Lower your blood pressure naturally

My friend called urgently asking for just one pill to take care of her increasing blood pressure. Her doctor had doubled her medication and she didn’t like that. She doesn’t like taking pills and only learned to swallow medication at age 75! She chews her Shaklee Vita Lea and  Calcium Magnesium. I shook my head. …

Hand exercises for arthritis

For all you golfers, tennis players and key boarders whose fingers work hard on your devices all day long, here are some moves that will help strengthen your hands. You may even avoid carpal tunnel pain or alleviate arthritis in your thumbs as I have been able to do. My thanks to Viola Brumbaugh teacher …

Eat organic, lower cancer risk 25%?

Eat Organic: Lower cancer risk by 25%        (From the heart and travel news below) Dear One, Is it true? If it is, what would you do about it? Spend the money? Lobby for policy change to increase government support for organic food production? Or ignore the data? Rachel and Charles Benbrook just published an article …

The Cleanse: one person’s experience.

Seven day cleanse with Shaklee Since I promoted the box with the seven packets and recommendations for the Shaklee detox cleanse, I thought I’d better do it myself. Wow! I lost 5 pounds! I wasn’t trying to lose weight and didn’t think I needed to, but the little “fluffy belly” is gone. 135 is a …

Youth skin care line

Dear One, A little over 18 months ago, Shaklee introduced the YOUTH skin-care line, ideal for dull, dry skin or for anyone wanting to look younger longer. The previous line, Enfuselle, was loved by so many, including me. I wasn’t that excited about losing the familiar and embracing the new. Besides YOUTH products are more …

Back to School snacks

Gentle Reader, I was out with my granddaughter the other day—she’s twenty and was driving me in her car—when she confessed she hadn’t eaten in a while. She reached in her purse for a bar, pulled off the wrapper and started munching on the dense, dark thing, clearly loaded with protein. She suffers from low …

Awful Cancer

From the Heart….. A great sadness fills my heart as I write to you at the beginning of July. The father of my first grandchild died this morning. Tom Killorin was Grace’s first husband, groom at the first wedding in our family of four daughters and the only one presided over by my daughters’ father, …

heart attack

Dear One, How can you help yourself avoid a heart attack? Your water drinking habits influence your overall health, and maybe the health of your heart. Can drinking more water help prevent a heart attack? When I gave a health talk at a retirement home not long ago, I was surprised at the answer I …

Turning 80 and FitBit

Turning 80 and FitBit Turning 80 gives me a new take on aging. Eighty is Old Age. Make no mistake. Eighty is old. Arriving here has been a contest against genetics and the hurdles life tossed in my path. I decided to get some assistance with the contest: a FitBit. The idea was to measure …

Awareness Through Movement

Dear one, What appeared in today’s New York Times in Jean Brody’s Health post is a must share with you and all your friends. She talks about Feldenkrais, a technique and practice I discovered many, many years ago when what I needed most was Awareness Through Movement. Becci Parsons in my local Feldenkrais guru. She …