Weight Loss winner!


Ask Shaklee 180™ Healthy Competition Winner, Weight loss winner, Viki!

Ask Shaklee 180™ Healthy Competition Winner, Viki!

She was a burden to her family.
She was a burden to her family.

Viki, Healthy Competition Winner and Pro Cartwheeler
Did a 180 and lost 127 lbs*

Viki went from feeling like a burden to her family to feeling happy, healthier, and confident. Here’s her weight gain and weight loss story:

Viki’s Before:

  • Used to not be physically able to do the dishes.
  • Used to feel like people turned away from her at the end of her sentences.
  • Used to feel miserable all the time.

The Tipping Point:

“I was a burden to my family. I couldn’t even do things like washing the dishes; it was embarrassing.”

Viki’s After-After™ Snapshot:

“I go to lunch with my girlfriends and I’m not afraid of what the restaurant has; I live without fear.  There’s nothing in my life that’s bigger than that.”

Tell us about your before:

“I struggled with my weight as a teenager, but it was nothing that I couldn’t get under control if I felt like it. And then I got pregnant with my first child and I gained 60 pounds. I was pregnant with my second child in under six months, and I didn’t gain as much weight, but I didn’t have the chance to take off the weight. There was no weight loss at all.  I just kind of didn’t do anything or really think much about it outside of wishing I was thinner until I got on the scale one day and I weighed 282 pounds.  I got back off the scale and I literally kicked it.”

How has Shaklee 180™ changed your life?

“There are a lot of changes that come with losing so much weight.  It’s definitely an emotional process to work through. When you’re heavy nobody’s paying attention to you and you just kind of go about and not worry about everything.  People don’t treat you the same; that’s just a fact of life and so there’s some pulling back of what you would otherwise feel bold enough to do. Before Shaklee 180™, people used to turn away at the end of my sentence; now they keep the conversation going.”

What else has changed?

“Shopping for clothes is now one of my favorite things to do! It used to be that I could shop until the cows came home but I couldn’t find anything that made me look good. Now I can go out and the problem is—my husband will attest to this—deciding to not get everything I like. [laughs] It’s a whole new mindset, you know, to go through an entire wardrobe of things that you don’t feel good in to trying to figure out what look you want to wear today; that’s a big difference.”

Tell us your Healthy Competition experience:

“I would have never imagined that I would be sitting here and talking to people on camera. Or being in a photo shoot where people are fussing with my hair and makeup and making me look pretty all day long. I loved it!”

Shaklee 180 Healthy Competition Winner Viki

 *Results and experiences from the Shaklee 180 Program are unique for each person, so results may vary.  People following the weight loss portion of the Shaklee 180 program can expect to lose 1-2 pounds a week.

Start your 180 program today.  Contact Betsy Bell, your 180 Specialist 206 933 1889 or visit www.BetsybellFatLoss.com to sign up.

Thanks to Shaklee corporation for the products they make, for this post and for the life I have and offer to anyone who wants better health and financial freedom.

Be well, Do well and Keep moving, Betsy

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Published by betsyjbell

Hi Energy Grandma lives in Seattle, WA; Loves to write, hike, walk, garden and spend time with 15 grandchildren and their parents. Because of my Shaklee products and a healthy eating life style, I have excellent health at age 75. Because of my Shaklee business, I have the money I need to take trips to all the corners of the earth, spend my time as I wish.

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