Allergy control

Gentle Reader,

Are you suffering from the newly released molds and irritants now that the fall rains are here?  Have you been using over the counter medications to keep your nose from running and to dry up that post nasal drip? You need allergy control!

I was an allergy sufferer for years.  In fact, I developed an allergy to the Northwest forest after moving here from Oklahoma and Kansas 45 years ago!  Happily 27 years ago I found a solution.  I want to share this natural miracle with you in this post.  Acknowlegments to Michelle Parrott for her allergie wellness information sheet.

An allergy is an over-reaction of the immune system to a foreign protein substance.

60 million people have asthma/allergies. That’s 1 in 4
people! Over the last 10yrs there has been an 18%
increase in allergies!

 Allergies & Asthma

  40% of children now have    allergies.

8 million of those are respiratory  allergies

7 million have non-respiratory  allergies (food, pets, plants)

The annual cost of allergies is $7 BILLION DOLLARS!!!!!!

– Nearly $6 billion in medications

– Nearly 4 million lost workdays per year totaling close to $700 million lost in productivity!


There are now over 20 million asthma suffers! This number has quadrupled in the last 30 years!!!!! The stats are staggering with 1 out of 13 people having asthma.

60 million people have asthma/allergies. That’s 1 in 4allergies

people! Over the last 10yrs there has been an 18%

increase in allergies!

An allergy is an over-reaction of the immune system to a foreign protein substance.

Exposure to Toxins & Lack of Nutrients

– Exposure to toxins from smoke, cleaners, pollution and mold which puts the immune system under attack. – Lack of nutrients caused by stress, medications and consumption of sugar, refined carbs, caffeine & alcohol.

These things put a toll on our immune system causing it to work harder than it has to and then in turn weakening it.

Never Be Sick Again by: Raymond Francis

What are the 2 causes of disease

In the book by Raymond Francis he said that being sick is quite simple and can be classified by one word: disease.

allergie causing cleanersAnd DISEASE is what happens when cells malfunction, whether it’s by a virus or bacteria.


Removing toxins from your home from basic household cleaners can make a big impact on your health.



Our Get Clean® line is:

– Non-toxic

– Leaves no harmful residues

– Safe around children, animals & sensitive adults

– Biodegradable

– Outperforms many leading natural brands

 Three Key approaches for Allergy Relief

1. Rebuild the Immune System

2. Restore Digestive Tract

3. Remove Toxins from your environment


Rebuild the immune system with supplements that will help support it: Nutriferon, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Alfalfa, B-Complex, OmegaGuard (for wheezing).

You also should avoid: sugar, wheat, and dairy. Then add in 6-9 servings of veggies a day!!!!

For allergy suffers who tend to get sinus infections: Garlic Complex will kick it out of the park with its anti-viral, anti-bacterial & anti-fungal properties. (It’s also great at killing off candida, which is a major contributor to allergies.

Restoring the digestive tract is key. Did you know that 70% of your immune allergiesoptiflorasystem lies in your gut! That’s just astounding! Providing your gut with the proper bacteria to fight off the bad bacteria is essential in your immune systems response to work properly.

Not only will it help your immune system but it will also provide relief from bloating,

Removing toxins from your home from basic household cleaners can make a big impact on your health.

Our Get Clean® line is:allergies Get clean kit

– Non-toxic

– Leaves no harmful residues

– Safe around children, animals & sensitive adults

– Biodegradable

– Outperforms many leading natural brands

garlicGarlic Complex

Allicin, a compound found in garlic, has been shown to be responsible for many beneficial actions, including the support for the maintenance of healthy levels of beneficial microorganisms.* Garlic is an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal & helps kill off candida! * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Alfalfa is a storehouse of nutrients. Its taproot reaches down as deep as 20 feet, alfalfasearching out nutrients and minerals from deposits in the soil, while its leaves gather large amounts of chlorophyll through the natural process of photosynthesis.

Alfalfa helps with asthma, allergies & arthritis, as it’s a natural antihistamine.

Alfalfa Complex is a Shaklee Signature Formula originally developed by Dr. Shaklee.

The Simplified Approach, a place to begin

VitalizerVitalizer is the most advanced multinutrient supplement in the marketplace today with bio-optimized nutrients clinically proven to create a foundation for a longer, healthier life. * Vitalizer is the powerful and convenient approach to complete supplementation providing the best spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-aging phytonutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics*, all in one daily serving.

 Custom formula created specifically for today’s healthy active woman


 Patent-pending delivery system designed to enhance absorption of key nutrients


 Based on 12 clinical studies and a first-of-its-kind Landmark Study



NutriFeron is a patented, clinically proven blend of immune-strengthening plant extracts. When used daily, it increases the production of your body’s natural interferon, a critical activator of the immune system. NutriFeron works at the cellular level, by rapidly activating your immune system’s defenses*


In a world of hundreds of supplements… and hundreds of claims in a vitamin industry that is poorly regulated and has  lots of hype ….

Watch this to understand why people know Shaklee is the company they can trust …


Dr Bruce Daggy , Shaklee Chief Scientific Officer ” When we say our products are based on science, we mean our products are based on solid proven science. We obsess over the quality of our products.”

I am especially relieved when my allergies do not keep me from hiking, walking out doors, moving vigorously.  So many who suffer from allergies and take over the counter medications for them, are tired, drained, drugged into a slow moving zombie, even.  Try this natural approach and get relief.  Yes, you will be taking a handful of supplements.  It will shock you how many alfalfa you take.  But, believe me, they work.  Gone are the sniffles, the watery eyes, the post nasel drip.  Why not try it?  You get your money back if it doesn’t make you feel better, Guaranteed.

Be well, Do Well, and Keep Moving,


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Call for a consultation!

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