Knee pain

Gentle Reader,   My knee complains. Knee pain from the old injury is caused by arthritis.  In the forest searching for chanterelles, my companions and I climb steeply to the plateau, second growth northwest forest of red cedar, western hemlock, Douglas fir, alder and vine maple. The understory is mossy in places, the green blanket providing the perfect platform for the […]

MindWorks Works

What is MindWorks™? MindWorks contains key nutrients that have been shown in three clinical studies and dozens of laboratory studies to improve short-term mental sharpness and focus and help protect against age-related mental decline.* Scientific studies have shown the key ingredients in MindWorks work in three ways: • Immediate improvements in memory and focus*—3X better than the control group** • […]

backyard chickens

Gentle Reader, I depart from my usual commentary on health and fitness to give you a post on backyard chickens.  My flock and my granddaughter’s Alicia’s flock have dominated our lives for the past couple weeks.  Someone suggested I share the drama. ***  Her cry wrenches their hearts.  Mid-range utterances, she tips her head back and repeats the call.  She […]

Allergy control

Gentle Reader, Are you suffering from the newly released molds and irritants now that the fall rains are here?  Have you been using over the counter medications to keep your nose from running and to dry up that post nasal drip? You need allergy control! I was an allergy sufferer for years.  In fact, I developed an allergy to the […]

immune system

Gentle Reader, Our immune system needs help.  Flu season is upon us.  People all around me have colds.  Our children are getting leveled by Enterovirus 68. Are you nervous about the Ebola virus?  The annual debate surfaces again among people who prefer a natural approach to prevention and those accepting vaccines. What are your plans for protecting yourself, your children […]

brain exercises

Gentle Reader, Brain exercises are instructive to any of us who experience lapses of memory or feel muddled in our thinking. May I share a recent posting by Dr. Jamie Mc Manus, Chair of Medical Affairs at Shaklee?  Her comments help with life in general but more specifically with understanding the role of exercise in brain health.   If you are looking to […]

Keep Moving

Hello, Gentle Reader, In end every post with “be well, do well and Keep Moving.”  But I spend most of my day at the computer, sitting for hours.  What’s to be done?  You probably don’t move all day at your work, either.  I was talking with my hair stylist, suggesting a trip for her family to La Push and Second […]


Gentle Reader, (This was first published a couple years ago, but not in the Health and Fitness blog thread).     In this post, the latest info on genetic variations.  Where is the norm? No one is perfect Because my youngest daughter Ruth was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer three summers ago, after already having a melanoma removed from her arm at the […]

low back pain

Gentle Reader, Yicks!  Low back pain. Leg numbness.  JR, my twenty something trainer, moved me up to a new set of exercises last week.  I’m not the only ancient mariner at the Xgym by a long shot, but the way they schedule us in half hour slots for a 25 minute hands-on workout, I don’t have the opportunity to see […]

clear thinking

Gentle Reader, Clear thinking.  We all want it.  Brain function is one of several declines we seems unable to prevent as we age.  However, it looks as though a new supplement can help. The news coming in from people who notice improvements in the quality of their thinking is so impressive I have decided to share one story with you. […]