personal training results

Gentle Reader,
I was wondering if I could walk to the car on my rubbery legs from the lunges with a weight vest on when  PJ Glassey captured me on video.  I had just finished my 21 minute workout with Dan this morning at the Xgym on Alki in Seattle.  My goal in going to the Xgym 2 x a week for personal training is to increase bone density.  At my next annual physical in Sept 2015, I’ll get that tested and report on the success.  What has surprised me is the functional improvement in my daily life tasks.

Betsy X Gym Testimonial
Betsy X Gym Testimonial

Here’s one of the exercises, bench row with barbells.

I am in the middle of what they call splits: controlled small movements monitored for form, lasting until the muscles in use fatigue completely, about 4 1/2 minutes.  Efficient and not damaging to joints.  Can you see that it’s 25 lbs in each hand?
Two things:  I have hiking friends who give me a run for my money without this kind of training.  Some people are lucky with their genes and don’t have as much to overcome as I do.  Secondly, I am convinced diet and supplements make a big difference in my recovery and improvement.  I always take an after workout recovery drink Physique or the 180 smoothie Shaklee makes, to repair the muscle break down.  The protein powder has leucine in it that heals muscle.  I get enough protein every day from both plant and meat and fish sources, at least 100 grms.  And I eat many servings of vegetables, beets, carrots, celery, kale, other greens, onions, tomatoes plus apples, raspberries and blueberries.  No grains, or very little.  It seems to be working to keep this arthritis-ridden body going.  Hiking, anyone?
Be well, Do well and Keep Moving,
Betsy  for more health stories and tips to shop for Shaklee products on my personal web site
206 933 1889  I still love to talk to people, answer questions, hear your stories.

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