Pyramid or MLM

  Esteemed One, I’ve created a 2 minute video with my thoughts on Pyramid or MLM as an “all-boats-rise-to-the-top” method of beating the 1% at their game, up there on top of their corporate empires. Your life and mine don’t have to fit into this model.  We have an option in MLM, Multilevel Marketing, escape from the Pyramid.  I would love to be your coach and […]

4 1/2 hours of driving…Oh, my aching back

Gentle Reader, Six hiking buddies escaped to the cabin of one of us on the Oregon coast just sound of Canon Beach.  The sun shone and the sand was warm, inviting surfers, families and dogs to play even though it was mid week and basically empty of tourists or locals. I was really hurting from the long hours of driving […]

Is your SSI income holding you back?

Greetings! SSI and Social Security income can hold us back and keep us from venturing into an online internet marketing business. We may think:  I’ll lose my government money if I earn too much.  One year I made the paltry sum of $300. All four of our daughters were in college.  We had scholarship money and loans based on financial […]

My first sales job: MCI

Greetings! It was a bleak year, 1983.  I earned exactly $300 co-teaching classes called “Thinking Like a Women” and “The Feminine Face of God”.  A friend told me the new phone company, MCI, was hiring sales people, so I went down to their office Monday morning at 9 and every morning after that until on Friday they hired me.  I […]

Safe household cleaners

What is Get Clean and Why do you care? Make every day Earth Day with Shaklee’s House Hold Products. Safe household cleaning products that are concentrated save money, reduce waste, and care for the environment. We believe cleaning house shouldn’t involve dirtying the earth.  Years ago Dr. Shaklee formulated a powerful cleaning agent that breaks down easily instead of hanging out for […]

Food Cures. Is there such a thing?

Gentle Reader, I’ve joined an on line face book arthritis support group to learn from others how they suffer and what they are doing about it.  Following the rabbit trails I came to this web site  maintained by a Joy Bauer.  She has a slide show showing foods that are helpful for sufferers of arthritis.  You can also take a survey […]

Making money is a lot like mushroom hunting

Sounds weird, I know.How could a home based busines be anything like mushroom hunting? Well, think about it for a minute. If you were to head into the mountains, park the car and wander off into the woods to look for mushrooms, what do you think you’d find?  With no prior knowledge? With no training in where to go or […]

What’s a Bryn Mawr grad doing selling soap and pills?

I asked myself this same question when I quit the multinational corporation I was working for to promote health through sales of my beloved healthnut products.  What was all that study, a BA and MA in Romance Languages from the top college for women for, anyway?  A couple people I invited to lunch so I could ask them to join […]

Who and What are you attracting?

“You are a living magnet” says Brian Tracy in Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life.  He called it the law of attraction and states that you invariably attract into your life the people, ideas, opportunities, and circumstances in harmony with your dominant thoughts. The leaders in Network Marketing Companies are attracting masses of followers into their groups, all with the vision of changing […]