Holy kitchen

Gentle Reader, I opened the quarterly Earth Letter from Earth Ministry to read the lead article, “The Work at Hand”.  It’s about making a holy kitchen.  Let me explain. The author’s name, Carol Flinders, did not ring a bell until I came across a reference to “all the things we said in Laurel’s Kitchen” and …

control arthritis pain

Gentle Reader, I am back from a glorious trip to the East Coast for a college reunion, then to England to visit friends and do a long walk through Yorkshire and Westmorland.  You can read about these meanderings at www.EmpoweredGrandma.net. More and more people my age (I’ll turn 77 in three weeks), give up adventures …


Gentle Reader, So much determines well-being:  good friends, love and happiness, nourishing food, a sense of spiritual fulfillment, a personal sense of purpose and meaning, deep restorative rest are at the top of the list.  When these ingredients are present over a person’s life, they seem to have an anti-aging effect.  Scientists and explorers have …

resveratrol for joints

Gentle Reader, There is so much I could share about this past weekend at my alma mater, Bryn Mawr College, just outside Philadelphia on the MainLine.  In keeping with the goal of this blog, I will single out arthritic joint issues and focus on possible remedies for joint pain. Twenty-nine of my classmates came to …

anti-inflammatory plants

Gentle Reader, If you hesitate to take aspirin or other over the counter drugs for arthritis pain, you may be interested in anti-inflamatory plants as an alternatives Two plants have been used in the East for centuries.  Their properties have been annalized and verified by Western medicine.  Their potency has been standardized by a few companies and …

Alternative pain relief

Plants for Alternative Pain Relief Boswellia serrata Extracts of Boswellia serrata have been clinically studied for osteoarthritis and joint function, particularly for osteoarthritis of the knee. Positive effects of Boswellia in some chronic inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, osteoarthritis, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease have been reported. A Boswellia extract marketed under the name Wokvel has undergone human efficacy, comparative, …

Tai-chi for fibromyalgia

Gentle Reader Tai-Chi for Fibromyalgia: Should You Try It? If you have fibromyalgia and experience musculoskeletal pain, poor sleep quality and depression, you might try tai-chi — a martial art form combining meditation with slow, gentle, graceful movements. A small but important study in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) suggests that tai chi may help …

tennis elbow and fatty acids

Gentle Reader, Fatty Acids, Antioxidants May Help “Tennis Elbow” Are you plagued with tennis elbow?  Other inflammed joints?  Perhaps this Danish study on the use of fatty acids to reduce tennis elbow inflammation will be of interest. FREDENSBORG, DENMARK (Reuters Health) – A combination of essential fatty acids and antioxidants appears to be an effective …

One woman’s asthma story

I am the woman who spoke about asthma at the Diane Petosky seminar.  Here are the changes I made that alleviated my asthma symptoms: 1) Get rid of commercial fabric softeners 2) Use Shaklee Basic-L laundry product, as well as Nature Bright fabric brightener and Softer-than-Soft fabric softener. This eliminated all of the irritants in the other laundry products …