Blood can be thick or thin

I made a recent discovery. In preparation for surgery (a minor procedure to my left eye), the surgeon’s assistant called me to discuss my medications and how to alter my diet to reduce bleeding. I take no prescription medications so that part was easy. I told her that I take supplements. She directed me to stop taking any supplements that might thin the blood.

For years I’ve been taking various supplements by Shaklee to prevent heart disease (which runs in my family). The list is long:

Garlic:  May help lower blood pressure, does interfere with blood clotting

Fish Oil:  EPA may help blood flow into small arteries; may made blood slippery and more fluid

Vitamin E in two forms, tablet and gel cap: May increase bleeding

Blood Pressure Complex: may increase blood circulation. Contains quercitin, beet root, spinach all of which may reduce inflammation.

CorEnergy: contains ginseng and green tea which may thin the blood

Pain Relief Complex: works as an anti-inflammatory.

CoQ-heart: specifically designed to produce CoQ-10, an anti-inflammatory important to heart-health which we do not produce sufficiently as we age.

Six days ago, I stopped taking all the above supplements. On day seven I caught my forearm skin on a sharp piece of metal. Normally a wound like that would have sent blood running down my arm until I got a cotton swab to press on the injured skin and a tight Band-Aid applied immediately. On this day, just six days after eliminating all these blood-related supplements, the wound coagulated instantly, forming a clot. A Baid-Aid was not even necessary.

Imagine my surprise and my delight.

Many people with heart issues get a prescription for blood thinners and then must restrict their intake of green vegetables that have Vitamin K in them, such as broccoli and kale/spinach/collards. I have successfully kept my blood heart-healthy thin with Shaklee’s supplements! If you want to find out about these individual supplements made by Shaklee, go to my shopping page and explore the various suggestions for a healthy heart.

My doctor will be happy that I probably won’t bleed very much during the surgery. As soon as the procedure is over, I’ll go back to helping my heart remain healthy as I age. One could argue that a prescription would cost nothing or be partly covered by health insurance. Supplementation is expensive. I prefer to use a plant based, scientifically researched vitamin or herb created by Shaklee scientists to do the job of helping me maintain excellent health even though it costs quite a bit of money each month. Some websites I researched suggested you can get all these heart-healthy anti-inflammatories and anti-oxidants from your food. I tried that before I met the person who introduced me to Shaklee and it wasn’t working. I can’t eat enough kale to do the job. Can you?

Be well, Do well, and Keep Moving, Betsy

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