Preventing and Healing Repetitive Strain Injuries

Gentle Reader, How great to share with you several article about preventing and healing repetitive strain injuries.  From time to time excellent articles come across my desk that are worth passing on to you.  Jule Donnelly does a great job of presenting the details of the major over-strained muscles used by athletes, and even us old gals who are hiking […]

Sleep and Arthritis Pain

Gentle Reader, What’s up with not getting a deep, long sleep at night?  I have heard from several of my customers that falling asleep is no problem, but they wake up in the night and can’t get back to sleep afterward.  Not getting a good night’s sleep is a serious concern in our modern busy world and it seems to […]

Practice makes perfect

Hey, there, I just watched a Hip Hop and Rap program at the new Museum of History and Industry at the south end of lake Union here in Seattle. I was with a couple of my grandchildren and their parents.  It was an outing to honor Carsten who just turned 16 and has tried to do some Hip Hop moves. […]

Arthritis or Tendonitis?

Gentle Reader, Tendonitis or arthritis?  Which is it?  My oldest daughter (52) was feeling sprightly one morning in Ecstatic Dance and accepted an invitation to do a cartwheel and round off.  Why not?  She is fit, exercises daily and used to do them easily when she was a gymnast back in high school.  So off she sped across the floor, […]

How flexible should I be?

Gentle Reader, How flexible should I be?  Should you be?  It is amazing to me how much more flexible I am after a weekend Yoga retreat and 3 additional sessions with the instructors; more to come.  But in no way do I lean to left or right as far as the others in the class.  Nor can I make my […]

Yoga for Arthritis

Gentle Reader, I have a diagnosis of arthritis, osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis. I gave up yoga for arthritis about 6 years ago, as it seemed to exacerbate the pain in my hips and spine. However, when my youngest daughter Ruth raved about her 6 a.m. yoga class and the teacher, I took notice. She convinced me that Laura could instruct […]

Immune support

Gentle Reader. IMMUNE SUPPORT:  NUTRIFERON I tried to make sense of developing breast cancer at age 34.  One thought was to blame too much use of antibiotics as a child, along with cold and flu suppressants.  No doctor has been willing to go there with me.  My approach to my own health these past 42 cancer free years has been […]

Corporate Ex. turns Sales leader

What a testimony to this business opportunity!  Shaklee’s corporate executive, Laura Evans, is now a Sales Leader in the field.  Here is her story: Laura Evans Joins the Shaklee Field! We have exciting news to share! After ten years of encouraging people to join Shaklee as a distributor, Laura Evans, our Senior Vice President of Sales has finally decided to listen […]

Grandmas on the move

Gentle Reader, The first few moments of a hike and I confess, I do not feel like one of those Grandmas on the move.  I feel every twinge in my ankles as they wake up; in my knees as the right one clicks ominously; in my left foot where the old neuropathy pain can flair up.  After about 20 minutes […]

Gifts for health

Gift Ideas for a Healthy Life Here is a suggestion list of beautiful ways to remember someone’s birthday, anniversary, special achievement or goal with a simple gift for a healthy life.  Your friends and family will know how much you care when you give one of these gifts for health. TO SLIP IN WITH A CARD *180 Pomegranate Tea Stick(s) with […]