer of these genetic variations, lowering calories and working out results in weight loss.  The difficult alleles (one of two or more alternative forms of a gene that arise by mutation and are found at the same place on a chromosome), seem to work together to keep the body from losing weight.  In fact, they strive to get you back to the highest poundage you ever weighed.  If you succeed in achieving normal weight, you are considered to be obese-in-remission.


What shall we conclude from this miserable information?  (Sometime I wish we didn’t have all this new data about our genetic makeup.)


The endomorph body type is more likely to hold excess weight.
The endomorph body type is more likely to hold excess weight.

I am neither a doctor nor a scientific researcher, however, I have been observing my own body over time and been in close contact with hundreds of people who have discussed their health issues with me.  One of the questions I ask people when we sit down for an advisory session is “What did your parents die of?”  If they are not dead yet:“What health challenges do your parent/relatives face?”


In my own case, my hair was thinning, my fingernails were breaking and splitting, my joints ached and I suffered from arthritis at age 48.  I had dandruff, bleeding gums and smelly arm-pits. My PMS was terrible and I yo-yo dieted.  My doctor never asked me these questions, but Jayme Curley did.  Jayme was the person who introduced me to supplementation.  In the preventative health world, these answers tell us what tendencies your body has toward various future conditions.  I had breast cancer at age 34.  I wondered if a poor immune system might be the cause.  No professional health care provider will travel down the road of cause with cancer, but after looking at my various poor health markers, Jayme concluded I might not have a strong immune system.


My mother had the splitting nails, bleeding gums and the menopause rages. My father had psoriasis and arthritis and caught colds constantly. I was following in their footsteps.


I reversed all these unsavory traits by introducing better nutrition—protein and vitamin supplements—into my diet.  Having cancer so young put me on a mission to outwit any deficiencies my body had which would lead to cancer.  My new supplement regimen helped when all the attempts I had made to mitigate these various minor symptoms before supplementing had failed, including maintaining a healthy weight.

For the record, my youngest daughter had two cancers at an early age which prompted her HMO to do a genetic study.  Low and behold, her blood and mine (they wanted the parents but the father was dead) are genetically skewed at P53.  P53 has a DNA repair function which, when wild or variant, doesn’t do its job.


Stay with me, here.  Suppose I had decided I had no choice but to be like my parents and live with these minor ailments, yo-yo dieting and medicating heavily at the slightest twinge of sinus infection or arthritis?  That would have made me a “victim” of my genetics.  Before I knew I have a genetic pre-disposition for cancer, I declared myself a victor over future cancers.  My mother had breast cancer at age 74; my cousin died of breast cancer; another of melanoma and another of a brain tumor (two of the three deadlies that come with P53 variant).  Am I just the lucky cousin?


In the case of obesity and obesity in remission, I have great sympathy for these people.  The Lancet article offers medical interventions and I’m sure many desperately over-weight people will take advantage of them. If I were exercise-weight-loss-hypnosisgenetically tested for obesity genes, I’m sure I would have a handful of the 32, maybe even the dreaded 21 that put women over the edge.  I feel as though I am an “over-weight-in-remission” person.  To change my body into the relatively lean one I live in today, I had to go after an unhealthy sugar addiction but cutting out all sugar including grapes (forever mostly) and all other fruit for a period of time.  I was rigid for years about white flour and sugar.  I’ve been able to relax, but continue to avoid refined flour, sugary snacks, baked goods and I limit my fruit intake. I have always eased myself out the door to exercise, even when the book/computer/bed held me back.


While the morbidly obese have what seems like an insurmountable struggle, those of us who tend to pack in on easily and have a hard time getting it off again, would do well to claim the victor attitude, rather than the victim.

Genetics is what can happen, our choices is what does happen!!
Genetics is what can happen, our choices is what does happen!!

Fool your body with gentle and gradually increased exercise and modest food changes.  We may be better off not calorie counting, pushing the numbers so low our body goes into starvation-avoidance mode.  Get out the glycemic index chart and avoid the foods that contain the most sugar while loading up on the low-glycemic foods.  I like a diabetic-safe soy protein shake loaded with vegetables and I pay attention every day, whether home or abroad, to how many vegetables I eat.


I will probably never have a flat belly or slim hips.  We can love our bodies the way they are.  One thing is sure: when your diet is heavy on the protein/vegetable end and you take some form of exercise every day, your brain, your immune system, your sense of well being are all enhanced.  Does it matter, really, if you are never a size 6?


When articles like the one on Mother’s Day claim our genes may be at fault, I worry that some may give up the effort and believe themselves to be a victim of genetics.  Why not eat what I love and crave:  I’m going to be over-weight anyway?  This is victim thinking.  It could lead to diabetes (another condition that ran in my family), a poor immune response, arthritis and heart disease.  Be a victor, no matter what your parents dished up.  You’ll feel better and live longer.

Be well, Do well and Keep Moving,


PS: If you are reading this and you are morbidly obese and have tried everything, are at your wits’ end, I have great empathy for your situation.  I don’t mean to be flip or suggest this is a 1, 2, 3 easy change.  No doubt you have sought medical help already.  If I can support you in any way, let me know.  For the psychological aspect of the issue, you might take a look at

I love your comments, and read every one.

If you are interested in the protein shake I use, you can find it here.

Be Well health tips, Health and Fitness, travel

Staying healthy while traveling


Gentle Reader,

I just spent two glorious weeks in Portugal. I will get on an airplane and fly off to other time zones several more times this summer and fall.  Staying healthy while I travel is of upmost importance.  You probably have the same goal:  staying healthy while travelling.

Jet lag is one of the most difficult challenges of travel.  You can lose a day or two of alert engagement with your new surroundings; the very sites and tastes you paid all that money to enjoy.

I found great information from Rick Seaney, CEO of FareCompare, on USAToday, March 1, 2015.  He consulted the folks at the Mayo Clinic who define jet lag as a “temporary sleep disorder that can affect anyone who quickly travels across multiple time zones.” In other words, you don’t have to go to Europe to get it!

We already know that, right? The real question is how to prevent it, or cure it once you’ve got it. I’ve got some answers which I will add to Rick’s.  In addition to the Mayo Clinic, he talked with experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as the non-profit National Sleep Foundation, plus some remedies from veteran travelers. His “Wild Card” suggestions are entertaining and I will share them here. I hope some of these 15 ideas work for you.

Before You Fly

A little planning goes a long way.

  1. Take care of yourself: You know the drill, eat right, sleep right and exercise. Now for the hard part: You’ve actually got to do this! Most of us get a little hectic just before a trip. I like to zip up a week ahead of time and maintain my normal exercise routine. The better you feel overall, the lighter the jet lag.
  1. Move your bedtime: Several authorities say you should gradually change sleeping patterns before departure.
  • If heading east: Try to go to bed one hour earlier each night for a few days. • If heading west: Try going to bed an hour later, again for a few days before you leave. This is super hard for a person with a busy schedule. I did manage to get to bed early the night before I left. Try it the next time you go east.  I haven’t been to Asia for a while, so I do not have any recent experience there. I’d love to hear from you if you have tried this and made it work for you.
  1. Pack a pillow: You can’t bring your mattress but you can bring your pillow. Nothing wrecks a night’s sleep like trying to settle your head on a puffed-up piece of foam when your noggin cries out for your pancake-flat feather pillow (or vice-versa). I don’t do this. I find the transatlantic/transpacific airline pillows sufficient and when flying domestically, I use my sweater or jacket just fine. I see people sleeping with those blow-up pillows.  Whatever works.
  1. Pack your headphones: My noise-canceling headphones have kept me smiling in the face of wild 2 year olds and often help me nod off. Earplugs can help, too. Others recommend sleeping-masks but not all of us can drowse with something draped across our faces. I use earplugs and find they work great.
  1. Wild card:No night-before bon voyage parties, the kind were everyone raises a toast to your travels and you gulp along with them (we’ll assume those glasses don’t contain ginger ale). In fact, no night before anything except for a good night’s sleep. Here’s how: All packing is done, period. Get it done at least 24 hours before departure, with everything you need (electronic tablets, passports, medication, maps, pre-printed reservations, boarding passes, etc.) ready to go alongside your suitcase. If begin your trip in a stress-free frame of mind, that’s half the battle.

During Your Flight

Do’s and don’ts for a long plane ride.

  1. Set your watch: Move it ahead (or behind) to destination time, the better to start syncing the rest of you. I always do this immediately upon taking my seat.
  1. Watch what you eat: Don’t fall into the, “I’m on vacation, I can eat or drink anything” trap, especially on the plane. Super important. I carry this mantra through my entire vacation, packing my protein powder for a shake at breakfast and my vitamins packed in snack zip lock baggies for each meal exactly as I ordinarily take them when at home.  I have my baggies and protein powder, a cup and spoon for stirring, plus food for the next meal I’m planning to eat in my carry on.  For the overnight flights to Europe, I sit down, eat my dinner—the stuff I brought along, take a sleeping pill, put in my ear plugs, get settled for a long night’s sleep.  I usually get a pretty good sleep and wake up ready for the day.

I stick to my diet as best I can while traveling.  It is hard to get as many vegetables while traveling, so I take some anti-oxidant supplements along.  I stay away from breads, pastries and go for the eggs, fruit, dried prunes and nuts.  Enjoy tastes of the local specialties, but there is no reason to add sugars and white flour to your diet while away if you avoid them at home. I take healthy snack bars and meal bars.  These saved me on the return from Portugal.

  1. Plenty of water: Plane rides can be dehydrating and this can worsen jet lag. Drink up.

I take a rehydrating powder with me and add it to my bottled water.  You lose one cup of fluid for every hour you are in the air. So you have to disturb your fellow passengers.  You get up and they have to get up.  Good for them. Do not buy your extra water before you go through security; wait until you are on the other side. I carry my own empty bottle and fill it from the water fountain.  If you have a bottle with a wide lid, you can easily add powders to the water–protein or hydrating.

  1. Try to sleep:Don those headphones or earplugs you packed and try to fall asleep on the plane especially if you’ll arrive in the morning (and this is often when U.S. flights to Europe arrive). See my remarks on #7.


  1. Try to exercise: No yoga moves, just a simple stroll down the aisle every now and then but only when you won’t disturb meal or beverage service and only when seat belt signs are off. When you return, buckle up no matter what the sign says (turbulence can come out of nowhere). I really do exercise.  Kinesthetic moves:  clench and unclench your butt, holding the clench for several seconds; alternate up and down top/heel while sitting; reach your hands out in front of you and push/pull your shoulders;
    Airplane exercises
    Airplane exercises

    role your head to stretch your neck; do pelvic clocks as you sit, first one direction and then the other; drop first your left and then your right arm to get a good stretch with your head going in the opposite direction.  These exercises can help prevent pulmonary thrombosis which is a danger, especially in older adults. DVT

    moves to prevent DVT
    moves to prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis
  2. 11.Wild card:Ever hear of the Argonne Anti-Jet-Lag Diet? It was developed years ago by a scientist at the Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory and is said to be effective but “difficult to stick to.” I don’t doubt this since it involves alternate days of feasting and fasting before departure. Another approach calls for no food at all for 12 to 16 hours before breakfast time at your destination. Note: The Mayo Clinic says no anti-jet lag diets have been absolutely proven to work but give them a whirl if so inclined (though you should talk to your doctor first).

At Your Destination

  1. Don’t make important decisions first day: I think this CDC tip is meant for those who suffer extreme jet lag but if you’re flying in for a business meeting and know you won’t be super-sharp, consider arriving a day ahead of time. I arrived in Paris in the morning, checked my luggage at the hotel and immediately went walking. I wanted to take in the famous Shakespeare and Company bookstore (I was on a writing retreat in southern France). I got sloppy with my cell phone and it was gone when I wanted to take a picture minutes later.  Keep your wits about you for the first couple days.  Check and double-check all the important things: since that experience, I keep passport, money, credit card and phone in my money belt at my waist under my pants, especially when in key tourist attractions.  On this recent trip to Portugal, our guide spotted pickpockets and gave us a warning.  Train stations are particularly bad.  If you carry a backpack, bring it around in front of you anytime you are in a crush of people.
  1. Sync up with local time: If you arrive at your destination at 9 a.m., don’t go to bed. Get into the rhythms of the city and stick with it. If you must nap, lie down for no more than 20 minutes or so, otherwise you may have trouble sleeping at night. A friend of mine who travels to the UK all the time tells me, “No! No afternoon naps. Walk around the city, stop for coffee, go for a hike and stay up at least until 9 p.m. local time.” Absolutely. When traveling with a twelve year old grandchild a few years ago, she suggested stopping at a swim facility (I gave her the book, Ireland with Kids and she found the place).  This took care of her jet lag completely. We had an on time week of sleeping and waking pleasure after that.
  1. Get some sun: According to the Sleep Foundation, daylight is “a powerful stimulant for regulating the biological clock.” Staying indoors, they add, will only worsen jet lag. My rule: walk outdoors no matter what.  I remember arriving in Mumbai mid morning after hours in planes.  I walked my feet off, wandering into a cafeteria-style restaurant where the locals ate during their lunch break from a factory.  I sat between a gaggle of women.  When I couldn’t stand up another minute, I found a church and asked if I could sit down for a few minutes.  It finally got dark so I could go to bed.  The following days, I was alert and enjoyed each full day in crazy India.

15. Wild card tip: According to an Australia-based travel blogger, you can get rid of jet lag quickly by putting your bare feet on the ground (or the grass or the sand). Apparently, you just wiggle your toes around for a while. I can’t vouch for this, but probably couldn’t hurt and probably feels great. All fine and good as an idea, but I seldom end my plane travel in a place where I would want to put my bare feet directly on the ground. It is helpful to visualize grounding yourself in the earth.  Those Aussies are more direct!

One thing more. Whether you are a vitamin taker or not, this might be a good time to take an immune booster.  I carry Vitalized Immunity by Shaklee.  Emergen-C Vitamin C Fizzy Drink Mix is popular.  I used the pop-in-water-and-drink supplement several times while in Portugal.

Happiness is staying healthy while traveling.

Be well, Do well and Keep moving.


For detailed blog and pictures of my Portugal trip, check in at


Be Well health tips

Diet and Cancer: the evidence

Gentle Reader,

When Mike came back from his visit with the oncologist, he said the doctor told him diet has nothing to do with cancer. Because I want to support Mike as he faces an arduous two-month treatment for Squamous Cell carcinoma of the tongue, I said nothing to contradict his doctor’s reassuring words. On the eve of treatment is no time to be guilting him for the processed foods, conventional red meats, and vegetables he has consumed for 59 years. He will be too miserable to work and so, by mutual agreement, he sublet his beautiful space in my downstairs to a friend and moved in with his sister. She will get him to his daily appointments for radiation and look after him when he is sick from the chemotherapy infusions. We are all hoping and praying that he will be cancer free and able to work again in three months. I will hold his space for him in solidarity with his winning the fight.

His doctor’s comment sent me to Google. What do we know about diet and Cancer? Here’s what I learned.

A healthy diet can reduce the risk of cancer
Information from Cancer Research UK.
People with less healthy diets are more likely to develop cancer. Many studies have been conducted looking at the association between diet and cancer, and experts agree the food we eat can affect our risk of cancer.

Scientists have estimated that less healthy diets cause nearly one in ten (9%) cancer cases in the UK.

But diet is difficult to study…
It is probable that no specific food causes cancer. But the possibility of proving cause and effect from specific foods is difficult. Our diets include many different foods, and those foods consist of many different nutrients and chemicals that could affect the risk of cancer. It is very difficult to design studies that can accurately look at the effect of a single food item.

The way food intake is measured can be problematic too. Many studies use ‘food-frequency questionnaires’ which ask participants how often and how much they have eaten particular foods over a period of time. But this relies on participants accurately remembering their past food intake. Better-quality studies use ‘daily food diaries’ for participants to record what they’ve eaten each day.

Also, it is very difficult to design diet studies that can accurately take account of other lifestyle factors which are very important in cancer risk, such as smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. For example, people who drink or smoke heavily usually also have lower intake of fruit and vegetables. So when we see higher cancer risks in those people, it might be hard to disentangle the effects of one from the others.

Some aspects of our diet are linked to cancer according to the current scientific evidence. Only foods which are supported by a body of good-quality evidence are included here. For the many other foods which have been studied, the current evidence is not good enough to say whether there is a link.

This report suggests that some foods may reduce cancer risk. We have read this in magazines, newspapers, on the web ad nauseam. It might be a good idea to refresh our memories.

Fruit and vegetables may reduce the risk of many cancers
Research has suggested that eating lots of fruit and vegetables could reduce the risk of mouth, esophageal, bowel, throat, lung and some types of stomach cancers 1,3,7,9,.
Some studies have found that people who eat the most fruit and vegetables can lower their risk of cancer by around 10% compared to those who eat the least 1.10.11. Eating one portion of fruit and/or veg each day can cut the risk of mouth cancer by half – and eating more portions cuts the risk by even more
A recent study suggested around one in 20 cancers in the UK may be linked to people eating fewer than five portions a day of fruit and vegetables 3. More than half of all mouth cancer cases, and almost half of esophageal and laryngeal cancers, are linked to diets low in fruit and vegetables 3.
In the UK, most of us do not meet recommended levels of fruit and vegetables in the diet 15.

This is true in the US as well.

Fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that could help protect against cancer
Fruits and vegetables contain a wide variety of different nutrients with properties that could make it more difficult for cancer to develop. These nutrients include carotenoids, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, flavonoids and various other phytochemicals (chemicals found in plants).
Some of their properties include the following 1:
• Carotenoids act as antioxidants. Antioxidants block other chemicals known as free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive and have the potential to cause damage to cells, including damage that may lead to cancer.
• Folate plays a vital role in DNA repair.
• Vitamin C and E act as antioxidants, protect DNA from damage and stimulate the immune system.
• Small levels of selenium play an essential role as part of certain proteins which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as protecting against DNA damage.
• Flavonoids could also have antioxidant properties and reduce inflammation.

Fruit and vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fibre
Fruit and vegetables contain a wide range of nutrients. Researchers are still trying to work out which of these might reduce cancer risk.

But it may be that you need these nutrients in balanced combinations to reduce the risk of cancer effectively 16. Differently coloured fruit and vegetables often contain different nutrients so it’s a good idea to eat a wide range of colours 17. One study found that people who eat the widest range of fruit and vegetables have 22% lower risk of mouth cancer than those who eat the narrowest range 18.

There is strong evidence that the nutrients in fruit and vegetables do not reduce the risk of cancer when they are taken as supplements. High doses of supplements could even have harmful effects 19, 20, 21.

Supplements have a bad rap because of the unregulated nature and non-standardized doses. You have to know how the supplements are sourced, processed, manufactured and what methods the company uses for testing at every step. Only then can you trust the health-giving benefit as opposed to food itself.  I trust Shaklee.  See the Shaklee difference here.

Fruit and vegetables are also a very good source of natural fibre, and there is strong evidence that high levels of fibre reduce risk of bowel cancer 7, 22, 23.

Fruit and vegetables have wide health benefits
People have been advised to increase their consumption of fruit and vegetables since the 1990s 24. Since then, many expert reports on diet and cancer prevention have supported eating five portions of fruit and vegetables a day 1, 25, 26. In 2005, the Department of Health made a concerted effort to promote their 5-a-day programme 27.
Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables can help you maintain a healthy body weight 2. Keeping a healthy weight can help you reduce the risk of bowel, breast (postmenopausal), kidney, womb, esophageal, pancreatic and gall bladder cancers 3. And getting enough fruit and vegetables can also reduce the risk of other diseases including heart disease 28. The EPIC study found that people who ate the most fruit and vegetables reduced their risk of dying from chronic diseases like heart diseases, cancer and diabetes by a quarter 29.

UK cancer research agrees that there is evidence to support increase in risk of cancer from red and processed meats. New information to me is what exactly in the meat could be cancer causing.

First, the type of meat that may cause cancer. We eat them in the US, too.
Eating lots of red or processed meat can increase the risk of cancer
Eating lots of red or processed meat increases the risk of bowel cancer 30, 31, 32. Red meat includes all fresh, minced and frozen beef, pork and lamb. Processed meat includes ham, bacon, salami and sausages 1.
Around a quarter of bowel cancer cases in men, and around a sixth in women, are linked to eating red or processed meat 33. Bowel cancer risk increases by more than a quarter (28%) for every 120g of red meat eaten per day, and by almost a tenth (9%) for every 30g of processed meat eaten per day 34. Processed meat is more strongly linked to cancer risk than red meat 30, 34.
There is growing evidence that links red meat to pancreatic cancer and stomach cancer 35, 36, 37, 38, 39. The EPIC study found that eating lots of meat, particularly red and processed meat could also increase the risk of stomach cancer – people eating over 100g of meat a day had over 3 times the risk of getting stomach cancer 39. Another very large study found that people who eat the most red or processed meat have 40-50% higher risk of pancreatic cancer 40.
There is no strong evidence that eating white meat, such as chicken, can increase cancer risk 34.

In the UK, we get a fairly high proportion of our energy intake from red and processed meats 15. The Government advises that people who eat more than 90g (cooked weight) of red and processed meat a day should cut down to 70g or less 41.

Researchers are beginning to isolate the link between red or processed meat and cancer. Chemicals found in these meats may play a part.

Red and processed meat contains chemicals that could cause cancer:

Red and processed meat contains a red pigment called haem. Haem could irritate or damage the cells in the bowel. The cells divide much more than normal to compensate for this damage. This increases the chance that one of these cells could acquire changes that set it down the road to cancer 42. There is some evidence that the effects of haem could be countered by chlorophyll, found in green vegetables 43, 44.
Haem could stimulate the bacteria in our guts to produce chemicals called N-nitroso compounds, or NOCs 45. Many of these are known to cause cancer. Almost all red and processed meats contain more haem than white meats. This may explain why red and processed meats increase bowel cancer risk while white meats do not 45.
Nitrites, nitrates and N-nitroso compounds

Nitrites and nitrates are used to preserve processed meat and may explain why some studies find that processed meat increases the risk of cancer to a greater extent than red meat 30, 46. In the bowel, nitrites are converted into N-nitroso compounds, which could cause cancer 46. One group of scientists analysed over 60 studies and found that nitrites, and foods rich in them, are linked to higher risks of stomach cancer 47.
Heterocyclic amines & polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

How meat is cooked may produce harmful chemicals: heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), many of which can cause cancer 48, 49. The presence of these chemicals may explain why some studies find that meat cooked at high temperatures such as grilling or barbequing might increase the risk of bowel cancer more than meats cooked at lower temperatures such as boiling or braising 50, 51.

Shift to fish and chicken.
Eating lots of fish may lower the risk of bowel cancer
The EPIC study recently reported that people who ate an 80g portion of fish a day reduced their bowel cancer risk by a third compared to people who ate less than that in a week 52. Some other studies have shown similar results, but the evidence is still inconsistent 53.
It is not clear how eating fish could reduce the risk of cancer. Fish oils are especially rich in polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids (O3FAs), but there is no strong evidence that these can reduce the risk of cancer 54.
In the UK, our fish consumption is well below Government recommended levels of at least two portions of fish a week 15.

Eating lots of fibre can reduce the risk of bowel cancer
A recent study found more than one in ten (12%) bowel cancers are linked to a low fibre diet 3. A review of all studies on the topic has shown eating 10g of fibre per day can reduce the risk of bowel cancer by around 10% 55. Cereal fibre and whole grains seem to have the most effect on reducing bowel cancer risk 7.
In the UK, our average fibre intake is below the recommended level 15.
Fibre triggers the production of helpful chemicals, and increases the frequency of bowel movements.

Bacteria in the bowel interact with fibre to produce several chemicals including butyrate. Butyrate changes the conditions in the bowel, so that tumours are less likely to develop. Lab experiments have shown that butyrate can also stop the growth of cancer cells and cause them to die 56, 57, 58.
Fibre dilutes the contents of stools, and increases their bulk and the frequency of bowel movements8, 9. All of this reduces the contact time between the bowel and chemicals in the stools and could reduce the amount of cancer-causing chemicals that are absorbed through the lining of the gut.

Fiber is an interesting problem area. I actually did a food diary specifically designed to measure my fiber intake. I suffered from chronic constipation as a young adult. My own research (before Google) about the causes of cancer indicated that a clogged up colon, sluggish bowl movements were a big drag on the immune system function. Most (75%) of our immune response sites are in the lower intestine. If the immune function is taken up with handling the toxins present in un-moved bowel, there is precious little left over for the rest of the body. In my diary records, I was consuming about 15 grams of fiber a day from food. I have been supplementing with Shaklee fiber ever since, taking 2-3 Fiber Tablets with every meal. Those plus more than five servings of vegetables every day keep my bowel movements regular and the consistency of a very ripe banana. More information than you wanted, but I can tell you, that you would do well to get to the same place with your elimination to lower your risk of cancer.

Eating lots of salt can increase the risk of stomach cancer
There is some evidence that eating too much salty food, or food that has been preserved with salt, could increase the risk of stomach cancer. But most evidence comes from countries with higher salt consumption than the UK, like Japan 59.

In the UK, it’s thought that nearly a quarter (25%) of stomach cancer cases are linked to eating more than 6g of salt each day 3. A review which combined the results of all relevant studies showed that people who regularly eat high amounts of salt each day have two-thirds higher risk of stomach cancer compared with those who eat low amounts 59.
Too much salt can increase blood pressure and the risk of heart disease and stroke 60.
Salt could affect the risk of stomach cancer by damaging the lining of the stomach and causing inflammation, or by making the stomach lining more sensitive to carcinogens such as nitrates. Salt could also interact with a stomach bug called Helicobacter pylori that cause both stomach ulcers and stomach cancer 61.
In the UK, we typically eat much more than the recommended 6g of salt per day 15.

Eating lots of saturated fat may increase the risk of breast cancer
Most studies on fat intake and the risk of breast cancer have suggested either no link or a small increased risk of the disease. Most studies that have found a small increased risk of breast cancer showed links with the intake of total fat or saturated fat 62, 63, 64. An analysis of four UK studies found no association between fat intake and breast cancer risk in middle-aged women 65.

Altogether, it is still not clear whether fat intake affects the risk of breast cancer. But if there is an effect, it is probably because fat in our diets increases the levels of oestrogen and other hormones in our blood, which fuels the development of cancer 66.

Are you still with me? One of the foremost cancer research facilities in the US is MD Anderson, in Austin, TX. My daughter and I are part of one of their studies. We both have a DNA variant which is showing up in families who may have one or more of three cancers: melanoma, brain and breast. I have had early breast cancer. Ruth has had early breast and melanoma cancers. I went to their site to see what they had to say about food and cancer. Here is a checklist you can download and carry in your purse, pocket to the grocery store. Maybe it will help you increase the foods that may fight cancer and reduce your risk.

Be well, do well and keep moving.
206 933 1889

I love to read your comments so keep them coming.
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Resources, Scientific resources

Increase energy naturally

Replenish and Increase your Energy Naturally


Between 50% and 75% of consumers experience fatigue and low energy levels.  Women especially struggle with the vicious cycle of tiredness.  The more worn out you feel, the harder it becomes to relax and rest, which means more fatigue.  Many turn to stimulants like caffeine to receive “energy boosts” which in turn can cause you to be jittery, over-stimulated and often causes a ‘crash’, resulting in more fatigue.  You may be looking for natural energy products.


Still others turn to energy drinks, a market that is increasing. The $9.4 billion energy drinks and shots category continues to be a solid performer, despite falling sales in 2013 from controversy and lawsuits that challenged its safety. Reported by Mintel, a comprehensive market analysis company.


The controversy is justified.  The market is flooded with products that contain high levels of artificial sugars, high fructose corn syrup, and unwanted and unnecessary chemicals and additives, including red, green and yellow dyes.  What are you sacrificing in health to get the energy boost you crave?


Shaklee scientists pay close attention to what American’s are doing to their health–what we crave to keep our bodies going.  After careful research and in depth study, they have two products that help.  These natural energy products are safe and deliver the oomph we need even when we haven’t had enough sleep or have to accomplish some goal before 5 p.m. and the afternoon is dragging.


CorEnergy is a capsule containing a blend

  • Cordyceps Sinensis, a valued mushroom that has been extensively tested in China and found to help fight everyday fatigue.


  • Panax Ginseng: traditionally used to revitalize and replenish vital energy.


  • Green Tea: one of the richest dietary sources of antioxidant phytonutrients called polyphenols; it helps to promote sustained vitality.


To get the maximum increased energy effect from CorEnergy, take it 15 to 20 minutes before a meal, say breakfast and lunch.


A side note: Panax Ginseng has been a best seller in the market for years.  Some time ago, early 2000s, all the sources of Ginseng from China were contaminated by mold due to flooding in the warehouses.  From that point on, the ginseng roots were saturated with anti-fungicidal before storage and subsequent shipment to the US.  Shaklee, who always tests their raw ingredients, discovered this contamination and suspended the manufacture of our Ginseng product until they could locate a clean source.  We had no Ginseng to sell for over a year and did not bring CorEnergy to market until they developed a process to extract the active ingredient.  No other company withdrew their Ginseng product from the market.


Skeptics who worry about finding an herbal product containing the active ingredient in measured doses need look no further than Shaklee.  We test and test again.  Each capsule contains an exact dosage.  Guaranteed.


The Shaklee answer to the energy drink and goop is Energy Chews.  They are 75% organic, contain scientifically proven ingredients, including L-theanine and L-tyrosine, to help support focus and alertness, plus energy-releasing B vitamins, natural caffeine from green tea, and 25% daily value of Vitamin D.  Energy Chews produce increase energy naturally


No Red #40, Yellow #5, Yellow #6 dyes, no artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium; or artificial preservatives such as potassium sorbate, sodium EDTA, benzoic acid, and sodium benzoate.  (These are the things you might find in the energy stuff available at your local checkout stand.)  I get a boost from Energy Chews within 15 minutes of chewing and swallowing two yummy individually wrapped cubes.  Keeps me awake in the lecture, behind the wheel and in the late afternoon.  One customer says Energy Chews helped him break the 3 p.m. latte habit.  And they cost less.


Go for it.   Add one or both of these products to your monthly order.  You’ll be glad to have them on hand for the occasional droopy day or late night push.

Arthritis, Keep Moving: Managing Arthritis

Myofascial Release

Gentle Reader,

My newest therapeutic intervention for progressive osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis is Myofascial Release.  Since hurting my back in 1992 and dealing with arthritis, I have sampled and treated with private Feldenkrais (Becci Parsons).  Becci restored me to functional walking, sitting, rising up from sitting, lying down and even entering and exiting a car.  The next therapy was private sessions with Mary Sue Corrado, a therapeutic Pilates specialist, who, after about eight years, helped me develop enough core strength to enjoy yoga without hurting myself.  You can read my arthritis history here, and longer explanations of both Feldenkrais and Pilates.


I have had some sessions with a Rolfing specialist.  I get regular deep tissue massage and have benefitted from acupuncture.  Myofascial Release goes to the heart, the source of the structural problems in my body that contribute to pain.  It does not cure arthritis, but it helps the body gain fluid movement.

Through a series of synchronicities, a friend introduced me to Cedron Sterling. She suffered from knee pain and her doctors recommended knee replacement surgery.  Instead of surgery, Cedron worked with her through myofascial release therapy.  The restrictions melted away and she walks without pain.

I decided to try this treatment.  I have a lot of pain in my lower back, hips and feet and my right leg goes numb especially when standing around for a long period of time, choir practice and performance, museum viewing for example.  In a recent diagnostic MRI, the sports doctor could see bulging discs in the thoracic and lumbar spine, but did not feel I was at risk for a major problem that would interrupt a walking tour in England.  It is troublesome to have a leg go numb, I can tell you, even if danger of debilitating injury is slim.

You can read about the therapy on Cedron Sterling’s web site.  You can listen to his teacher’s talk about the treatment and the resistance to embracing it as a viable therapy.

The fascia is a thin film, an internal skin that holds muscles, organs, blood vessels, tendons in place, interconnecting everything in our bodies from the top of the head to the big toe.  Over the years, I have had a number of surgeries, strains, twists and each time the fascia adjusts its hold on the effected muscles, tendons and organs.  Things get tight.

For example, I had a mastectomy of the left breast in 1971 and the scar area has been rigid for 44 years.  By applying gentle pressure into the barrier of resistance, Cedron was able to release all tightness in the rib cage, the chest wall, the muscles and tissue where the incision was made all those years ago.  My whole left side opened up.  My left arm swings wide and strong without restriction.

He has worked on my feet which have large bunions and an inflexible second toe that has held an immovable arch after a neuroma in the ball of my foot.  I have been able to walk long distances without pain because of the masterful craftmanship of Dr. Huppin.  He fashioned an orthotic which spread the weight bearing function of the foot out and away from this damaged area.  Cedron has released the holding that caused the problem in the first place.  I have been grateful for Dr. Huppin’s band-aid, but I realize now that it is no more than a band-aid.  Correcting the problem at its root requires release of the fascia which was stuck in a holding position that served some purpose at one time.

Myofascial Release cannot make the body new with one treatment.  You are on the treatment table for 90 minutes and the cost is $160 per treatment.  Insurance usually does not reimburse for this treatment.  I will probably have upwards of twelve sessions before the most binding fascia relaxes enough to give me a fluid range of motion.  Once we agree that one to two times a week is no longer necessary, I will return for fine tuning monthly or every couple of months.

I am taller.  I can breathe with more lung capacity. I have not had any numbness in my right leg.  Better yet, I am learning how to do my morning stretches more slowly, meeting the point of resistance and gently, with the breathe, increasing the pressure and range of motion as the restrictions melt.  This is not about pushing through pain.  It is about release.  Athletes, young and old, find new movement, relief from chronic pain.  People who sit at desks all day, or do repetitive activities like playing the violin, giving facials and massage or bagging groceries can get relief.  Self care instruction is part of the deal.

I recommend myofascial release therapy highly.

Be well, Do well and Keep Moving,


Please add your comments and be in touch.  206 933 1889.

Be Well health tips

Water and joint pain

Gentle Reader,

Does Drinking More Water Help With Joint Pain?


Senior man drinking a glass of water
Senior man drinking a glass of water

Photo Credit Digital Vision/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Gentle Reader,

I was a guest at a Merrill Gardens in West Seattle, giving a talk about graceful aging.  I asked the staff, “What is your most frequent reason for calling 911?” I assumed it was because a resident fell and the staff needed help getting the person up from the floor.  No.  The most frequent call was in conjunction with a fainting, sinking to ground of an elderly resident.  The first thing the paramedics asked, “When was the last time you had a drink of water?”

Dehydration is common in older adults.  Probably because drinking a lot sends you to the bathroom.  If you hurt from arthritis, you don’t want to move. So you don’t drink water.  The resistance to drinking water is a spiral downward toward poorer and poorer health.

To quote Valerie: The amount of water you drink in a day can affect your joint health. There are many reasons why your joints might hurt. You could have arthritis, chronic dehydration, gout or the flu. Increasing your water intake may not cure your joint pain completely, but it can help your body handle the underlying issues that are causing you pain.


Your joints are like hinges where two bones come together. Ligaments connect bones to each other and a coating of cartilage covers the bone surface to keep the two bones from rubbing directly against each other. A special liquid called synovial fluid fills the space between bones and provides food to the joint and cartilage. A healthy, well-nourished joint is able to move without pain, but sometimes chronic stress, an injury or a buildup of acidic crystals in the joints can cause pain.


Staying properly hydrated throughout the day gives your body several advantages. Water helps you maintain an adequate blood volume so that nutrients can move through your blood and into your joints. If you think of your joints like a sponge, imagine how much more easily two wet sponges can move against one another than two dry, hard sponges. Water also allows waste products to move out of the joints. In addition to taking doctor-prescribed medication, people who suffer from gout pain should drink at least six to eight glasses of water every day.


The Missouri Department of Health and Human Services explains that chronic dehydration can lead to thirst, constipation, frequent joint pain, stomach pain, low energy and confusion. Unfortunately, your body’s ability to sense thirst might lag behind its need for water. The best way to prevent dehydration is to make a conscious effort to stay hydrated throughout the day. Drink plenty of water before any exercise, so that your body has some reserve fluid it can use for cooling.

Quoted from Jennifer Davis, in  The more you drink, the less you hurt.

It has been thought that dehydration is a possible trigger for gout attacks, so researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine wanted to determine if drinking water could reduce their likelihood.

“Dehydration can increase the concentration of serum uric acid in the blood. It can also affect the kidney’s ability to clear uric acid and can make uric acid more likely to form crystals. In combination, these factors can lead to an increased risk for a gout attack. Water can reverse the effects of dehydration,” says lead author Tuhina Neogi, MD, PhD.

For this Internet-based study, researchers recruited 535 people with gout who had experienced a gout attack within one year of the study. Seventy-eight percent were men, their average age was 53 and their gout diagnosis was confirmed through medical records. Participants were asked to provide information about how much water they consumed in the 24 hours before each gout attack and during times when they did not have a gout attack. Participants could respond with zero to one glasses per 24-hour period, two to four, five to eight or more than eight.

The results showed that with each glass of water consumed in the 24 hours before an attack, the risk for recurrent gout attacks decreased, even when accounting for other fluid intake.

“For example, those drinking five to eight glasses of water had a 40 percent reduced risk of gout attack compared with those who drank only one glass of water or less in the prior 24 hours,” Dr. Neogi explains.

Dr. Neogi says he can’t make specific recommendations about the amount of water people should drink because it depends on their underlying medical conditions and physical activity levels. He says patients should talk to their doctor if they have any questions on that front.

The study was presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology in Philadelphia.

John Sundy, MD, PhD, a rheumatologist and associate professor of medicine at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C., questions the reliability of the information in this study because it is based solely on patient’s recall. “If you are asking people to recall dietary intake any more than 12 hours after the fact, it is notoriously inaccurate,” he explains.

But he says the results are still intriguing because they provide scientific proof to existing anecdotal evidence. “I think it’s probably one of the first efforts to try to actually gather data to test this hypothesis or this notion that dehydration is important. The dehydration issue had been driven a lot by doctor-patient experience but there are limited examples,” Dr. Sundy says. “I think what it is, is an effort to provide new confirmation to an old idea.”

Dr. Sundy says there are plenty of other benefits to staying hydrated, so he doesn’t think it would hurt most patients to drink water regularly. “It’s one more tool in the tool chest that might be helpful,” he says. “This might be a reasonable thing to try.”

But he cautions there are some people who have to be careful with their fluid intake. That includes people with poor heart function or poor fluid handling by kidneys not able to eliminate a water burden.

Dr. Neogi says he and his research team are continuing to study potential triggers for gout attacks, including other liquids. They don’t think all liquids will have a beneficial effect on reducing the risk for recurrent gout attacks because some, including caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, may have potentially detrimental effects on serum uric acid and volume status.

Anyone who is active, i.e. walking vigorously, hiking, playing tennis or other sports and experiences arthritis pain in their joints may want to consider more than just water for hydration.  Water alone may not give you the support you need if you are sweating during your exercise.  Hydrating with electrolytes can increase the benefit of water, but only if the sugar/mineral balance is effortless to absorb, requiring no rebalancing in the body.  Most of the electrolyte drinks on the market do not have optimal absorption rates.

Most sports drinks on the market are what sports scientists call isotonic, which means they contain a carbohydrate solution that is at 6-8% concentration. These drinks are in the middle of the spectrum in terms of absorption rate, with water being the most readily absorbed (hypotonic) and something like fruit juice, being greater than 8% sugar concentration (hypertonic) being the least absorbable.  Because the sugar concentration of most sports drinks is higher than that of most body fluid they are not readily absorbed into the blood stream and are thus not optimal for hydration.  Thanks to Runner’s Connect for this.

The Shaklee company made the most bio-available hydrating drink ever (big sweeping statement, I know) in Performance.  A team of engineers at MIT built a human powered flying machine from Leonardo da Vinci’s model to reenact the Greek Daedalus myth.  The MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics Department’s Daedalus was a human-powered aircraft that, on 23 April 1988, flew a distance of 71.5 mi (115.11 km) in 3 hours, 54 minutes, from Iraklion on the island of Crete to the island of Santorini. The flight holds official FAI world records for total distance, straight-line distance, and duration for human-powered aircraft.

testing the Daedalus before the flight
testing the Daedalus before the flight

This light plane was powered by a bicycle-riding person able to keep peddling for the equivalent of three marathons, without stopping.  The team sampled all the available supplemental drinks to find one that would do the job.  In the end, they came to Shaklee’s science team and asked them to develop a drink that would keep the cyclist in the air while peddling across the Aegean Sea.  The article published in the American Scientist, July-August 1988 can be read here.

Personally, I drink Performance every time I go hiking, mixing some powder in my water.  It gives me that added stamina toward the end of the trail.  No bonking, please.  Use Shaklee Performance.  It is helpful during any exercise, including a vigorous day of gardening.  Try it.

Be well, Do well and Keep Moving.


I welcome your comments.  for shopping


Resources, Scientific resources

Daedalus Project

You may be interested in the scientific study behind Performance, the hydrating drink that fueled the famous Daedalus Project, human powered flight.  The research document describing the problem and the solution and the results were first published in American Scientist, vol. 76, July-August 1988.  Worth reading to understand how unique Shaklee products are.  This same care is applied or has been applied to every product produced.   Nadel-1988.


Resources, Scientific resources

Landmark Study

Shaklee Health Sciences e-Bulletin April 2008

The Landmark Dietary Supplement Study

  1. The Shaklee Landmark Study

Here at Shaklee, we’ve been supporting healthy lifestyles including healthy food choices, smart supplementation, and regular exercise for over 50 years! And now we’re proud to have published the Shaklee 50th Anniversary Dietary Supplement Study, a landmark first-of-its-kind study that supports the potential benefits of long-term supplementation in a unique consumer population. The study, Usage patterns, health, and nutritional status of long-term multiple dietary supplement users: a cross-sectional study was published in Nutrition Journal, an online peer-reviewed scientific journal on October 24, 2007.

And the results are stunning! Long-term dietary supplement use was consistently associated with more favorable blood levels of important nutrients and key heart health biomarkers. More importantly, long-term users of multiple dietary supplements generally reported lower prevalence of disease in self reported health conditions including elevated blood pressure and diabetes, when compared to single multivitamin users and nonusers.


This first-of-its-kind study was conducted on a unique study population using new online data collection methods employed for the very first time in collaboration with renowned nutritional epidemiologist Dr. Gladys Block, from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health.


Information regarding diet and supplement intakes, exercise, and health status was obtained from online questionnaires and on-site physical examinations from 278 long-term Shaklee multiple dietary supplement consumers. Data for 602 matched nonusers and 176 single multivitamin supplement users was obtained from the Nationwide Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) the largest and longest running national health and nutrition survey, sponsored by the National Center for Health Statistics.

  1. Study Results


The long-term multiple supplement users included more females, were slightly older, better educated, had higher incomes, and lower body mass index (BMI) than the other groups. Dietary supplements consumed on a daily basis by more than 50% of the multiple supplement users included such products as a multivitamin/mineral, vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, carotenoids, calcium with vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, glucosamine, an herbal immune supplement, a probiotic supplement (women), and a soy protein supplement (men).


Blood Nutrient Levels generally increased with increasing dietary supplement use. Blood nutrient levels for folate, vitamin C, alpha and beta carotene, and vitamin E were consistently found at more optimal levels in the multiple supplement user population. To address the safety of long term use of a broad array of supplements, the investigators also found healthy and safe blood levels of vitamin D and iron, nutrients for which high intakes have been associated with possible adverse effects. Specifically, serum ferritin, a measure of iron storage, was highest, and more optimal, among women in the multiple supplement user group vs single multivitamin users and nonusers. Conversely, it was lowest, but still more optimal, in the male multiple supplement users compared to the two other groups.


Blood Biomarkers. Multiple supplement users had higher blood levels of HDL cholesterol and lower blood levels of triglycerides, both consistent with lower heart disease risk. Increased supplement use was also associated with more favorable concentrations of serum homocysteine and C-reactive protein, a marker of low grade inflammation. Of note is the fact that none of the 278 multiple supplement study participants had an elevated CRP level (>3.0 mg/L) identified as high risk by the American Heart Association.


Disease Prevalence. In general, disease prevalence was lower in the multiple supplement user group compared to the multivitamin only user and nonuser groups. In addition, when researchers controlled for differences between groups in variables such as age, sex, education, income, and body mass index, they found the risk of elevated blood pressure was 39% lower in multiple supplement users than in nonusers and the risk of diabetes was 72% lower in multiple supplement users compared to nonusers. Finally, long-term multiple supplement users were four times more likely to describe their health as “very good or excellent” compared to nonusers.

  1. Study Conclusions


This landmark study provides compelling support for the health benefits seen in long-term users of a broad array of dietary supplements as compared to single multivitamin and non-supplement users. Long-term multiple dietary supplement users consumed a broad array of vitamin/mineral, botanical, and condition-specific dietary supplements on a daily basis. They were more likely to have optimal concentrations of chronic disease-related biomarkers including serum homocysteine, C-reactive protein, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides and less likely to have suboptimal blood nutrient concentrations including folate, vitamin C, alpha- and beta-carotene, and vitamin E. Long-term supplement users also had a lower risk of prevalent elevated blood pressure and diabetes compared to nonusers.


A limitation of the study is the fact that the data are cross-sectional, and therefore the reported associations cannot presume causality. And although quite compelling in their support for the health benefits of supplementation, the study findings need to be confirmed by further research into the usage patterns, health, and nutritional status of other groups of long-term users of dietary supplements.

  1. What This Means for You

The Landmark Study findings help to validate what we in Shaklee Science and Technology have promoted all along. Long-term healthy Shaklee lifestyle approaches including smart dietary choices from foods and supplements, and regular exercise to achieve and maintain a healthy weight are indeed strong supporters of optimal health and vitality. And we want you to be sure that your healthy lifestyle includes these smart diet, supplementation, and exercise strategies as you strive to achieve optimal health:

Eat Healthy. Your healthy eating plan includes smart choices from every food group and emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products. It also includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts and is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt, and added sugars.  

Supplement Wisely. Make wise supplement choices a part of your daily routine. A comprehensive and balanced multivitamin/mineral supplement with at least 500 mg calcium and vitamin D just makes good sense. Antioxidant nutrients help protect cells against aging so be sure you’re considering the antioxidant vitamins C and E, and beta carotene. Ensure your intake of critical B vitamins including folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12, to help protect DNA and support healthy aging. Try to increase your intake of the omega three fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which have been associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease as well as improvements in inflammatory and metabolic balance. Finally, look to probiotic nutrition to support healthy digestion and immune function.

Exercise and Achieve a Healthy Weight. For the two out of every three Americans who are overweight or obese, losing weight is the first priority for improving health. Make regular physical activity a key component of your overall health management program to balance your caloric intake from food with the calories you expend each day. Try to be physically active for at least 30-60 minutes most days of the week and increase exercise duration or intensity for even greater health benefits or to help manage body weight.

Be well. Dr. Jamie McManus MD, FAAFP Chairman, Medical Affairs, Health Sciences and Education

For information about the supplements mentioned in the article, go to my personal Shaklee website, type in any of the items mentioned–calcium, vitamin D, soy protein–and you will find the products thousands of Shaklee users have been taking.  Consistent use of these products over time may give you similar results.  They have helped me remain vigorous into my late 70s.  As a man I met at the gas station this week said when I told him I had recently been to my 55th college reunion, “You holding up well!”

Be well, Do well and Keep Moving, Betsy




Be Well health tips, Health and Fitness

No cure for aging

Gentle Reader,

In my Facebook inbox this morning came, “There’s no cure for aging, so embrace it.”  I thought this is a post just for me.  It sings my tune. Plays my tambourine.  One of the comments let a little air out of the balloon by speaking truth to all of us songbirds of perpetual spring.


Tommie Montgomery Leydsman

There are many aspects to aging that are, quite frankly, NOT what you are dying to experience! Knees that dare you to move in the morning, BEFORE you have taken one of countless relievers of pain. Haphazard sleeping patterns, I mean who doesn’t love to wake up feeling refreshed at 3 A.M. , but dead asleep again at 4 A.M., only to wake up AGAIN at 5 A.M., pushing away at an annoying object on your chin. That object, of course, being the book you began reading at 3 A.M. !!!


The countless solicitations in the mail letting you know that the countdown clock has slipped into fast forward. You receive reminders like refrigerator magnets for funeral homes. I have always wanted to know whom I should contact after my demise. Not to mention the number of aging services that send you click style ballpoint pens, because our little fingers find it too hard to take the cap off a Bic.


However, there are upsides. I could fill my social calendar with invitations to hear people “advise” me on the best way to invest my entitlements, a.k.a., Social Security! Are they kidding? No, but they do provide “refreshments.” What I want to know is how every hearing aid company got my address? This group is especially devious. They send out envelopes, the size and quality of an upscale wedding invitation, with your name handwritten on the envelope. They invite you, in EXTREMELY LARGE PRINT (because your eyes are also going) to come in and try on some all but invisible hearing aids. I’m wondering if they are the same kind that the Secret Service uses, you know, the ones that they couldn’t hear out of when the White House perimeter was breeched?! *snarky laugh here*


I also love my copies of the AARP and Costco magazines, with aging celebrities on the cover, who don’t EVEN look like they are aging. When you read the articles, these people are going on Safari’s, taking hot air balloon rides over the Serengeti, car racing, starting new businesses (probably using their windfall SS checks as startup money.) You’ve got to watch these “entitlement generation oldies.” They’re a slippery lot!!!!

BUT…………….. All in all, I am embracing the process. Very happy to be aging, happily!


What’s better than the truth?  The simple add-on:  Very happy to be aging.


I natter on in these pages about strategies to slow the process down, to mask the symptoms or attempt to correct the problems with exercise, therapies and supplements.  It seems to be a more positive approach; a going with the flow while using every available oar to navigate the rapids.  Why not?  I’m not in favor of the alternatives: sitting down, going deaf, searching for bigger and bigger print (I’m typing at 140% as it is.  That way I don’t have to lean over to see the screen and can maintain an upright back posture. Hehehe)


Most of you, my faithful readers, are in the game to go out dancing, so let’s keep sharing our ideas for how to do that with aplomb.


Love you all,


Be well, Do well and Keep moving,



206 933 1889  thoughts on how to stay healthy  shopping for Shaklee products

Vivix the anti aging tonic.  I love my swig every morning.

Arthritis, Be Well health tips, Health and Fitness, Keep Moving: Managing Arthritis

personal training results

Gentle Reader,
I was wondering if I could walk to the car on my rubbery legs from the lunges with a weight vest on when  PJ Glassey captured me on video.  I had just finished my 21 minute workout with Dan this morning at the Xgym on Alki in Seattle.  My goal in going to the Xgym 2 x a week for personal training is to increase bone density.  At my next annual physical in Sept 2015, I’ll get that tested and report on the success.  What has surprised me is the functional improvement in my daily life tasks.

Betsy X Gym Testimonial
Betsy X Gym Testimonial

Here’s one of the exercises, bench row with barbells.

I am in the middle of what they call splits: controlled small movements monitored for form, lasting until the muscles in use fatigue completely, about 4 1/2 minutes.  Efficient and not damaging to joints.  Can you see that it’s 25 lbs in each hand?
Two things:  I have hiking friends who give me a run for my money without this kind of training.  Some people are lucky with their genes and don’t have as much to overcome as I do.  Secondly, I am convinced diet and supplements make a big difference in my recovery and improvement.  I always take an after workout recovery drink Physique or the 180 smoothie Shaklee makes, to repair the muscle break down.  The protein powder has leucine in it that heals muscle.  I get enough protein every day from both plant and meat and fish sources, at least 100 grms.  And I eat many servings of vegetables, beets, carrots, celery, kale, other greens, onions, tomatoes plus apples, raspberries and blueberries.  No grains, or very little.  It seems to be working to keep this arthritis-ridden body going.  Hiking, anyone?
Be well, Do well and Keep Moving,
Betsy  for more health stories and tips to shop for Shaklee products on my personal web site
206 933 1889  I still love to talk to people, answer questions, hear your stories.

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