Comments on: What helps when sitting around all day: Italian workshop Be Well, Do Well and Keep Moving Thu, 15 Nov 2012 19:20:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: betsyjbell Thu, 15 Nov 2012 19:20:32 +0000 In reply to Margaret Bullitt.

Good resolve for travel wellness, Margaret. Here is a blog post about airplane travel that might be helpful. Enjoy, and thanks for commenting. Betsy

By: Margaret Bullitt Thu, 15 Nov 2012 18:50:37 +0000 Hi Betsy,

So good to see photos of Villalina — it brings back how beautiful it was. Good reminders, too, of how to stay healthy and fit while traveling. Pointers about plane travel would be helpful, as well as the effects of alcohol and sugar. I make sure to drink plenty of water before and during a flight, and avoid alcohol, flour products and sugar. I also make sure to get up and stretch during the flight — even, as you say, if it’s embarrassing to your travel companions! Once arrived, I continue to try to be moderate about eating and drinking. It’s tempting to think, I’m on vacation! But to overdue it can spoil the next day. For me, I’m not talking about a binge. Even just bread, dessert, coffee with cream, wine — the natural sugar in all those things tends to bloat me, inflame my joints, and interfere with good sleep. Plus I tend to feel depressed and moody. The flour in Europe doesn’t have the GMO wheat that we have here, and I found the pasta didn’t bloat
me as much as it does here. But still, I tried to be mindful of not overdoing any of that, and I know that helped me stay sane and balanced, mentally and physically.
