Be Well health tips

Your Brain–Is it working?

How to keep your brain healthy.

My friend called leaving messages three time before I was able to get back to her. “You have to get me more MindWorks immediately,” she told me. “My brain can’t function without it.” She is nearly ninety and has always been sharp, so not thinking clearly panicked her. She has been taking Shaklee’s Mindworks since it was introduced in 2014, and it has made a big difference in her ability to reason.

What I noticed when I started taking MindWorks was that I no longer forgot why I went to the basement even though I had been distracted on the way. Does this happen to you? What if MindWorks helped to change that?

What keeps the brain going?

Food, oxygen flow (exercise), water (75% of brain matter is H2O), sleep, good fat, and mood (attitude) are all key factors for maintaining good brain health.

What hurts the brain?

  • Smoking,
  • alcohol (kills brain cells),
  • too much screen time,
  • lack of fresh air,
  • concussions,
  • migraines,
  • PTSD,
  • depression,
  • not talking to people,
  • hearing loss,
  • too much sugar

You can take steps to change some harmful habits. You know what they are.

  • Stop gaming/scrolling and go outside.
  • reduce or eliminate alcohol
  • reduce or eliminate sugar
  • get together with people
  • seek treatment for PTSD or migraines
  • get hearing aids if you are missing bits of conversation

How does nutrition affect brain health?

Glucose is the primary source of brain energy and metabolism, so eat foods that contain natural glucose: fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, and nuts.

  • Glucose aids
  • in brain cell development and repair,
  • cognition
  • neural generation,
  • learning,
  • memory,
  • mood,
  • focus.

Keys to enrich brain health: antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals.

Brain food

10 brain-boosting foods

Nutrition impacts brain development, memory progression, focus, concentration capacity, and mood.

  • Be sure to include foods that can help improve cognition and boost brain cell health.
  • Fatty seafood,
  • dark leafy greens,
  • antioxidant-rich fruits,
  • nuts and seeds,
  • herbs and spices.

Fatty Seafood & Poultry

  • Fish

Fatty fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help the brain’s health. The brain is nearly 60% fat, and mostty of this fat is omega-3 fatty acids.

Help the brain build new cells and aid in learning, memory function, and anti-aging properties, by eating fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, and sardines.

  • Eggs

Because eggs contain key nutrients, both macro and micro, which are often missing in large populations, they’re great for regulating brain health, improving mental function, and regulating mood.

Eggs contain vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and choline, all good for brain health. Eggs are also a rich source of protein.

Antioxidant-Rich Fruits

  • Blueberries

Blueberries boost memory. They contain flavinoids, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects. Blueberries reduce stress and inflammation both of which age the brain.

  • Oranges

Vitamin C boosts the immune system. It may also prevent mental decline.

Dark Leafy Vegetables

  • Kale

Like other dark leafy greens–broccoli, spinach, and collards, kale is rich in vitamin K, beta-carotene, and folate, all good for the brain.


Broccoli boosts the brain because it promotes healthy fat in the brain. Broccoli contains Vitamin K which helps improve brain function in older adults.

Broccoli reduces oxidative stress and inflammatory stress.

Nuts and Seeds

  • Walnuts

Get your omega-3 healthy fats, complete proteins, and valuable vitamins and minerals from nuts. Walnuts are the best brain-boosting nuts.

  • Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a great antioxidant and help protect the brain and preserve cognition. Pumpkin seeds contain iron, copper, magnesium, and zinc.

Herbs and Spices

  • Turmeric

Turmeric helps with joint pain, And it also happens to be a great brain-boosting ingredient.

Turmeric boosts BDNF, a growth hormone that promotes the development of healthy brain cells and helps improve the aging process and mood.

  • Herbal Tea

Similar to coffee, herbal tea boosts performance, increases alertness, and improves cognitive memory. Drink herbal tea to get antioxidants and polyphenols, to your brain.

Don’t forget water, coffee, spinach, flaxseeds, strawberries, tomatoes, kiwi, avocados, and dark chocolate–all good for the brain. I love that chocolate is in this list and I don’t mean milk chocolate. Forget the Hershey Kisses.

Spotlight on MindWorks…

How would you like to take a supplement that would enhance short-term memory, sharpen focus, improve reaction time, protect against age-related cognitive decline, and support healthy circulation. Well now you can!

MindWorks contains key ingredients shown in laboratory studies to stimulate the formation of new neuronal connections and a key ingredient combination shown in a clinical study to slow brain shrinkage rate by 30% over 2 years.

Guarana extract has been shown in two clinical studies to significantly enhance short-term memory, sharpen focus, and improve reaction time, 3x better than the control group.

Healthy brain function requires healthy circulation. MindWorks contains an exclusive and double-patented chardonnay grape seed extract that has been shown in a pilot study to rapidly enhance circulation within 1 hour.

Wellness Tip: Pair with OmegaGuard to keep your mind healthy and sharp.

Your brain on Shaklee…

It’s a fact… food consumed regularly… whether healthy or unhealthy… has a significant, measurable effect on the brain. And since the brain operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, fueling it with nutrient-rich food and supplements is a must.

Here are a few nutrients beneficial for brain health and cognition:

Omega-3 fatty acids

Acting as a natural anti-inflammatory and nitric oxide booster, optimal dosages of omega-3 fatty acids promote blood flow to the brain, improving overall brain function, such as memory, while also decreasing the risk of depression and cognitive conditions such as dementia. You’ll find the correct balance of omega-3’s in OmegaGuard.

Vitamin E

As an antioxidant, vitamin E is an excellent vitamin for brain health and cognition. In fact, it’s recently been proposed as an alternative treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. For optimum absorption and metabolism, choose Vita-E Complex.


Found in both Stress Relief Complex and Dream Serene, l-theanine acts as a mild tranquilizer and aids in the relaxation of the nervous system. Some studies suggest that l-theanine also has the ability to boost memory, mood and cognition.


Studies suggest that l-carnitine plays several integral roles that promote brain health, including the release of free radicals, the reduction of oxidative stress, and the promotion of cognition and neuro-protection of the developing brain and the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. L-carnitine is also found in Stress Relief Complex and Dream Serene.


Chronic iron deficiency can lead to anemia, affecting nearly 30% of the world’s population.

Iron’s role in the brain includes oxygen transportation, neurotransmitter metabolism, and DNA synthesis.

If you need an iron boost, rely on Iron plus Vitamin C or Liqui-Lea.

Vitamin B

The B vitamins… particularly B6, B9, and B12… are essential for a healthy functioning brain. In fact, research suggests that the B vitamins are the most important nutrient complex for the brain and it’s function.

Vitamin B12 is often recommended as a daily supplement for the aging population to help prevent early-onset memory loss and cognitive decline.

Shaklee B-Complex. insures cellular absorption and function.


Lecithin may lower the risk of heart disease and stroke, improve circulation, keep the liver functioning at its peak, sharpen mental skills, provide more energy, and… can help with weight loss.

Each Shaklee Lecithin capsule provides 520 mg of lecithin as well as inositol, which plays a critical role in the regulation of cell metabolism.

Shaklee Lecithin contains no added preservatives, artificial colors or flavors.

Final Thoughts

No matter the health, fitness, or wellness goal, your best results come from a combination of foods. Brain health is no different.

Eat the helpful ones and avoid the harmful ones.

The right foods nurture the brain and brain performance and mental and physical well-being.

Be well, Do Well, and Keep Moving

Please pass this information along to anyone who might benefit. I welcome comments and questions.

Stay in touch:; 206-409-5940;


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