Why is turmeric good for you?

(From the Heart is below, plus info about the new issue of Basic G+ so read on.) Turmeric Boost from Shaklee is a highly absorbable form of Curcuminoids (they added black pepper to help). Turmeric has been used to reduce inflammation (arthritis), natural pain relief, joint pain relief, heart health, clearing brain fog and more. …

Product news from Shaklee Corp.

Dear Ones, The Global Pandemic has given rise to changes in Shaklee’s inventory, ingredient sourcing, and the demand of Shaklee’s health giving products. Many of you have noticed the delay in shipping your favorite supplements, cleaning and disinfectant products. The company is doing the best they can as customer service people work from home and …

Sooth chapped hands

Have your hands become raw, cracked, red? That hand sanitizer! There are so many on the market and the supply is pretty good now that the various supply chains and manufacturers have pulled themselves together. But wouldn’t it be nice to have a sanitizer that you know is effective? That you know will not hurt …

Staying home could weaken your immune system

In the words of my trainer, staying home can mess up your immune system. When we are ready to mingle again, how resistant will our systems be? PJ Glassey of Xgym asks if we remember when Quarantines were only for sick people? I was once quarantined because I had the mumps. I remember the dark …

Prove it once and for all

Seriously, Dear One, If you’ve been reading my posts for a while, or this is the first one you are seeing AND if you want better health for the long haul but just can’t seem to get the program under way OR keep the current program going more than a few weeks, READ ON… You …

the Krebs cycle: who cares?

Dear Ones, I’ve been unpacking the challenges we face when we try to change our lifestyle. We want to achieve certain health goals. What prevents us from making those changes? It isn’t easy. I talk about these challenges is on www.fb.com/betsybellshealth4u live steam at 8:30 Thursdays, Pacific time. In case you are not a FaceBook …

Protein and Muscle Mass

From the heart…. There seems to be a gulf between elderly people with good, strong muscles and those whose muscles have wasted away, even when they are visiting the gym and working out several times a week. A friend who is in his nineties called to see if I could suggest something to help him …