Practice makes perfect

Hey, there,

I just watched a Hip Hop and Rap program at the new Museum of History and Industry at the south end of lake Union here in Seattle. I was with a couple of my grandchildren and their parents.  It was an outing to honor Carsten who just turned 16 and has tried to do some Hip Hop moves.  A team of 5 dancers performed and then the lead guy invited members of the audience to take a little lesson.  He broke down the dance steps into segments of 8 and get them slowly making the moves.  I couldn’t take my eyes off him to see how the participants were doing.  They performed again and I could identify the dance steps he was teaching in their fabulous and intricate presentation.

This video came across my desk today.

It demonstrates how practice makes perfect and the desired thing comes true.  Anything you do in life, or want to do with a burning desire, you can achieve if you wholeheartedly practice.  Over and over and over again without giving up; every waking moment.  That’s how people succeed.  In dance, in other sports and in business. Practice makes perfect.

I can coach you to success in business, but I cannot practice for you. You must do that yourself.  Your practice makes you perfect.

Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving,


206 933 1889

Want to evaluate what I am doing from home (practicing everyday)?  Watch these videos in sequence to get a good idea.  If you like what you see, get in touch.

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Published by betsyjbell

Hi Energy Grandma lives in Seattle, WA; Loves to write, hike, walk, garden and spend time with 15 grandchildren and their parents. Because of my Shaklee products and a healthy eating life style, I have excellent health at age 75. Because of my Shaklee business, I have the money I need to take trips to all the corners of the earth, spend my time as I wish.

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