Charlie Horse remedy

Gentle Reader, The Charlie Horse remedy is a welcome answer to miserable breath-stopping pain. Read on for suggestions on how to deal with your next Charlie Horse when it happens and how to potentially avoid its coming on. If you have been following my blog posts from Italy, you know that I have been suffering from pain in my right […]

Lemon water for arthritis

Gentle Reader, I don’t know about you, but this summer I have gotten lax with some of my foundational health regimen practices  One result is an increase in joint pain.  Too much gluten, alcohol and sweets. The one exception: my wake-up lemon drink. Even when camping, the first thing to pass my lips in the morning is a glass of […]

summer athletes

Gentle Reader, People are out pushing limits in team sports or striving for a personal best.  What is the best nutrition to enhance the performance of summer athletes? I hike with friends every week.  Friends in a high-rise retirement home are logging miles so the combined efforts of the group will total the distance of the Pacific Crest Trail from […]

First barrier of resistance

Gentle Reader,   I will tell you what the first barrier of resistance is not.  We move right through it in our typical stretches prior to a walk, run, bike or hike.   You are stretching.  You put your foot on the lower rail of the fence, leg at full extension and you lean forward to reach for your toes.  […]

What BMI stand for

Gentle Reader, I was browsing my kick-ass fitness coach daughter, Priscilla Bell’s Survivor page on Face Book and today I am going to share a post she sent her followers.  You might agree. You will certainly gain a new perspective on BMI.  What BMI stands for really is the topic.  Here goes.  BMI      Basically Meritless Indicator  If you don’t know […]

Best Multivitamin study

Best Multivitamin Study:  Here are the results of an independent study comparing 101 multivitamins for effectiveness and cost.  Shaklee’s Vitalizer ranked #4. Let’s take a look at the best multivitamin study.  If your brand is down the ladder, why not consider changing to Shaklee.  The cost comparison/quality combination might encourage you.   Once all 101 multivitamin products were assessed, each […]

Victim of genetics

Gentle Reader,   One of my clarion calls has been “Don’t be a victim of your genes.”  Recent genetic studies indicate that some conditions that “victimize” people are dramatically challenging.  My local Seattle Times carried an article discussing the latest research findings published in The Lancet, Diabetes and Endocrinology.  Turns out there are 32 genetic variations that have been linked […]

Staying healthy while traveling

  Gentle Reader, I just spent two glorious weeks in Portugal. I will get on an airplane and fly off to other time zones several more times this summer and fall.  Staying healthy while I travel is of upmost importance.  You probably have the same goal:  staying healthy while travelling. Jet lag is one of the most difficult challenges of […]

Diet and Cancer: the evidence

Gentle Reader, When Mike came back from his visit with the oncologist, he said the doctor told him diet has nothing to do with cancer. Because I want to support Mike as he faces an arduous two-month treatment for Squamous Cell carcinoma of the tongue, I said nothing to contradict his doctor’s reassuring words. On the eve of treatment is […]

Increase energy naturally

Replenish and Increase your Energy Naturally   Between 50% and 75% of consumers experience fatigue and low energy levels.  Women especially struggle with the vicious cycle of tiredness.  The more worn out you feel, the harder it becomes to relax and rest, which means more fatigue.  Many turn to stimulants like caffeine to receive “energy boosts” which in turn can […]