“Why can’t you fly now, Mother?”

“Why can’t you fly now, mother?”
“Because I am grown up, dearest. When people grow up they forget the way.”
“Why do they forget the way?”
“Because they are no longer gay and innocent and heartless. It is only the gay and innocent and heartless who can fly.”
― J.M. Barrie

Dear One,

Perhaps we were not heartless when we were young.  Perhaps we can’t fly now because we have hearts that have grown pinched and afraid.  Napoleon Hill says fear is the greatest single obstacle to success.

Did you  dream impossible dreams when you were little?

Though I never once thought they were “impossible” way back then because, as a kid, everything seems
possible. Didn’t it?

Then as we grew older and had time to experience a few set backs and a few disappointments… somewhere
along the line we sometimes stopped dreaming and started settling for what we thought we COULD accomplish.

Because we are afraid.

It’s doesn’t have to be like that anymore. What if?

Because if you have ever succeeded at doing anything well… then you have everything you need to succeed
at ANYTHING well… except the belief that you still can make wonderful things happen.

So here’s my humble suggestion. Take a few minutes out of your day to dream an impossible thing. Why not?  At
least it’s a moment of fun and fantasy.  Divide your life up into areas important to you. Things like:
=> Financial Goals
=> Family & Relationships, and
=> Spiritual Development
Have a heart-to-heart conversation with yourself and discover, once again, where you would like to be –
If a lack of money, time, skill, AND belief – if these were not an issue – where would you picture yourself in each of these areas? How would you LIKE your life to look? What would a perfect day consist of? Where would you find yourself?
Who would you be hanging out with? Where would you be hanging out?
Take notes and jot your dreams down. Play with them and flesh them out a little bit each day.  Give yourself PERMISSION to dream fun and magical and design – if only on paper and in your imagination – your perfect life.  Remember what it’s like to dream of flying.  You want a different answer to Peter Pan’s question, Why can’t you fly now, Mother?Because it is only AFTER you know where you are going that you’ll be able to set in motion the things that can
take you there. So begin by dreaming and always remember:”You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you think you are, and smarter than you think.” J.M.Barrie

What if it DOES work?

Be well, Do well and Keep Moving,


Join me now and fly.

Still a little nervous, scared?  Call me 206 933 1889.  I’ll show you the plan and how it works.

Just testing?  Watch this.  http://www.createlifetimeincome.info/betsybell

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